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Tentative modular setup

IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Jul 8, 2014 01:01:28
Aight, as encouraged y'all knob wigglers here, I have decided to scrap my dreams of getting a Voyager and just make a killer modular. Here's my tentative setup, got a couple questions:

WHAT I NEED IT FOR: Just so you have an idea, there are main things I use my hw for.

1) Squelches and all that goodness. Judging from videos from Nectarios, Woodster and Wil here, the Atlantis and maybe an extra osc/filter etc should have that covered;

2) S&H sequences - again, Atlantis seems ideal.

3) The hard part: Big, grimy bass sequencies with evolving timbres... I'll chop them up later, but the idea would be to use the ES-4/Silent Way to get a nice groove going, and then use DAW automation into the Silent Way plugs to have a couple extra CV's for modulating filter cutoff/timbre/waveshape.
So what I'm thinking is to use, in parallel, the Atlantis(with dirty fm) + STO (for sub) + Shapeshifter (vocoded, wavetable, etc) and then patch them into the Dubmix, and them maybe into the MMG for a final filtration.

So, questions:

1) Does that seem remotely sensible?

2) The dubmix - would that be able to do the parallel mixing I'm talking about, AND would that be enough of a VCA, or would I want another??

3) What obvious glaring oversight am I missing ?

4) With the Atlantis, STO, AND shapeshifter, is the Rubicon redundant?

Thanks for bearing with a modular newb.
          Dance, even if you have nowhere to do it but your living room. ~Kurt Vonnegut
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jul 8, 2014 10:18
Have you visited muffwiggler forum? I'd search some of your queries there or ask on their eurorack subforum. You need to be quite specific in your answers as "this is my dream rack" and a link gets minimal responses as there are too many q's like that.

IMO it looks alright, but I'm very new to it as well.           Cuntus Maximus.
Martian Arts

Started Topics :  187
Posts :  5292
Posted : Jul 8, 2014 12:40
I'd ditch the dubmix for a nice stg/cp3 moog mixer an optomix, a disting, an A-124 Wasp VCF and an Azimuth for stereo patches. If another slim VCA fits in the free space, I'd get another one of them.

Not going to refer to the Shapeshifter as its all down to taste, it is probably THE deepest oscillator in euro, right now.

Killer rig by the way! Its amazing the stuff you get instead of a Voyager. This modular runs circles around it.
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jul 8, 2014 16:11
Sweet rig, id have it

Leave some cash for tip top stackables.......essentail imho           Â°Â°Â°ACTS 4:12°°°°
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  119
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Posted : Jul 8, 2014 16:18
Sweet rig, id have it

Doepfer do some awesome stuff as well....not always bout makenoise and intellijel
Tried the diode ladde and was blown away by the moogy bass it gives

Leave some cash for tip top stackables.......essentail imho           Â°Â°Â°ACTS 4:12°°°°
Martian Arts

Started Topics :  187
Posts :  5292
Posted : Jul 8, 2014 16:27
+1 on stackables and patch cables in general...running out of patch cables with that rig would be a tragedy!  
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  49
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Posted : Jul 8, 2014 17:16
Thanks y'all!


On 2014-07-08 16:18, woodster77 wrote:

Doepfer do some awesome stuff as well....not always bout makenoise and intellijel

Actually, it's next to impossible to find Doepfer in Canada without paying customs duties; Intellijel is based a few hours away from my city, and is super cheap here.

Fortunately there seem to be plenty of options in Eurorack... hehehe! But - I do love the ladder filter sound, so I may have to find something for that, too.

          Dance, even if you have nowhere to do it but your living room. ~Kurt Vonnegut
Martian Arts

Started Topics :  187
Posts :  5292
Posted : Jul 8, 2014 17:31

On 2014-07-08 17:16, loki wrote:
Intellijel is based a few hours away from my city, and is super cheap here.

IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  119
Posts :  1733
Posted : Jul 8, 2014 17:54
Youll find doepfer on muff forum buddy
          Â°Â°Â°ACTS 4:12°°°°
Martian Arts

Started Topics :  187
Posts :  5292
Posted : Jul 8, 2014 17:59
loki PM sent  
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  49
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Posted : Jul 8, 2014 18:33

Okay, the Dubmix DOES seem a bit extreme so I took it off.

However, for what I want to do bass-wise, I need a mixer with at least 2, preferably 3 channels and ideally filtering on some of those channels. One of them should have a hi-pass.

The Make Noise QMMG does basically all of that with channels to spare... but it's expensive here.

OR I could do something cheap a la Pittsburgh Modular for a mixer, and just use a separate VCF for the filtering duties.


Stereo, while nice, isn't essential at this point yet actually.           Dance, even if you have nowhere to do it but your living room. ~Kurt Vonnegut
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  49
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Posted : Jul 8, 2014 18:40

On 2014-07-08 17:54, woodster77 wrote:
Youll find doepfer on muff forum buddy

EDIT: Hmmm. Wasn't even thinking about second hand stuff, should be I guess.

Seems like Doepfer does a few modules still that no one else really has an equivalent for. Cool.
          Dance, even if you have nowhere to do it but your living room. ~Kurt Vonnegut
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  49
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Posted : Jul 8, 2014 19:00

Well, I was somewhat undecided on the Shapeshifter but that sounds pretty fly.

Between that + the Atlantis, would I even need the STO? I'm still thinking the Rubicon is redundant so I scratched that. Hmmm.

          Dance, even if you have nowhere to do it but your living room. ~Kurt Vonnegut
Martian Arts

Started Topics :  187
Posts :  5292
Posted : Jul 8, 2014 19:10
STO sounds very different than the Dixie VCO of the Atlantis. The Rubicon is one of the best VCOs out there...Not sure if I would scrap either out...but you get 2 VCOs in the Atlantis, 1 VCO in the STO, 2 oscillators in the Shapeshifter and one VCO in the Rubicon...that's 6 oscillators (some with sub osc out)....happy tuning! hehehe

Most basic audio mixers come with 4 inputs, you can alternatively run the output of the oscillator that you want to filter the bottom end, out of, into a high pass VCF and then add the output of that HPF, into one of the 4 mixer inputs and then adjust levels as you please.  
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  49
Posts :  429
Posted : Jul 8, 2014 19:30
Hahaha, just as I settled on the SS I find the Mutable Inst Braids, which is cheaper and does a lot of what I wanted anyways. Not as functional.

Man, the choices are killing me.           Dance, even if you have nowhere to do it but your living room. ~Kurt Vonnegut
Trance Forum » » Forum  Equipment - Tentative modular setup

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