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IsraTrance Senior Member

Started Topics :  241
Posts :  2848
Posted : Apr 5, 2011 09:37
there is gonna be trauma religious or otherwise...basically if you look at your macs or your pcs or if you have one of those linux/ unix etc things ...the operating system is its religion, its the platform it rests on...the whole notion of death stems from it...death is the only real trauma that all religions use to gain popularity and acceptance..remove the fear of death and all religion and spirituality may oh look some people celebrate death blah blah..but the reality is no one wants to die and because no one wants to die its traumatic..and all your traumas stem from there..everyone has their own perceptions about what happens when you die..the tibetans say something, the hindus another , the christians another the jews a third and the muslims a fourth...this fear of death is exaggerated to such degrees in your basic operational system of the mind, that it makes you dysfunctional or TRAUMATIZED...look its simple if you are microsoft or apple you are the orthodox church worried about intellectual property etc etc if you are google or facebook you are the protestants...its all religion and face it you are to scared to die thats why you get traumatized..if you didnt have the fear of death..religion is just feel good get high for free           When death comes to your doorstep, make sure you are alive
IsraTrance Junior Member
Started Topics :  11
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Posted : Apr 5, 2011 18:36

On 2011-04-05 09:37, Xolvexs wrote:
there is gonna be trauma religious or otherwise...basically if you look at your macs or your pcs or if you have one of those linux/ unix etc things ...the operating system is its religion, its the platform it rests on...the whole notion of death stems from it...death is the only real trauma that all religions use to gain popularity and acceptance..remove the fear of death and all religion and spirituality may oh look some people celebrate death blah blah..but the reality is no one wants to die and because no one wants to die its traumatic..and all your traumas stem from there..everyone has their own perceptions about what happens when you die..the tibetans say something, the hindus another , the christians another the jews a third and the muslims a fourth...this fear of death is exaggerated to such degrees in your basic operational system of the mind, that it makes you dysfunctional or TRAUMATIZED...look its simple if you are microsoft or apple you are the orthodox church worried about intellectual property etc etc if you are google or facebook you are the protestants...its all religion and face it you are to scared to die thats why you get traumatized..if you didnt have the fear of death..religion is just feel good get high for free

Death is the only real trauma??? Not sure if I'm understanding your point here. How about victims of violence, crime, rape, suicide bombers, cults, natural disasters...I don't think these people would take too kindly to your simplistic view of their real human suffering.

IsraTrance Senior Member

Started Topics :  241
Posts :  2848
Posted : Apr 7, 2011 17:53
your worst fear is death
you will allow yourself
to go through pain and hold on to life
but you will not choose to die
even when you have the choice
because you consider living the life of
victim to be better than death
you fear death that much
you will fight your whole life
to get justice becaue you were traumatized
but that ultimately that wont get you anything ...eventually victims or no victim you are going to die sooner or later
but you have been scared the tits out about death since u were child          When death comes to your doorstep, make sure you are alive
Trance Forum » » Forum  Spirituality - SYMPTOMS OF RELIGIOUS ADDICTION
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