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Succssful Artists

IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Mar 2, 2007 07:13
Hey guyz,

What do u think makes the artist successful and what does it take him to be a super star and make him unique somehow ?!

Do u by any chance choose ur fav artist by any of those:-

1-Personality & attitude
2-Commercialism carrier ( selling more copies than other artists)
3-His OWN style of music
4-His BIG name (when his name is bigger than what he really deserves)
5-The more years he been producing music.

If not any of the ones listed,How do u choose ur fav artist and why? and what makes ur fav artist different than others ?!

          Its Like a Drop That Falls Into the Ocean,or Perhaps the Ocean is Falling Into a Drop.
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Mar 2, 2007 07:43
Personality & attitude and music are the only thing that should matter
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Mar 2, 2007 07:53
...and that's why Skazi is #1!
Al.x F.

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Posts :  64
Posted : Mar 2, 2007 17:45
Personality & attitude
His OWN style of music

this is how i choose my artists..

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Posted : Mar 3, 2007 00:50

On 2007-03-02 07:13, Mad Eclipse wrote:
Hey guyz,

What do u think makes the artist successful and what does it take him to be a super star and make him unique somehow ?!

Do u by any chance choose ur fav artist by any of those:-

1-Personality & attitude
2-Commercialism carrier ( selling more copies than other artists)
3-His OWN style of music
4-His BIG name (when his name is bigger than what he really deserves)
5-The more years he been producing music.

If not any of the ones listed,How do u choose ur fav artist and why? and what makes ur fav artist different than others ?!

wat the helll,man!
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  100
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Posted : Mar 3, 2007 08:53

wat the helll,man!

IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  19
Posts :  583
Posted : Mar 3, 2007 11:54

On 2007-03-03 00:50, x.t.cgal wrote:

On 2007-03-02 07:13, Mad Eclipse wrote:
Hey guyz,

What do u think makes the artist successful and what does it take him to be a super star and make him unique somehow ?!

Do u by any chance choose ur fav artist by any of those:-

1-Personality & attitude
2-Commercialism carrier ( selling more copies than other artists)
3-His OWN style of music
4-His BIG name (when his name is bigger than what he really deserves)
5-The more years he been producing music.

If not any of the ones listed,How do u choose ur fav artist and why? and what makes ur fav artist different than others ?!

wat the helll,man!

Stop poppin' x.t.c you would probably start understanding a point...oh nevermind,that was a good reply for your number 1 post           Its Like a Drop That Falls Into the Ocean,or Perhaps the Ocean is Falling Into a Drop.
Sound Surgeon
Crater / Mish-kah

Started Topics :  250
Posts :  2244
Posted : Mar 3, 2007 13:51

On 2007-03-02 07:53, basilisk wrote:
...and that's why Skazi is #1!

You can laugh about his music, but I heard from lots of people that Skazi is a really nice and funny guy....
Fat Data

Started Topics :  154
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Posted : Mar 3, 2007 13:55
i dont like skazis music but hes one hell of a funny guy to hang out with!!

IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  32
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Posted : Mar 3, 2007 15:32
its true asher (skazi) simple ,funny and nice guy

i dont like his music too and never before but i respect him for beeing that kind of person 

Started Topics :  8
Posts :  78
Posted : Mar 3, 2007 20:59
not 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5

- The depth of his/her emotions

- His/her ability to express them into music

- His/her talent in music composition and mastering in sound engineering

- His/her capacity not to fall into temporary style of sonic fashion but his ability to create timeless ones

- His/her strenght to resist to commercial issues when creating his/her music

- His/her will not to care of being part of any style or sub category of music but just to create the music that makes him dance, fly or feel good

- The subtle nuances of his/her mind and soul and the degree of spirituality and consciousness you will find in his/her music

- The capacity of his/her music to make listeners dance, fly, feel good, understand the magic of life, open their heart, expand their mind, feed their soul, make them more good to themselves, earth and other life creatures

the degree of quality of his/her music:
groove, psychedelism, depth, awareness, consciousness, originality, beauty

if those are not what make the success of an artist nowadays,
I hope this society and its music will spiritually grow until we reach that point
Jester Records
Jester Records

Started Topics :  24
Posts :  254
Posted : Mar 4, 2007 01:50
nicely put AstralSeeker .. i would have to second your approach to this ! 
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  19
Posts :  583
Posted : Mar 4, 2007 06:17
well said astral seeker...I wonder what the artists have to say about this !           Its Like a Drop That Falls Into the Ocean,or Perhaps the Ocean is Falling Into a Drop.

Started Topics :  0
Posts :  2
Posted : Mar 7, 2007 00:40

On 2007-03-03 11:54, Mad Eclipse wrote:

On 2007-03-03 00:50, x.t.cgal wrote:

On 2007-03-02 07:13, Mad Eclipse wrote:
Hey guyz,

What do u think makes the artist successful and what does it take him to be a super star and make him unique somehow ?!

Do u by any chance choose ur fav artist by any of those:-

1-Personality & attitude
2-Commercialism carrier ( selling more copies than other artists)
3-His OWN style of music
4-His BIG name (when his name is bigger than what he really deserves)
5-The more years he been producing music.

If not any of the ones listed,How do u choose ur fav artist and why? and what makes ur fav artist different than others ?!

wat the helll,man!

Stop poppin' x.t.c you would probably start understanding a point...oh nevermind,that was a good reply for your number 1 post

IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  13
Posts :  167
Posted : Mar 7, 2007 13:41

On 2007-03-02 07:53, Basilisk wrote:
...and that's why Skazi is #1!

Amen to that!

On the other note, he is a good guy indeed but that doesnt make his music sound any better
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