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stop calling psy dark

IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jan 20, 2010 08:37
Occult Trance  
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Jan 20, 2010 11:11
Ocelotedelic!           We were born naked & grow up to become wicked.

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Posted : Jan 20, 2010 11:34

On 2010-01-20 08:37, Vermeee wrote:
Occult Trance

Occidental Trance. 

2,000,000+ views and counting.
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jan 21, 2010 15:50

On 2007-01-22 11:57, ocelot wrote:
that the thing-
im not even talking about NIGHT trance per se

im talking about psychedelic trance in general!

it seems that the word psychedelic trance has been appropriated by loads of commercial stuff that i would call just trance while anything genuinely psychedelic is somehow considered dark...
which then brings the whole "light vs dark" bullshit up again and then
who DOESNT want to be on the side of goodness, morality, light, and evolution?
well a few kids with 666 posters in their bedrooms etc... but i'm really sick of all this pandering to crap and calling it psy when its NOT remotely psychedelic...

believe me- i say the say for most all of the trance i hear thats formulaic and just not very deep. regardless of the intended stylistic box... then there is some stuff thats just plain good and i like it- and it may cruise across many boxes...

i have full respect for the old-school goa music producers like Hallucinogen, Astral Projection, X-Dream and ESPECIALLY KoxBox/Psychopod/Saikopod...
but lets not forget that music happened about 10 years ago...
last i checked everyone was jumping on this kiddie-rave-cheese-anthem "full-on" whatever the fuck that means bandwagon...
as IF they needed to stoop to that level...

well people are cycled through this scene because it doesn't hold them after some period of time because the music and culture lacks DEPTH because we are always coming from some stupid inferiority complex point-of-view that we need to get more new people etc...
so we get a high turnover rate of people-
and the music goes for a one-dimensional shot of bullshit straight to the gut...

i think its about time we dont just sit there and say "oh yeah everyone has opinions and this and that" and give some proper respect and credit for proper production and good fucking music and stop kissing ass to the altar of POp CRAP calling itself psy.
its not.

This doesn't seem to happen in other scenes so much-
Even the stupidest of pop fans turned their back on Milli Vanilli when it was found to be utter lip synch to others productions.
Vanilla Ice was shown to be the poser he was in even the eyes of the 13 year old fans...

it seems to me that trance has become a total poser format- whether we are talking about Oakenfold Digweed Sasha #1 DJ in the WOrld crap or so called Psychedelic with IM SKazi Astrix etc... where even the inventors of the formulas (GMS etc) have taken a backseat to a new breed of marketing driven drivel...

and most of y'all are buying it according to the numbers! thats the unbelievable part...
and its called PSY!!!!

now before someone gets their underwear in a bundle im NOT talking about GoaGil as the only way to Psy... seriously the way some folks talk its either him or Astrix...
come on! get a life.
there is and has always been PSYCHEDELIC TRANCE music since the beginning and it has never been about hype and never will be...

and i would appreciate having the rightful name back thank you!!!!
its not for sale.
as in MUSIC that is Trance Inducing and Psychedelic which means Mind Manifesting in ancient Greek thank you!
not Mind Killing or Mind Numbing...
now MY undies are in a bundle...
fuck then. off they come.

good day.

Amen 2 that Aaron, wise words !
Sick of all the dark/evil/666 kiddos as well that ruin this scene/music and atmosphere @ parties for big part in my opinion....

People don't seem 2 realize that everything is energy and to use themes like this (evil/satanism/666/black magic) simply attracts/invokes certain energy, just as well as using themes like love & light do.

Personally all the "dark-psy" parties where I played had a horrible atmosphere, with tons and tons of fucked up people on horrible kinds of drugs and I've noticed some truly nasty and weird energies at some of those parties....which personally I'd like to call pretty twisted/fucked up/evil and I believe it's due to a promoter invoking such energy on their party...mostly unconsciously though.

I do believe that's also possible on other gatherings with a more positive input, 'cause all depends on how one throws a party. I believe and experienced one can always see the intentions and spirit of a promoter in their party. Something that I personally consider as a must is a proper cleasing ritual before the party even starts. Many places where parties are being held are full of weird/twisted/unfriendly energies in my experience. Especially in Germany , where many parties find place in old nazi/war areas, old military airports and so on, but I'm sure there's plenty of other places in other countries with simular negative energy as well....this needs 2b cleaned/cleansed b4 people party at all. The reason why I believe this is very important is because people take drugs, which opens their energy field/aura and makes it possible for alien entities/energies to enter us.....which can end in really ugly results such as psychosis, possession and such...

Unfortunately very few parties are opened with a healing/cleansing ritual anymore I'm afraid, which is a shame 'cause the difference in energy is tremendous !
It seems people don't understand anymore how important it is to create a certain setting @ a party, which makes such a huge difference in the end result in my opinion and experience.

So, as far as I'm concerned, all dorks screaming for black magic/666/satan and all that crap, let's burn 'm @ the stake and send 'm straight to hell...that way we won't have to deal with 'm anymore and they got what they want right?
          Mind Funk Records
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IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jan 22, 2010 18:04
Sometimes I can't believe this topic still exists...
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jan 23, 2010 14:28

On 2010-01-22 18:04, John Doe® wrote:
Sometimes I can't believe this topic still exists...

Maybe that shows u got problems to coop with reality           Mind Funk Records
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MorNinG MaGiC

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Posted : Jan 23, 2010 16:26
heheh ..!

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Posted : Jan 24, 2010 07:52

IMHAO i honestly and truely think that, 98 % of the so called " Dark PSY " sucks tottally, its jsut brainless very badly produced , noisy and too much acid and on head when done music. altouh some tracks are nice and bumpy and cool. IT IS a STYLE... mor less , and i enjoy some artists that make it, yeah.

NIGHT FULLON ALSO SUCKS ASS cuz u see, most of it its jsut RARR RARR SAW WAVES WITH DISTORTION YAY! and too much COCAINE IN HEAD WHEN DONE BUT! there are very nice tracks done by some dudes......




and its full on with morning and dark and night and electro and rock and POP and disney , AND NO ACID ON HEAD WHEN DONE maybe a bit

and few artists make : D
FINALLY THERE IS GUYS LIKE INFECTED MUSHROOMS THAT USED TO MAKE only psytrance = KICK BASS BASS BASS bis with 16/16 rythmic melodies wich kinda sucked but it was cool.

well i don t really know where i wanted to go but it was somewhere , anyway , no one prolly sees this anymore and i only found this topic cuz i was really bored due to my WOW accound beeing frozen


Cardinals Cartel
Black Machine

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Posted : Jan 24, 2010 11:54


On 2007-01-22 03:23, ocelot wrote:

please stop calling all psychedelic trance music "dark"

Man .. Who care of the names , The music talk .

Seems you cant sleep well at night because of . This have no meaning be sure , You can produce Ambient or Chill and call it Dark , For me its ok . Each 1 of us on earth see , Hear and feel things different .

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Posted : Jan 26, 2010 03:28
Shawnodese, that's very true! That's the my story:
once i rent a place for indoor party that failed awfuly - only few people had come! that was a huge.
and only a few weeks letter i was told that before the war it was house for parenteless children and when nazi come in to the town during ww2 they killed all of them and burried in the garden!
we were partiyng at the graveyard!
few month l8r other people has done party there and there was a huge confilict inside the crowd. a massive fight took place where a lot of people gets injuried.
so, i'd better will not go on the party than accept the experience builded by organaizers-morons.
Inactive User

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Posted : Jan 26, 2010 11:36
psy dark
Inactive User

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Posted : Jan 26, 2010 14:14
I think it would be more relevant to start a topic either of "stop calling house n' electro psy trance" n' also add inthr neo full on shite going around...

LOLZ at the nrg ov a dark part... Went to heaps in Japan in 2006 and were the most positive experiences in 11+ years of psy trancing!

I went also at the same time to many prog/full on that were just full of sleazy E heads fuckin each other and molesting the girls!!

Keep it psychedelic no sleazedelic!

Ps 666 is the sign of the beast, but this has never truly been prove to mean Satan, so you're wrong with assuming it brings satanic vibes LOL do some fucking research before judging you dope headed hippies LOL           I hate you, you hate me, we are all so hap hap happy!
Inactive User

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Posted : Jan 26, 2010 14:15
Ps I don't mind prog as music but geez it attracts a sleazy crowd!!           I hate you, you hate me, we are all so hap hap happy!
Inactive User

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Posted : Jan 26, 2010 14:26

if you take something else than pSilocybin, lsd and hash
you are fucking banned of the party el duderino
that should be the motto for the jerks and cokeheads


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Posted : Jan 26, 2010 16:03
just enjoy your music,no matter what is called..
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