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stop calling psy dark

IsraTrance Senior Member

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Posted : Oct 7, 2009 23:20

On 2009-10-07 17:51, Shiranui wrote:
Saying fullon is for stupid people is really pretentious and elitist.

I know lots of VERY intelligent, very enlightened people who listen to all sorts of silly, simplistic music. It's just a matter of taste.

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Posted : Oct 8, 2009 08:34
psy dark
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Oct 8, 2009 15:04
p(us)sy dark!           We were born naked & grow up to become wicked.

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Posted : Oct 9, 2009 17:17

          DJ pr0fane (Iboga Records) | Multiphase | |

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Posted : Oct 9, 2009 19:16

On 2007-01-22 03:23, ocelot wrote:
please stop calling all psychedelic trance music "dark"
if its not house music
or old-school-goa
or rave-anthem cheese ahem full-on
(since when did that become a style not an adjective? oh sorry since GMS invented the genre that entire industries are built on today with two seminal albums- "no rules" and "gms vs systembusters"...oh absolum and talamasca helped with that curvy bassline i would say- but HOmmega was still making Old-School-Goa mind you- which was actually pretty good until about FullOnAudio Vol4)

i object to the use of the term "dark" for anything but gothic stuff with screams and horror sounds...while there is much of this to be sure- this is hardly the term i would use for the vast majority of psytrance that is not house or rave-cheese or old-school-goa...

btw there are actually some interesting new progressive sounds that i would have to say give actual meaning to the word progressive and as such- since the word means absolutely nothing anymore- we have to think of a new word... futuristic? forward-moving trance?

and we need another category for artists and music that defy all the BULLSHIT boxes and just make good music that flows seamlessly between worlds and floats across genres like they are NOTHING!

which in fact, THEY ARE!!!! nothing.
but mental boxes invented by highly uncreative people with sticks up their ass.
so much so that one or two will probably contradict me. you just watch


hehehe he dont care about the senses of gms,talamasca etc.

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Posted : Oct 9, 2009 19:21
its just a snob attitude, its like..i wear black clotes like a vampire because i have low secretion of serotinin equals, i hear dark because im so rude and i have many feelings inside me who want to exit, or i hear minimal techno because its crazy than psychedelic but more slow and that means more elevated and that means if i say to my friends i hear minimal techno the gona have a different perception of me mora fine and elevated hehehehe
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Oct 19, 2009 12:43
I think many people have such a problem with what has been come to be generally labelled as darkpsy, the main reason being...the speed and wierdness. Imo this music just represents a different style of trancing, a different approach to achieving a psychedelic experience through trance-dance. Whereas with prog/fullon take a more body orientated/rythmic approach ie. trance comes through traditional dancing. On a fast "darkpsy" floor the energy that is generated is more intense from my experience. More geared towards a different kind of psy experience.It is not so much only dancing in a traditional sense but being "cut apart" by the power of the music. Direct power infusion rather than actively listening to the music, being subatomically disintegrated by the vibration of the music. Imo this is where alot of the names and symbols used come from and are misinterpreted. Sure there is also a lot of dark humour involved, but isnt the psychedelic experience charged with twisted humour on the edge?
I am just looking a a flyer for a party with a halloween theme with OSOM. The flyer has a horror touch to it, cannibal zombies and stuff. Why zombies, cannibals, alien dissections, crazy surgeons? They represent getting massacred by the music on a psychedelic level, getting ripped apart/eaten/shreddered by the music. The shredding and cutting apart of the ego, the self eating itself. Getting massacred by the wall of sound while getting charged by a ammount of energy. Isnt that what all psychedlic music should be geared towards? To act as a tool/vehicle for BooooooooooM?
Sure this style can also be a painful experience, an intense battle. But those who battle on through the darkness, some times for many many hours can be rewarded in their own way. Also I dont see many black clad vampire satanists at these parties...mostly fleuro massacre..
Stop calling psy dark, stop taking darkpsy symbolism to serious, give it a chance, massacre your ego!

IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Oct 19, 2009 13:24
hey, i was seduced to bring the osom horror party into discussion as well:))), just to hear an enlightened comment from fria. but then i thought - hey, not interested to start to talk once more. this thread has enough of it already.
what i fnd truely abusive was the page where it was written, that i hopefully experience real torture to really understand that i am the only one who calls osom dark. very impressive. i used to be really sad about it one years ago in isratrance. now it is * same. but anyway, this threas is an interesting talk. i think it was page 22 or sth like that where we started.

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Posted : Oct 19, 2009 13:47
osom = awesome ?

killargh !!
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Oct 19, 2009 15:18
On 2009-10-02 02:51, delysidic dreamer wrote:
well today you can see really "dark" psytrance- somethings with horror samples and terror sounds.
and you can see fast music like gabber.

this is different than psychedelic trance.
and fullon is for kids - clearly not very deeply psychedelic unless you mean ajja and pharcyde and wild-things and bom shanka ......

Who says? The international music classification gestapo?
IsraTrance Senior Member

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Posted : Oct 27, 2009 02:55

Inactive User

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Posted : Oct 27, 2009 09:53
psy dark
Whatist Rance

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Posted : Nov 4, 2009 13:58
dark is for telletubbies...

IsraTrance Senior Member

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Posted : Nov 4, 2009 15:58
call it Fair & Lovely...this craze for becoming fair has hit psy trance big time
          When death comes to your doorstep, make sure you are alive
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Nov 5, 2009 20:40

On 2009-10-19 12:43, kazuku wrote:
I think many people have such a problem with what has been come to be generally labelled as darkpsy, the main reason being...the speed and wierdness. Imo this music just represents a different style of trancing, a different approach to achieving a psychedelic experience through trance-dance. Whereas with prog/fullon take a more body orientated/rythmic approach ie. trance comes through traditional dancing. On a fast "darkpsy" floor the energy that is generated is more intense from my experience. More geared towards a different kind of psy experience.It is not so much only dancing in a traditional sense but being "cut apart" by the power of the music. Direct power infusion rather than actively listening to the music, being subatomically disintegrated by the vibration of the music. Imo this is where alot of the names and symbols used come from and are misinterpreted. Sure there is also a lot of dark humour involved, but isnt the psychedelic experience charged with twisted humour on the edge?
I am just looking a a flyer for a party with a halloween theme with OSOM. The flyer has a horror touch to it, cannibal zombies and stuff. Why zombies, cannibals, alien dissections, crazy surgeons? They represent getting massacred by the music on a psychedelic level, getting ripped apart/eaten/shreddered by the music. The shredding and cutting apart of the ego, the self eating itself. Getting massacred by the wall of sound while getting charged by a ammount of energy. Isnt that what all psychedlic music should be geared towards? To act as a tool/vehicle for BooooooooooM?
Sure this style can also be a painful experience, an intense battle. But those who battle on through the darkness, some times for many many hours can be rewarded in their own way. Also I dont see many black clad vampire satanists at these parties...mostly fleuro massacre..
Stop calling psy dark, stop taking darkpsy symbolism to serious, give it a chance, massacre your ego!

Wow!!! Thats the way 2 say it man!! destroy yer ego!!!! this happended to me like 3years ago when i went 2 a party with kashyyyk and the galactic brain... crazy stuff that destroyed my ego!!! the same thing happend a couple of months ago when i listened 2 psykovsky live... or goa gil a couple of years ago...
Dark-psy existes wehter u like it or not...
The thing is that u have2 be able 2 recognize between drk-psy and psy
kindzadza is named very often as dark psy... could not be more wrong... kindzdza is pur light and colour... pure psy           Memento Mori
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