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SONIC PANTOMIME - KETUH RECORDS compiled by dj P_Mac & dj Tv

IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  58
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Posted : Sep 26, 2004 21:17
stellar compil by ketuh records stomper after another

reaaly love Killer buds on this one
FUNGUS IN MY BANZA .>>>>>>killer

the nexus tracks is also pure madness.......absolutley love the way it goes           At the end there is a DOOR & waiting for you on the other side of that door is either HEAVEN or HELL
bully aka (raveoholic)
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Sep 29, 2004 11:14
Really powerful compilation compiled here by mac and tv.... really looking fwd to hear more from Ketuh reallly soon, more powerful stuff should be out soon, he he he...

keep rockin and congratz...           Music is my Drug
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Sep 30, 2004 08:35
, . . . thanks Bully i agree TV has done a super job with the track selection, Thank you Tomas for a great Job!  

IsraTrance Team

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Posted : Sep 30, 2004 13:25
all great tracks...@ thix moment im in luv with the track of spectra...beautifull and very danceble...good mornin 2 all folks!
can´t wait 4 more releases from thix 2 brothers.
keep up releasing good music p_mac!           ...
Le Lotus Bleu
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Oct 16, 2004 00:30
V/A Sonic Pantomime (Ketuh)

Sonic Pantomime is Compiled by Dj P_Mac (Portugal) & Dj Tv (Czech) & mastered by Audialize (Joao Apell)

Tracklist :

1. Gappeq – 3bk1
Gappeq (Jirka/Czech) is exactly what everybody would like to listen from compilation, a newcomer from an emergent trance country with a serious psy potential. Don’t expect here the dominant dark psy & hard kickin but
something slighlty more colourful & let’s say softly crazy like after 5’20 with a funny metallic backlead.

2. Killer Buds – Fungus In Banda
Killer Buds (Enzio & Marcello/Brasil), contrarily to what i was saying previously, is the classical example of night psytrance stuff, you know the kind of things better to listen in a party than for domestic purpose. So will for sure results better in a mix than i’m enjoying currently, nevertheles i’m not fully convicted by the originality of the track & his effectiveness. Just an average one for me.

3. N 3xu5 – Evolution rnx
Approximatively i could say the same comment about the N3xu5’s tune (Luis Miguel Lopes/Portugal) but it wouldn’t be excact as this one is much more nervous & pumping therefore more catchy despite it’s not very brainblasting yet. Averagely good.

4. Triskell – Concept rmx
Triskell (Fred Sauvand/France) starts his track with someone speaking in german.
I’ve noticed also some autotune effect, what a pity, i get really bored about this trick which i was thinking producers have understood it got old-fashioned. Except also the guttural aspect (very personal feeling)
coming from the sample from what i must admitt i’m not a fan at all, there’s a good harmony & nice night dynamic energy in this song.

5. Phyx – Sub Zero rmx
If you’ve heard recently The Twisted System’s album & liked it like me, so this solo track from Phyx (Ian Summs/South Africa) is definativly for you, based on pumping mettalic shrill tones &
pachydermic psybeats. Indeed this one looks like the Twisted System’s track from their recent album i dig the most,maybe without the extreme apocapyptic environement, that’s the only & main difference at the same time.

6. Gappeq – Dirty Genetics

New tune from Gappeq, it’s my favorite between the 2 due to a bigger doze of madness contained in the sounds., & a rythmic more slamming like after 3’00, the little diversity & quite originality of the sounds
employed for a psychedelik stuff. Actually let’s just say there’s much personality here (something getting nearer from Weardo Beardo) surely got his impact on the result quality too.

7. Lemurians – Who Shot The Dj ?
The Lemurians (Andy & Janosh/Germany) have made some dull production with their specific technoish influences skills, it’s an hypnotic tune too. Let’s warn the techno backgroundish could be repulsive if you’re not acclimated to it through the previous Lemurians songs, btw according to me not a top notch realization compared to the whole Psytrance scene.

8. Rastaliens – Jungle Explosion
We’ve got something better here with Rastaliens
(Raplh Knobloch & Jurgen Kassel/Germany) and their Jungle Explosion title, kinda mix of jungle, tribal and goa sounds, very fresh with a positive feeling. One sign of effictiveness of this track ? it’s simple when you’ve finished the listening, you got the impress that it was too short however it lasts more than 7 minutes, & immediatly express desire to reedit the experience.

9. Spectra aka Shrink – Tribal Dance
The finishers are Spectra (Paulo & Francisco Oliveira/Portugal), surprisingly as Rastaliens not in a psychedelik trend but in a light & fast melodic full on one a la Astrix/Protoculture could i say, nothing tribal at all (ok there’s some percussions but they are so discret) curiously like pretend the trackname, not the original track of the year but will rock many floors.

Favorites by order:8,6,5,9,1,4

Mark :7,5/10
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  18
Posts :  172
Posted : Oct 16, 2004 02:19
Another very big favourites are 1,3,4 8 and 10.

Great job...track 1 is brilliant!

Underground Psychedelic Nightmusic
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  18
Posts :  172
Posted : Oct 16, 2004 06:25
and 9!! not 10 opps 

Underground Psychedelic Nightmusic
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  33
Posts :  256
Posted : Oct 16, 2004 14:54
Hey Lotus
Super review!
Merci beaucoup.

Loox like u know exactly what the artists wanted to say:-)

take cake  hovercraft is full of eels...


*current releases*
2st digital release out soon - Protonica and Suntree
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  32
Posts :  166
Posted : May 18, 2014 10:19
PLaying this cd this morning. Oh I miss the sound of the good old days. This rocks.
Trance Forum » » Forum  Music Reviews - SONIC PANTOMIME - KETUH RECORDS compiled by dj P_Mac & dj Tv
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