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Posted : Nov 1, 2009 21:53
You'll enjoy the Man Must Die and Obscure albums above if you like tech death I hate you, you hate me, we are all so hap hap happy!
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Nov 4, 2009 13:20
Video from a Halloween Metal show we organised at a pub in Kolkata on 30th Oct
This ones DiotB (Death is only the Beginning)... one of the 4 local bands playing their original shiet... subgenres are:
doomcore, technical death
Vocalists got a signature pig torture scream. Whopazz!
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Posted : Nov 4, 2009 20:16
Music is ok but I'm not a hug fan of the pig vox... A fun gig for sure tho and will look the band up!
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Posted : Dec 18, 2009 01:33
Clips from '09:
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IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Jan 31, 2010 04:19
Check out ARKONA from Russia! This is something really fkn good Medulla Oblongata & Xibalba Festival Crew
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Posted : Feb 15, 2010 20:49
Goriest grunt evarrrr.
Blood Red Throne's first three remain the BEST pieces of death metal to me..
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Posted : Mar 4, 2010 15:52
Nice topic,
Here´s a list on different Deathcore/metal/tech bands i found in recent days and some are little less good than others but check it out anyway:)
Suffokate <-- Every track starts as a breakdown, 10 ton hammer heavy
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Posted : Mar 16, 2010 13:36
New Fear Factory - "Mechanize" is surprisingly good... best thing since Demanufacture IMO!
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Posted : Mar 16, 2010 16:41
oh ? i indeed liked Demanufacture...
if you put your carmageddon disc in a cd player.. demanufacture was on there without vocals.. nice stuff..
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Posted : Mar 17, 2010 08:31
well with Dino back on guitar the riffs are awesome, and the new drummer is so precise and in time with the riffiage it has that real machine like feel that Demanufacture had... and Burton has a certain harshness back in his voice, not quite as strong as Demanu but as close as we'll ever see again and the final track has a real sort of Therapy for Pain feel to it.
they also got Rhys Fulbar back on sampling and keyboards which add a stronger industrial sensation I hate you, you hate me, we are all so hap hap happy!
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Posted : Apr 1, 2010 17:38
Ok so in Tokyo I picked up the 2009 Metallica 2 DVD & 2 CD box set of them live in Mexico...
Absolutely brilliant... sure James says some cheeseystuff between songs, and he has lost that alkohole fuelled angst edge to his voice, but the playing is super tight, Lars actually plays the drums super well & they include some real classics from all the albums, not just the new stuff!!
Second DVD was a bit fo an oldy but SLayer's "Still Reigning" is about as good a hard rock/metal DVD as you can get! They play the entire Raining Blood album in full, finishing with actual fake blood raining down during the song of the same title... great show, and the short docu is worth the money as well.
Third DVD was Vader's "And Blood WAs Shjed In Warsaw" which is pretty much a video of them posing on stage for the camera's, but if you are a big fan like me it is quality production and hey their music rocks, great thrash/death crossover.
Fourth is Behemoth's "Crush Fukk Create" which is ok. The first concert at party sans has horrid sound quality and Nergal comes across as an arrogant tool. Secodn concert has better filming & sound but still nothing to write home about. The Sec ond DVD is as yet untouched.
I also bought the 2008/2009 Behemoth live CD which is much more value for money as the quality in sound is much higher and the tracklist is better with sounds from The Apostasy album.
Also got the Vader "Impressions in Blood" japanese edition album which is great as it includes their brilliant cover of Slayer's "Raining Blood".
Also for the hell of it got the new power metal album from Gamma Ray which has two bonus tracks for Japan... it's power metal done as power metal should be, nothing special but a bit of a fun break from death n' grind.
So yeah reccomend them all minus the Behemoth DVD set I hate you, you hate me, we are all so hap hap happy!
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Posted : Apr 15, 2010 10:31
I went to a Behemoth gig last night and was blown away!
I missed the first act, a local Aussie crew who do a nice industrial death metal sound that I've heard waaaaaay to many times (they play at most gigs here).
Second up I saw the second half of the awesome Goatwhore whom i haven't heard before. The fact that there were no Behemoth t-shirts lent me to quickly purchase a Goatwhore one with suitable satanic images, and also their latest album.
Finally, Behemoth.
They blew me away, small venue, but they pounded out a nice set. They played stuff mostly from Demigod, The Apostasy & Evangelion albums. Also a track from Satanica. i was a bit disappointed that Antichristian Phenomenon wasn't in the set but you can't have everything.
Job For A Cowboy was on next but I went home. My chronic pain was playing up by this point, and JFAC just annoy me anyway with their lame-o deathcore sound.
All in all a good fun night of some black & death metal... $70AU entry, $50 on tshirt & CD... was happy!
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Posted : Apr 15, 2010 10:32
oh and for the heck of it a Goatwhore video:
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Posted : May 3, 2010 07:22
Watain - "Lawless Darkness" (OMG this is goingt o be CD of the year for me for sure!)
http://www.templeofwatain.com/I hate you, you hate me, we are all so hap hap happy!