shitty promoters
Iron Madness
Iron Madness
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Posted : Mar 28, 2008 03:05
On 2008-03-25 02:50, mayo wrote:
MaJ1KO is with
YOU did not send me a CONTRACT in witch you confirmed you would perform at TAMPICO, and I say this because it is very common that some ROCKSTARS supposedly DJ'S/PRODUCERS have such a BIG EGO they don't even get on a plane to go perform to other cities.
IRON MADNESS is the most recent case in my small city, he got paid (pay check & flight) but didn't take the flight because he was "EXHAUSTED".
So if you ask us to be professional, please be so yourself too. Next time we can put it on paper so both parts show professionalism.
I also read the ISRATRANCE forums and your label does things such as not paying artitsts for the rights of using their songs in some albums. Talk about being PROFESSIONAL....
i wish to be a robot
good time in mexico |
Alternative control
Alternative Control
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Posted : Mar 28, 2008 04:05
Majiko , man one thing ,one simple question man , honoustelly answer it if you have guts ...
did you put on the flyer alternative control ?
did i contacted you or you contacted me ?
you contacted me ..
Did i push you to book me , or did you complain about the price in first place ?
No , you didnt said all cool brother , nya nya nya ill meet you , we have fun , kiler , ahuevo , etc...i said ok ...
Did you or me dissapear from msn 2,3 days before the party ? and didnt even send me one email of notification , even one , just to tell me , Rastko dude ..i cant pay you or anything... i would understand ... words from you , nothing ...
Did you tell to the people that AC is not gonna play on your party ?? that its canceled
As many people from Tampico told me , no you didnt , you kept it for yourself , and told to many ppl that it was my fault , and me not catching flight or something , sometihng which is not true ...
So , Majiko , man ..really i didnt said anything about your first festival ,anything about your education , but man ... you cant say you didnt act like a kid in this situation , since you did , thats non professional behaving for one organiser , i am sorry ..
And look , you are really rood , putting down me and my music , nobody never pushed you to book me , you know , it was your idea , so i dont understand why you are trying to explain yourself through putting AC name down ... i dont understand.. isnt that unfair ?
Who pushed you to put AC on the flyer ? who ?? why did you announced my dj set , if you dont like it and if you think its not worth the money i asked for it , why you were such a smart ass to put the name on the flyer and leave it like that....
Well thats the problem .... Majiko...nothing else man ... and ofcourse the fact you couldnt have 5 minutes of your time to send just one email , explaining situation , whatsoever , and i would understand it more or less...
And one last put in the conversation Vision Quest buisness , and Iron Madness not comming and then saying i called him a junkie , its like dude....i have no words for you , really , you surprise me with every your comment more and more...
Honoustelly ,lets stop this , i said what i think , you tried to explain yourself , people saw what we wrote , let them think about it , and also other artists ...
I think i was more then clear what mistake you have made !
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Mar 28, 2008 04:44
MaJ1KO is with
FESTIVAL METAMORFOSIS 2, was just my 2nd massive event produced, so i think it's ABSURD for you to call me "shitty promoter".
--> I'll LEARN from ALL my MISTAKES and THE NEXT EVENT will be lot BETTER. (COMPRENDES ? 2 + 2 = 4)
LEAVE that for "RAT-PEOPLE" who has been getting easy money from the PSYTRANCE scene in MÉXICO, and the worst of it is that nobody says something.
The most STRANGE thing is that my event was in JANUARY.
We're on MARCH, somebody called ADAN MATA as "SHITTY PROMOTER".
I wrongly laughed of him being called ADAN RATA.
AND you MISTERIOUSLLY appeared throwing me feces...
But i'm not deffenseless "AC"... it's a PEOPLE
On 2008-03-10 08:58, dj insanix wrote:
thats why they call him in Adan RATa... sheesh, how can this guy be so pathetic...
doing this to other artists?... whats the fun of that, theres gonna be one day when he messes with the wrong person and he is going to be sorry for that... KARMA |
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Posted : Mar 28, 2008 06:03
Guys just keep it respectful ok? you can use the forum to have a respectful, constructive and if possible enlightening dialogue, but if it starts to become just gossip and insults i'll have to lock it.
please attack the idea but not the poster, and do it with reasons and politeness, no name calling please
i edited the name calling that happened in the previous posts to avoid deleting them, but this is the last time I do it.
Remember that what you post is a reflection of your self, your education, culture and tolerance to criticism.
You can defend against criticism with respect, and you can criticize constructively, everybody has the right to their opinion and you shouldn't be too sensitive if the criticism is respectul, the community has their own criteria and they don't fall for lies too easily    Peace, Love, Light and Harmony |
Alternative control
Alternative Control
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Posted : Mar 28, 2008 19:07
exactly Forza , no more words from me about this one , i think i made myself pretty clear !
Lets leave to the ppl to decide what is the true and what is not !
Stay well !
Cheers |
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Posted : Mar 29, 2008 06:56
I have to say something about this seretronika guy. when i was organizing the 220v tour... he asked me for a date .. i sent contract and everything (on time) ...
He put the info on his site, etc...
In the end this magiko dissapeared from msn, didnt answer emails .... Of course ... the money never showed up , and 2 weeks before the party he came to me and excuse himself saying that the party cant happens because he was moving to another city...
He only make us (me and 220v) lose our time, THE GIG -because was imposible to close another one in that little time- and the confidence... because now i know that he never move to another city .... he was just liying |
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Posted : Mar 29, 2008 18:11
Last warning, please keep it respectful and honest or I will lock the thread, I had to delete a topic already because it didn't have anything to do with the discussion of shitty promoters and it was more of a personal attack.
1 Stick to the topic please "Shitty promoters"
2 No name calling
3 No personal attacks, attack the idea but not the poster if you are being criticized you have every right to defend yourself but with intelligence otherwise you are just demonstrating that you don't have anything else to back you up and thus you are giving the reason to the other posters.
4 Don't take it too personal, like I stated before if your reputation is good people will know but if more than one person complains about you maybe you should reflect on why is this happening, maybe you could use it as an stimulus to become a better promoter.
Everybody makes mistakes, but real men and women accept them and improve, people respect this so if someone who was once in the shitty promoters threads is capable of learning the lesson and improving I'm sure he will earn the respect of us all.
  Peace, Love, Light and Harmony |
kin beat
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Mar 29, 2008 20:40
Tavo i do admire your vision and way you do want this forum to work out, however in the real world where the good vibes and the good faith are as hard as it is to find a friend, we have to do something according to the situation, now what are you gonna write to him, (mayo) you will advised you will edit his post and let it go again??? because he will learn from his mistakes and improve and therefore to share enlightenment???
never thought he would attack and write such a bullshit about a girl, a friend, and the girl of my best pal, that is not just wack, does not even shows that education he praise before, fuck off!!!
this should be locked not questions asked!!!
its not taking us anywhere!
adjectives instead of arguments!
pointless!!! |
Dacru Records
Dacru Records
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Posted : Mar 29, 2008 21:06
A Lot of Mexican organizers should think more before they act and start making plans and promises to artists.
In the case of the Metamorfosis, we have no complaints towards Majiko as he did all correct with us. But I think the problem with the other artists are a bit simular to what I've seen happening a lot of times.
They want to make a party, start inviting artists, promise them all kind of things so the artists are keeping the date for that party, they make the flyer and only after that they truly start planning the party. Starting to look for a location much too late and starting to realize that they can't find the proper budget to pay for things and stuff like that.
Then the shit starts, in stead of talking honestly to the artists and admiting the mistakes that were made (and not repeating them in the future!), they start making up some stories and the advance will come later on, and then again later and stuff like that
there's many many examples about this
so I would say, think about things in advance! and be honest to your artists and your crowd
there are problems with organizers all around the world, but one can't deny that this stuff happens more in places as Mexico than it does in Europe for example
I'm guessing in part it has to do with culutral differences as we europeans are more commited to making strong agreements and honoring them and in mexico party still exists the 'mañana' mentallity, but sometimes they fail to think that they are putting other people in problems with their behaviour
so that's something, some people need to work on
and by far I have nothing against mexicans, I love the country and it's people, soy medio mexicano en mi corazon
but I know from experience that it can be pretty irritating sometimes to make proper agreements
and I don't want to generalize, there's many excellent and correct promoters in mexico as well and it's important to get to know who they are
maybe we should start a thread 'excellent promoters' instead of 'shitty promoters' to be more positive
anyways, just my 2 cents
  Dacru Records
Talamasca, U-Recken, DigiCult, Alternative Control, Ephedrix, Bitkit, Aquila, Tropical Bleyage, Spirit Architect, Chronos, ... |
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Posted : Mar 29, 2008 22:10
Like I said before, that was the last warning, and as the name calling didn't stop and the thread was quickly deteriorating into something rude and disrespectful it has been locked
  Peace, Love, Light and Harmony |