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shitty promoters

Dacru Records
Dacru Records

Started Topics :  108
Posts :  391
Posted : Jul 3, 2007 01:31
I know the promoter blacklist was removed... don't remember the reason, but I'm sure it was good
but still, some people are just to rude and/or fucked up and good meaning people deserve to be warned not to work with them

we are not difficult people! (I think anyone who has worked with us, and this is lots of mexican promoters as well, can confirm this)
we've gone easy plenty of times on promoters if we see that a party has visibly to little amount of people and that the promoters are really good people trying their best

but these people are just not in the right scene and they are fucking up the name for the whole mexican scene:

* Nonefield
this guy from Tampico, doing lots of parties in Monterrey as well... even big ones sometimes in Skizzo club
he was going to organise a party with some of our artists, was always promising to transfer the advance, but never did and then he cancelled less then 1 week in advance without anything of explications and since then he has never replied to me again

* Veryck
this guy was going to organise Black Solstice festival near Merida in december last year... cancelled also 1 week in advance and he neglected to pay any advance

* Perfect Days and Killers Project
2 organisations from Merida (one of them is a dj called Niņo Magico) were doing a small party last december to replace this black solstice festival but they didn't pay at all, and even worse they were lying about it many many times... and I really hate liars

So please avoid to work with these people as they are no good for this scene and fucking up the name of all mexican promoters!!
and I want to say that we have worked with good mexican promoters plenty of times, much more good experiences then bad
but it's frustrating that it's impossible to get the crappy ones out, so at least I hope this will help a little bit

I don't mind if other people will add more doddgy party promoters, I just ask that you think about it if it was really bad before you mention it, not just because someone paid 1000 pesos too little or something


Dacru Records          Dacru Records
Talamasca, U-Recken, DigiCult, Alternative Control, Ephedrix, Bitkit, Aquila, Tropical Bleyage, Spirit Architect, Chronos, ...

Started Topics :  68
Posts :  397
Posted : Jul 10, 2007 02:54
I'd like to add in this list the organizers of the Axe tour, they are flooding mexico with advertisement of their so called "Tour" announcing i'm gonna play there which is fake, in the beginning i was going to play with them, but 4 days before the first party started, they wanted to change the terms we had settled already and they want me to accept it, which I didn't, then they comitted themselves to reprint the posters and flyers to avoid fooling people, which they didn't.
          Peace, Love, Light and Harmony

Started Topics :  68
Posts :  397
Posted : Jul 10, 2007 04:31
The name of the organizers of this tour is AHC Eventos Especiales S.A. de C.V.           Peace, Love, Light and Harmony

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Posts :  15
Posted : Aug 20, 2007 19:41
Dead Beat society organizers fucked up Guadalajara party, irresponsable people announce the line up of your life but the organization is pretty fucked up.

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Posts :  32
Posted : Aug 20, 2007 22:28

i pay for one event and i dont care whats was happened in the organization

ghreg, why u was dont play in Gdl ?
this tour sucks! just kidding with the people and some artists annunced here dont play !
Jelly in mty
ghreg on earth in gdl
i dont have nothing with all D S B people
but ?
whyyy this ?

all my love to all !

pd1 / one sorry withall ghregs peopley , i know that this is one bad point with all the mexican scene but,
please came back soon( they are projects that deserve to be respected, vegetal , ghregs , baba jalli !)
pd 2 / pleaseeeee! ,
i made with all my friends a trip of 5 hours to see this "event" for that reason I request that they get to understand whatss makesme angered or some same aawoaowoa
there was much rain and not hav choice nor where to be, (it pays by those services)
p3/ jelly was nice, vegetal was killargh and ghreg was nothing

Greetz ghreg
P E A C E !!

kisses & hugs for all !

Started Topics :  2
Posts :  17
Posted : Aug 20, 2007 23:18
Yes in deed in would like to talk about the dbs oganizers they are pretty irresponsable people , they call us all the artists and did not pay a penny at all
also they said that supost to be 4 dates making us cancel others dates with people who really knows what they doing.......


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Posts :  19
Posted : Aug 21, 2007 07:14
well dude the last thing i remember you told us is that you would play on all the parties for free,(of course it would of been a great promotion for you) & after that you canceld since you wante to go to the no mercy party of twisted mind records.. what a shame if ou actually forgett everything you say

Started Topics :  19
Posts :  1055
Posted : Aug 21, 2007 08:04

On 2007-08-20 19:41, elmaniatico wrote:
Dead Beat society organizers fucked up Guadalajara party, irresponsable people announce the line up of your life but the organization is pretty fucked up.

I canīt blame the DBS-people they have taken care of us ever since we got here.
And yes im pretty frustrated with the fact that none got payed in Guadalajara, but the problem does not lie with the DBS-people.
The problem is people that are hired to DO THEIR JOB. For instance the sound guys wanted to rig the sound system in MONO, we argued with them to do it in stereo and they just look at us like we are retards and ask us -But why?
The light system went off a couple of times, no one there to fix it.
Security guys that are supposed to prevent people to get in the back door which they donīt instead they let people in for a lesser fee than what the main gate is charging.

So in conclusion im pissed off at the people who accepts a job and donīt do it, not the organizers. They did everything they could, and the tour will still go on.

And Xikwri thanks for letting us crash at your place man, Thank you!

          Demand recognition for the Armenian genocide 1915

Started Topics :  19
Posts :  1055
Posted : Aug 21, 2007 08:08

On 2007-08-20 22:28, Diego|P wrote:
this tour sucks! just kidding with the people and some artists annunced here dont play !
Jelly in mty

Hey man the reason why jelly didnīt play in Monterrey was beause Karim was involved in a car-accident in france the day his flight was scheduled to leave for Mexico


On 2007-08-20 22:28, Diego|P wrote:
p3/ jelly was nice, vegetal was killargh and ghreg was nothing

Thanks for coming out and im glad you liked the show man!

Take care mate           Demand recognition for the Armenian genocide 1915

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Posts :  23
Posted : Aug 22, 2007 22:23
i made a trip of 7 hrs !!!
1 - Ghreg never arrived
2- vegetal and jelly just amazing !! thanks to support all that shit
i come on people what do you need to make a good job??

Started Topics :  2
Posts :  17
Posted : Aug 23, 2007 04:46

On 2007-08-20 23:18, RellikDica wrote:
Yes in deed in would like to talk about the dbs oganizers they are pretty irresponsable people , they call us all the artists and did not pay a penny at all
also they said that supost to be 4 dates making us cancel others dates with people who really knows what they doing.......



Started Topics :  2
Posts :  17
Posted : Aug 23, 2007 04:51
To all people in dbs project i did't wanted to be rude i feel sorry about what i said and i just wanna let u know that i respect u'r work and also that there's no Ungry feelings around here ,

best wiches !!!! and keep on rocking ...

IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  127
Posts :  1644
Posted : Aug 31, 2007 04:18
I think that the problem its the one i want to call "coyotes ciberneticos", ppl without etic and profesionalism and that doesnt love the scene and they only see the scene as a way to get money.

They're ppl that just want to get the artist for their self and they open his "Bookings Agencies", then the artist tell them "well my charge per booking its 500 USD" and later this ppl "coyotes ciberneticos" tell to the rest of ppl that makes parties that the artist cost 1000 USD.

For this types of situations ots better to talk directly with the artist, but are alot of ppl that doesnt know. And this "Coyotes" make their shit selling open dates for alot of money.

You'll think "who is this guy? or what? Well, im a young guy that want to change the scene in Mexico, i'm pissed off with this kind of movements, negativism that exist in our country for something that's magical and of the one i think im part of, well then i wont allow this anymore that the scene destroy.

Its better that the ppl that sells the dates of artist be ppl with experience and trayectory in our country, and other thing is they should put the charges per booking of the artist in a website or something, so the abuse stop, not like all do, in msn, thats an insult.
Still alot of young ppl that have the illusion or probably you've lost

And if you're like that type of "coyotes" like alot of ppl have made, you should go back and stop destroying the scene and thiefing "boys" in this kind of bussines.

Loose the artist
Loose the crowd
Loose the bussines man
and most importan the mexican scene loose

But the "coyotes" well, sorry... Booking Agencies win...

I dont said ani bad word, i hope the moderators wont delete my post, and this post i make cuz' im pissed off with all this insanity.

Thnx alot, mi whole respect to those ppl that have alot of integrity in this trip.

Make some noize young ppl.

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Posts :  5
Posted : Sep 3, 2007 19:25

On 2007-08-31 04:18, mayo wrote:
I think that the problem is...
...Loose the artist
Loose the crowd
Loose the bussines man
and most importan the mexican scene loose

But the "coyotes" well, sorry... Booking Agencies win...

I dont said ani bad word, i hope the moderators wont delete my post, and this post i make cuz' im pissed off with all this insanity.

I agree with you my brother.

I also think that there's still a light of hope, if we follow this light the scene course will do 2.

Started Topics :  1
Posts :  14
Posted : Sep 3, 2007 22:20
Too bad this happens in mexico makes me sad
Trance Forum ŧ ŧ Forum  Mexico - shitty promoters

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