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Recommendations and Short Reviews

IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Jun 24, 2005 22:18
This is just an idea - please delete it if you don't like it.

I've noticed this section of the forum has a thread for requests but not one for recommendations.

Not everyone has the ability or inclination to write a good in-death review. Some people may just want to write a short review/recommendation of something new they are listening to - or something old that hasn't been reviewed. I just thought a thread to do this in would be a good idea.

Ok, i'll get the ball rolling.



I love this album! I liked their previous albums but this has to be their best to date. More focused on melody than their usual 'hypno-plod' stuff - and even though it does have some more traditional progressive tracks (and they are still great) - its the melodic ones like 'Probably' (excellent track) and 'Zipfel' that really stand out. One of the best proggy albums of the year so far imo and i couldn't recommend it higher!           Am i the only one who believes in solipsism?

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Posted : Jun 26, 2005 00:51
didnt heard this MAGNETRIXX album but i think SHARIGRAMA`s mexican album is the bestest AP Recs release ... this is tru psy trance           " And as the gods have given us , so we return the gift " - Bill Cosmosis " Gift of the Gods "
" That's right - otherworld lifeforms . A fucking alien ! "
'Strange word like 'psychedelic,' you know - drugs, the whole bit, you know, 'fre
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Jun 26, 2005 03:25
Yeah, Mexican Mushroom is a good album! My favourite tracks are ‘Magic Land’, ‘Spheres’ and ‘Electric Forces’.

One that i'm listening to at the moment is:


This is the second solo album by Stefan Feuerhake (one of the guys behind Klangstrahler Projekt).

I'm a big fan of the Klangstrahler stuff and this is a similar kind of vibe - but a bit more dance orientated (like their more recent tracks). Guess you could say this is on the groovy club-psy side of their sound whereas Klangstrahler Projekt was more on the rock/world music-psy side. Lots of great funky tracks and a very good solid listen!

Also, how bad can an album be that has just a big pair of breasts on the cover? lol

Anyone else listening to music they would like to recommend?           Am i the only one who believes in solipsism?
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Jun 27, 2005 07:41

This was released about the same time as the Lish album and i’m really surprised no-one has reviewed it yet because in my opinion it's up there on the same level. Very good ‘prog-on’ (or whatever it's being called this week) with great melodies throughout - especially on the last 2 tracks ('New Tunes' and 'Follow You (Club Version)') which are excellent!

If you like up-tempo melodic/morning progressive you really should give this a listen!           Am i the only one who believes in solipsism?
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Jun 27, 2005 21:28

01. Entheogenic - Walk On Air
02. Elysium - Fairytale
03. Shulman - The Unexpected Visitor (CBLCarbonator Rmx)
04. Ishq - En Soph
05. Jaia - Missing
06. Cell - Secret Wedding
07. PhasePhour - Unpronounced Numbers
08. Elysium Vs. Space Cat - Dub Connection
09. Altitudes - Altitude 1
10. Blue Planet Corp - Wild City

Another nice compilation of chill-out tracks with a general ethno feel - ranging from the fairly minimal to the more upbeat and bassy. Personally i found the first few tracks a little dull but it does get much better as the album goes on. I especially liked the drifty melody on the PhasePhour track - similar sound to some of Rody Coronel’s (Minister) stuff. Favourites are 6,7,9 and 10.


Btw, i started this thread for ANYONE to give recommendations and opinions - not just for me to ramble on like an idiot on an ego trip - so if you really like the album you’re listening to (especially if it hasn't been reviewed yet) or have any comments on new psy releases then PLEASE let us know. While subjectivity is all about taste, people do have similar tastes - and if you like a piece of music then others with similar tastes may enjoy it too.           Am i the only one who believes in solipsism?
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jun 28, 2005 05:21
V/A - Phase 3 from Etnicanet is pants.

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Posted : Jun 28, 2005 09:47
nerons: fire at will by paniq

a free album available at

i like it lots!
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Jun 28, 2005 19:16

I should have called this comments and short reviews because this definitely isn't a recommendation! I really liked the first album and i was expecting a lot from this - and jesus was i disappointed. The only track i liked was the last ambient one - i thought the rest of it was rubbish! Just my opinion.

Anyone agree/disagree/couldn't give a monkeys?           Am i the only one who believes in solipsism?
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Jun 28, 2005 23:10
Blanka - Satisfaction
i had my eyes on blanka ever since the forest track
and wow what an album
i find myself thinking about it whenever i'm not listening to it
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Jul 1, 2005 05:11

There have been more good full-on albums this year than i've had hot dinners - and even though i do have a serious congenital allergy to hot dinners - that's still quite a lot So guess what? Here is another.

This is the second album from the French duo and as i said, it's very enjoyable full-on with a fairly old-school feel running through it's more commercial, modern style (most noticeable on tracks 'Gypsy' and 'Chers Amis'). That's not to say this is Goa - far from it - in fact the tracks 'interlude' and 'Tequila' are pure cheese (not an criticism - just an observation).

Generally this is melodic and up-lifting stuff - and even though (imo) it has nothing that really makes it stand out from many other good full-on albums around, it's still well worth checking out. Favourite tracks are probably their remix of Silicon Sound's 'Shell', the very funky 'Wave after Wave' and the now almost obligatory ambient final track.

Phew, got through all that without a single mention of egg-based dessert products... well, almost           Am i the only one who believes in solipsism?

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Posted : Jul 3, 2005 23:15
KoxBox - The Great Unknown
After 6 years is still the best Progressive Psychedelic Trance album ever. There were great Progressive Trance album but none of them was as Psy as that one.
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IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Jul 4, 2005 05:30

On 2005-07-03 23:15, Pavel wrote:
KoxBox - The Great Unknown
After 6 years is still the best Progressive Psychedelic Trance album ever. There were great Progressive Trance album but none of them was as Psy as that one.

Couldn't agree more, Pavel! I really liked that album!

Did you ever hear the 'Crunch Moles' remix EP A MAJOR PROBLEM IN AUSTRALIA? Probably the best remix album/EP i've ever heard - and considering that (with one exception) they are all remixes of the same track it never gets in the slightest bit repetitive or dull.

Definitely one for every progressive-lover’s collection.

Talking of progressive, this is one I was listening to earlier -


Some of the tracks reminded me a bit of the last Atmos album. A fair amount of this album is the kinda stuff i usually think of as 'low-content' progressive (not a lot really happens) and it can sometimes get a bit boring - but not in this case. The music plods along very nicely with some pleasant subtitle melodies laced into the beats. In fact, it's the slower, more mellow tracks that i preferred over the more prog-on ones. Plenty of pluses.

On the minus side - a few of the tracks are a bit samey and the first track is totally ruined (imo) by some fucking dopy Reservoir Dogs sample.

If you're looking for something original or groundbreaking, you wont find it here - but if you're just looking for another good proggy album then this is the place to look.


At the moment I’m listing to Sonic Boom by Chemical Drive - pretty good so far!           Am i the only one who believes in solipsism?

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Posted : Jul 4, 2005 08:13
I totally agree with Pavel since the Great Unknown CD is my favorite CD from the 2000 onward, it was so groundbreaking proggy and yet psychedelic and still is in a way.

I would like to recommend the Pope of Gegga album out on the swedish Digital Structures some 2 ears ago, killer psy music. Totally outstanding in concept and for me doesnt fit any style - it is progressive in tempo, but in tempo only - very twisted and interesting stuff           A man with a "master plan" is often a woman

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Posted : Jul 4, 2005 10:13
---Dawn---: About 'Mind Games' from Silent Sphere, I think you can count me in. I own their first album 'Dance' which is a really sweet piece if anyone asks me, but when I listened to the preview clips of 'Mind Games' I got totally disappointed as well...
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Jul 5, 2005 06:09

On 2005-07-04 10:13, scobbah wrote:
---Dawn---: About 'Mind Games' from Silent Sphere, I think you can count me in. I own their first album 'Dance' which is a really sweet piece if anyone asks me, but when I listened to the preview clips of 'Mind Games' I got totally disappointed as well...

Yeah, the first album was great but i thought 'Mind Games' was seriously poor!

Just like to say something about that while i'm here -

I don't like slagging-off music and try not to do it if i can avoid it. It all boils down to individual taste and because i don't like something doesn't mean others won't love it. That's why i never comment on music like dark-psy - i don't like the stuff but i know i don't like it so what's the point. Others think it's great! I may as well go and rant on a Britney Spears forum or something. It's just not my bag.

With albums like this one though, it's different. I like this genre of music, i liked the first album and i was expecting good things. I'm sure some people will get this purely on the strength of the previous one and if they have my taste in music (or lack of it, depending on your point of view) they will be disappointed - especially if they pay good money for it.

I'd never say 'don't listen to this' because... like... who the hell am i to say that - but personally, i could pull a better album out of my arse! Sorry

Anyway, that's my rant over. I better get back to bed now or the nurse will change my medication again! Those green pills make me see dead people!

Btw, Elvis says hi!           Am i the only one who believes in solipsism?
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