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PUOSKARI - "The Audio Hustler" (Freakdance Records / 2004)


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Posted : Mar 24, 2004 17:04

On 2004-03-24 16:41, synapsi wrote:

Has anyone from Freakdance Records insulted him in such a way? No. Have we mocked Israeli trance? No. Just because somebody else who happens to be a Finnish psytrance artist says something like that doesn't mean we agree our would automatically say such things or anything like that. Or did you really think all of those who like Finnish psy-trance automatically hate Israelis/Homovocoders/Jewish people in general?? That's like saying all Germans are nazis! Oh well ... PERSONALLY my first recorded song ever was on Exogenic Records compilation AND IT INCLUDED VERY SLEAZY SOUNDING GAY VOCODERS so you're definately on the wrong tracks now.

Now you're being trollie. I'll just copy/paste my last posts first sentences:

serotonot wrote:

First of all apologies, if someone thought that I was talking about Puoskari. I have nothing bad to say about Puoskari or Freakdance Rec.

synapsi wrote:
(EDIT: And I really think al lthose homovocoder/jew things were originally a JOKE (what else _CAN_ they be?),perhaps auspexx knows it and now he's trolling too and laughing in his secret hideout to all us silly people! )

(EDIT 2 : Those who don't understand how can it be humour when we're talking about serious accusations like HOMOVOCODERS then you need a quick THIS IS HUMOUR tutorial . Finnish humour can be a little bit twisted so don't be shocked right away when you hear somebody blurting out some rude words. My suggestion is movies made by / starring Spede Pasanen as he is the idol to many here in Finland)

Double that P L U R.



I think I have quite ok sense of humour. Maybe I'm wrong then, but that conversation in that topic really got out of hand and at the moment I really can't say anymore what is true in there and what is just a joke. At least after recent things I've been said to.

Or maybe the "monkeys spanking a keyboard"-stuff is a joke too. Ever considered that?

Peace to you max. I know you're a good guy and I'm doing my best to be one too.
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Posted : Mar 24, 2004 17:43

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Posted : Mar 24, 2004 17:49

On 2004-03-24 17:43, Nigatron wrote:

Yup, you got it mate <3 That's prolly the most intelligent comment on this sad sad thread.           Things should be used, and people should be loved - not the other way around.
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Posted : Mar 24, 2004 23:58
max my man, I really dont like this release. the music there is honestly not in the same standards as I'm familiar with.
Before I personaly met the finnish trance scene I was very supportive of it. I didnt like most of the music, when I found something that I liked, I did my best to support it and promote it. I was one of the only producers to release finnish tracks on a foreign compilation (u really need balls for that), since I had faith in the specific tunes I chose (Outolintu - Johan Pomppas, Squaremeat - Still Alive and Highpersonic whomen - Wonderbaum).
I praise what I like and I critisize what I don't, but I do so with respect, dignity and politeness, something that you fellas should learn. I wish Pouskari and the rest of the finnish artist all the best in their artistic life, and I also wish them the ability to take critisizm. You know, not everybody has to like it, just as not everybody has to like our Tuubi sound (and unlike you, I respect that completely).

I didn't critisize this release because it is finnish. that was dumbass remark man, please go to the Israeli section, to a topic called "Israel taking care of the night" (, where I critisize also my "fellow" israelies and tell me if this really a Jewish conspiracy against suomisoundi.

but who gives a shit? you chose to come to my home turf and continue your silly war here, so now I choose not to be polite anymore. since I'm not interested anymore in taking part of your precious little (microscopic) kindergarten scene, there is little you can do about it rather than shout "foul" in forums or resort to physical violence. Keep on welcoming foreigners to your midst like this, your future as music museom exhibit is granted.

And I'm not hiding, I live in Tampere, feel free to drop by and have a face to face chat, I'm sure u'd be suprised to see a different attitude than the one shown to me by the suomisoundi clan.

roger out. 
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Posted : Mar 25, 2004 00:11
and by the way, just for general knowledge, my leaving of Elixiria was because I cant read so good finnish, and I couldn't understand what was discussed there most of the time.

I do understand enough though to see you running back to Elixiria to cry about this thread - very mature man.
like Phanatic said, remember that this is ISRAtrance, and we see music a bit differently here.

And about you hearing about my opinions for the millionth time? again, this is Isratrance, not Elixiria, and ppl here dont necessarily visit there and probably can't read finnish anyway (and probably have the right to get a decent warning before sumbling into the finnish zone).

so run back to mommy Timo and daddy Pepe, little one. Its safer there where everybody is forced to think the same and conform to the guidlines of the CORE.


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Posted : Mar 25, 2004 00:35
Arguing over the internet is like winning the parolympics - even if you win you're still a retard. STFU both of you. Nobody cares about your gay arguing or your fag opinions, they're like assholes we all got one and they all stink.
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Posted : Mar 25, 2004 00:43
if you dont care, dont bother commenting or visiting this thread. 
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Posted : Mar 25, 2004 00:45

On 2004-03-25 00:43, helen wrote:
if you dont care, dont bother commenting or visiting this thread.

Well, just came over to see if the kids are still busy. Seriously dudes (and I mean all of you whining maggots) go to work or something.
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Mar 25, 2004 01:03
Thanks for the tip Auspexxie, I'll go running home crying now.!


Started Topics :  9
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Posted : Mar 25, 2004 03:43
oh my fucking god. what is this? still same bullshit about isratrance against suomitrance, and so on.

"home turf"

what the fuck.

i can't fucking understand you.

why are u fighting and disliking something that somebody else loves. isn't it wonderfull that somebody likes something. and isn't it nice that u like something and isn't this hippiegayshit boring to read et cetera.

(this post is not for auspexx, it's to everyone of u)

im really getting nuts with this shit.

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Posted : Mar 25, 2004 09:52
its very nice that somebody likes something and somebody doesn't, Joonas. That's the whole point. some ppl like Pouskari's music, and some don't, and have the right to do so. this is a forum, where people come to share their opinions, whether positive or negative.
My remark on Audio Hustler was indeed negative, but if you read it through, you will find that is also praises the good sides in his music (the originality and interesting ideas). This is definately better than the usual "Tuubi is crap" remarks I'm familiar with.

My resentment was for the generalisation Synapsy was making about me hating suomisoundi and fighting it. Far from it. I'm in the process of lisencing 2 finnish acts for my continuing projects in Com.pact, and I keep finding fresh, interesting new material all the time (man, Accu is one of the best things I've heard lately, Koneveljet are a wicked act and I dont want to even start talking about Haltya, Tripteaser and Unlive - they all rock).

I wouldn't have come back to reply to Synapsi if it this wasn't continued by him and Setotonot in this direction (the S.soundi vs Tuubi issue). I dont ask or require for someone to speak for me, and was suprised to come back and see this thread running out of control. I admit, I got pissed off a bit, and that was stupid (getting angry is punishing yourself for the stupidity of others), but after the 'nice' time I had with traditional finnish artists on Elixiria, I thought you guys deserve some reply. And since I CCL this type of music anyway, I shouldn't bother to even critisize it.

Max, sorry for the silly remark about running home, it was beside the point and I can see you are a good person who doesn't deserve to be treated that way. I apologise for the outburst because I abused a fellow human being and I hate doing that. we all have our soft points and after being abused like that by the finntrance core, I took it out on you.

To everybody:
Audio Hustler is is a good specimen of today's innovative finnish sound. If you like this kind of style, you're in for a treat. If you don't, you can learn a lot by listening to it.

there. everybody happy?


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Posted : Mar 25, 2004 10:22

i made this post only because of my personal motives and does not involve anyone else than me and my personal friends serotonot and mr ouch-specs.
translation for foreign language speakers, of my original review about a 2 day party in vihti (finland), i also wish to point out that this particular thread was

created again into the same forum with the help of the administrators (since going so off-topic) with a PROVOCATIVE subject header : TUUBI VS SUOMISAUNDI
(tube versus finnish-sound), with my review picked from among other reviews here: HTML-LINK 2 ELIXIRIA.COM
to be the first post, resulting in many many people asking me about why i have created this kind of topic. It was very difficult to explain that two nerds are

fucking up interresting facts for the possible readers of the so wonderful and well working forum without gathering a lot of hate and pre attitudes

against all other finnish music etc.. this is a story from what i call psychedelic terrorism on an original shamanic tribe. Almost like what the christians tried to

do to us, but they failed, just to remind you about historical facts, we still today associate freely as pagans, and you cant help shit about that. peace and

love.. now to the translation. and remember we have kept you lame ass sperminators out before so we will remain doing it if we have to. Im sure that even our

nice very welcome summer-visitors from israel (thanks to them) dont want to hear anyone from your country playing here, not even themselves, there is a

musical reason why they usually leave their record case home in israel, but return with a new one from finland. Ofcourse there is. And i also would like to point

out the FAKT that mr pepe has absolutely nothing to do with this at all, EXCEPT that he did take over mr auspexx dj set at that party AND played for 5 hours non

stop, everyone was happy, no one prob even noticed he was not supposed even to be in the line-up. oh what a funny world, you gayz should really come

and check out this lunatic place, 4 sure. welcome anytime, but leave your record cases home, you might not need them at all. its not just polar bears and santa

here, its a lot more mate. I also wish to visit your beautiful vountry and educate you in music with my 25 years of education on the subject. Anyone this might

offend it is meant to offend, ofcourse, there is nothing bad about that, me and the rest of the world is unfair, i know already, please dont tell me that now.

translation of my original party review (absolutely nothing humourous inside imho) :


Even without any sence-of-direction we could manage almost 3 days on the mercy of the forest, thanks to the princes (particulary princesses), brought together

because they are sharing same interrests (mielenkiinnot : mindfixes in finnish), the spugedelic overlords and overlordesses, who even the jews revenge (the

same german style homovokoder fake-freak allways-same-tube didnt put down once again, i still dont wonder, after all these years, if this kind of fellows dont

feel very welcome here in the worlds BEST, and most traditionally operated RIITIT (rituals) (check in encyclopedia if needed), psykedelik ÖRMYÄMINEN (puking

and other noisy thingz, a word associated with aggressive altered states.), and other free-trance-state inducing flipping out with the never ending maa-ilma

(earth-air (ether) : meaning WORLD literraly) energy - love as its wings.

When i left back to that carpark together with mr. pepe, trashed from the long party, i saw that one friend of mine, and his good-fairy-elf looking girlfriend, who

gave me some never-seen record case, asking me & mr pepe, if "THIS IS YOUR RECORD CASE ???? I JUST FOUND IT HERE ON THE GROUND", we said no its

not ours, but i wanted to look into the record case, to check it would not be sienis ekis recordbag cause if it was i would have been in terrible hurry to get it back

to him during the 1 week in finland before he chellos back to sweden, i grabben the case incase it would have been his. anycase.. ..going thru the records i

realized, WHAT?!?!? THERE IS NOT ONE TRACK FORM EKI ?!?!?"?! WHAT ?!?!?! THERE IS ONLY TOTAL SHIT TUBE INSIDE ?!?! (commercial already

overheard non useable foreign record-store-shelf bulk trancematerial.) i almost got frustrated and angry because i was carrying already one big backpack and 1

tent and was very tired, and thinking AAARGH!!! What a destiny, to be carrying a pile of shit back to helsinki and finding the owner just because some 1 person

wants to hear that shit. i shouted to pepe ( PAPA! i DITCH THIS CASE !!! NOWWWWWWW!!!! ) mr. pepe calmed me down with the thought that it however in the

end could be some ekis secret tube-stash, well luckily it wasnt, i think its yours antti (serotonot), take better care from your records, maybe i still have time to

trash the tube cds and replace them with some SPUGE, and bring it to your doorstep, but if you promise not ever never again to play one single track from that

case, also not to listen to any of them alone, i can tell you its in rizla rias saab partycar. i almost god damn excorcized eki in my mind, about that i would have

to remember this, well sorry eki that i thought you are a traitor, i still trust you eki.
i give you number in our finland irc channel, so you can contact ria about your case.

yes we did have visitors in that party from: SWEDEN, ISRAEL, RUSSIA, KATHMANDU, GHANA, & ENGLAND, wonderfull, honest and the best of them.

PS: as i said, the best cannot be spoiled even by the worst, so the ones who think it is the opposite way, are not in a different situation, are they ???

----- Last comment: The result of this party review was that BOTH of my freinds mr. AUSPEXX and mr. SEROTONOT got offended for what i said.
couldnt take it and, this is the result.. ..all i can say is watch after those terrorists who you send here !!!!!!! because if you dont, then there might be

AUSPEXXXXPEXPEXPEXPEX playing in the forest party where you come next time.. ..and youll have to do him over yourself, cause we wont come to that party
to help you have the finnish experience.

dont believe the hype.

we love israel. and nobless, also falafel, few artists like astral projection and gms, not too many so good ones from israel though. Auspex sucked ass.

shalom kusiot ! samim toda.

Love , Timo
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Posted : Mar 25, 2004 10:41
oh, you again.
ok, you asked for it. dont worry my dear, the chances of me playing in a finnish forest party are close to zero, not because you said so but because I'm not interested in it anymore. I guess that material from Astrix, Delirious, V.paradox, Sesto Sento , Ultravoice, SUB6 and our other friends is too much for your delicate ears.
I got really good reviews from people about our material, its sad that the people who like this type of sound (and surprisingly there are many in Finland who do, fuck these traitors, they're not real finns, hu?) will have to go abroad to find it. Dont worry, your precious microscopic nieche will remain. I wont defile it with heathen homovocoders. but I think you might find the enemy from within...

And for general knowledge my doped fiend, GMS are not israeli.
And I'm not so sure Israel loves you back, I remember the last time you came over (who's birthday was it? I'm sure everybody will never forget it), we couldn't stop laughting (when we weren't throwing up, that is...).


Stick to Finnish.


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Posted : Mar 25, 2004 11:41
no no , i loved sesto sento in 9 bar, it was KICK ASS full.on powerful rave set. also astrix is excellent, ive heard them in i think it was new zealand, i cant remember anything but that it fucking rocked mate. you played maybe even the same music but only in the wrong place, probably.

well im sorry if gms is not israeli but they rock TOO ive heard them play also, and it was masterous drive, one of best sets ive heard mate.

OH NO, i love israel so much that it hurts man,
especially all the ones who come all the way here, i still have nothing personal against you, not in this post not in the other, it was a comment about your music. So stop the war, its not our invention, weve kept huge nations out of here with our bare handz, so we are really not into war at all.

i can assure you, i was only pointing out the reality of the start of the whole "tube vs suomisaundi" split thread, i dont remember any birthday or the last time when i came over??"
how could i remeber anything from that journey `????

you are really funny guys
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Posted : Mar 25, 2004 11:46
peace man. and respect. 
Trance Forum » » Forum  Music Reviews - PUOSKARI - "The Audio Hustler" (Freakdance Records / 2004)
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