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Psyfactor - Endless Universe (Ajana Records 2006) CD

IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : May 10, 2006 06:13
Artist: Psyfactor
Album: Endless Universe
Label: Ajana ARecords

1 - Eyes Reflecting Universe
2 - Walk On The Milky Way
3 - Synergy
4 - Freefalling Upwards
5 - Early Morning
6 - Useless Planets
7 - Molecular Design
8 - Venus Seven
9 - Steps Leaving (Dedicated To Zolod, R.I.P.)

What's This About?

Psyfactor (Dimitry Korablin), the Russian spawn released his debut last year Evil Inside showing his primeval face as a night-time trancer with mixed reactions from the public. That same year Ajana records caught up to the idea of releasing chill out tunes from artists normally bent on assaulting the speakers with hectic beats. In the roster Psyfactor showed another side of the coin and so we learned, perhaps it wasn’t such a great idea to corner producers in little boxes and genre’s, since inspiration and creativity is after all shapeless and transient. Endless Universe retakes that ideal with new tunes from someone who would normally be cranking it up at 150, by crossing over to the chill out room.


( 1 ) Enchanted loopy loops hang in the periphery, stretching effortlessly through the bars without concern for time. Could be a good indication of why people refer to this genre as ‘spacey’. In the interim a fair share of swooshy action and a lot of introspection, that is about the only thing that can be gathered from Eyes Reflecting Universe and not a whole lot more. Despite the minimal approach to the production -which at this point is going to be making or breaking this CD for you- unfolds calmly & completely beatless. *

( 2 ) The second chapter conveys a dimming IDM appearance with really familiar pads and a sputtering excuse for a beat that calls out Aes Dana at times. Here we sink with the interplay of two or three recurrent elements arming a melodic chain that knots through, while the underbelly adds up with a generous amount of bass. Yes, it is simple and at this point the Walk on the Milky Way could use a few interesting turns to surprise us. But when things are this calm, I can’t help but thinking of it as great music to carry out personal endeavors: writing a paper, cranking out Photoshop, passing out for a nap… either way. *

( 3 ) In Synergy any peaceful attempts we might be having of dozing out are abruptly interrupted by a scrumptious undertones in the form of breaks and tuneful pads, with long winded synths in the vein of old-schooler Humate. The synergy is then, a convection of the frequency ranges in one sonic doze. So, the beat definitely a good addition to spice things up.*

( 4 ) Hard to pin down a specific genre to define Freefalling Upwards which in essence carries a bit of that melodic strand we would expect from Aphex Twin, circa his Selected Ambient works volume one. The beat once again gives it some movement but throughout eight minutes, it turns a bit droning without much change. It is nevertheless strangely touching.

( 5 ) We are close to the sunrise and the waves of light, progressively give life to an otherwise dark and drab existence… And so it’s Early Morning and the beginning -like most tunes- instantly grabs me but the attention does not last long on this one. The tune could have been a great homage to Sasha’s Airdrawndagger but we are nowhere near it. It’s very emotional and I get it, in a lump-of-cheese-stuck-in-my-throat kind of way and no gulp of wine is big enough to sink it in.

( 6 ) Underwater comes with drops of squeky-screetchy drops, gently gliding down as the pads do their sweet love affair to the toned down rhythm. It is nothing overly original and is not surprising if you pair it up with the rest of the tunes here. The fact the album is already deluged with external influences does not lend much to originality, but I can’t help liking what I hear. Can’t help wondering how a little more work and interaction would have made something memorable either.

( 7 ) The idea of calling a track Molecular Design might imply a level of detail to entail such name, it could be the blip-ie pads or simply an abstract implication. The percussion present is another doze of familiar breaks and heart-aching lines that explode well by the end, as every element is conjured into place. *

( 8 ) Yet another doze of winded melodies and spacey padding that gives way to a beat that never leaves the initial break. Like is standard the output is pleasing by all means, leaving what seems to me like a carcass of something greater to eventually develop. By itself it does work and the melodic side shows proficiency, I don’t know if Venus Seven was meant to be much more.

( 9 ) The space ride ends in a special dedication to countrymen Zolod in his Steps Leaving, without making much fanfare. A sweet piece with intricate water-dropping samples passed through a filter as if the particles had been pixilated. There is a seed for magnificence here in the sentimentality that develops in timely fashion.

All in All

Coming from a notorious dark head this CD is a surprise in many ways. Despite the fact we are drifting to very straightforward ambient wholly inspired by the Old Guard of chill, it unearths familiar territory in my book. Some of these tracks might end up a dead alley with bland content, but for someone who started listening to electronic music because of acts like old Aphex Twin, Global Communication and perhaps Tangerine Dream, the kinship in Dimitry’s work spells out nostalgia and certainly glee in the simplicity of his work. Some people will define it as underachieving… I think that if Ishq could get away with something like Orchid, there should be room for something like this in your repertoire. At the end, Endless Planets is going to be saved mostly for those nights when all I want is to float in my bed late at night, accompanied by my headphones before I pass out to dreamland – hopefully I will remember to load this one up.

Where to Buy

Psysounds (Buy individual tracks!)


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IsraTrance Senior Member

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Posted : May 10, 2006 14:43
I had a dream about this album last night (the music, which I havent heard - But it was amazing in my dream).

I was loving it. Maybe a sign to buy it? =)
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posts :  2014
Posted : May 10, 2006 15:15

On 2006-05-10 14:43, psytones wrote:
I had a dream about this album last night (the music, which I havent heard - But it was amazing in my dream).

I was loving it. Maybe a sign to buy it? =)

Try it, you might like it. This album got off on a somewhat bad start. That's usually the way it goes here at isratrance. One person posts a bad review, the rest follows. And vice versa. Go to saikosounds, listen to the 4 min samples and decide yourself. I like this album.           "Subconscious unravels at the point of death, and all time it has known erupts into a moment. As death extinguishes us, so we become it."

[Esoteric: Subconscious Dissolution Into The Continuum]
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  77
Posts :  498
Posted : May 10, 2006 17:42

On 2006-05-10 15:15, Acidhive wrote:

On 2006-05-10 14:43, psytones wrote:
I had a dream about this album last night (the music, which I havent heard - But it was amazing in my dream).

I was loving it. Maybe a sign to buy it? =)

Try it, you might like it. This album got off on a somewhat bad start. That's usually the way it goes here at isratrance. One person posts a bad review, the rest follows. And vice versa. Go to saikosounds, listen to the 4 min samples and decide yourself. I like this album.

i liked it, in case the review didn't make that very clear... nothing to wow, but pleasing chillout nevertheless...

and psytones... that link at the top that says SE... there's always samples for every track... four minutes... 
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IsraTrance Senior Member

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Posted : May 10, 2006 18:54
Strange thing is that the samples sounds like the music I heard in my dream

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Posted : May 10, 2006 22:22

and psytones... that link at the top that says SE... there's always samples for every track... four minutes...

Rah, is this SE site made/hosted by you? If so, well done. Great site, thanks for making it available to us.

IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  76
Posts :  2014
Posted : May 10, 2006 23:05

On 2006-05-10 18:54, psytones wrote:
Strange thing is that the samples sounds like the music I heard in my dream

Hehehe, all the more reason to get it           "Subconscious unravels at the point of death, and all time it has known erupts into a moment. As death extinguishes us, so we become it."

[Esoteric: Subconscious Dissolution Into The Continuum]
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  77
Posts :  498
Posted : May 11, 2006 00:06

Rah, is this SE site made/hosted by you? If so, well done. Great site, thanks for making it available to us.


cheers faze glad you liked it
it is a lot easier to bitch & moan about things instead of actually do something constructive for the scene you love, not forgeting the folks who have kindly helped along the way.

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IsraTrance Senior Member

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Posted : May 11, 2006 13:32
@ Acidhive :: =) Absolutely. But at the moment
I'm broke, and cant afford to buy any more records.
But I guess your right. I should get a hold of a copy.

Ajana/Trishula :: Wanna send me a promo? I'll review it as I did with Psyfactors last (first) release. (worth the try)

Started Topics :  6
Posts :  228
Posted : May 23, 2006 00:24
thanx to all who d liked this ))
this is really music for special tastes)

cheerse) dmitri

Psyfactor - Futurised (ambient album) OUT NOW!!!
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jun 3, 2006 07:50

i like the album ...well almost the whole album, track 1,3, and 7 are great ....atleast psyfactor has tried to make something different and unique ....better then many hyped chilled albums ...wudnt wanna take names here though           New mixes on

Older Mixes on
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Oct 21, 2006 02:14
I will agree with acidhive by stating that this album needs to sink in more after a couple of listens.

I too commend psyfactor for this work. Every single track on this album is very brilliant. Track 5, the longest track on the album, is beyond brilliant. It has beautiful melodies, thumping drums, and then the track get psychedelic towards the middle. This is my favorite ambient track released this year. I must've listened to this track about 20 times today alone.

Psyfactor, I think you should give your ambient/downtempo project another chance. I would rather see more psy artists take the ambient route as opposed to the whole dark wave route.

Overall, I give this album a 9/10. It's a really excellent album once a couple of listen are given to it.
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  10
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Posted : Oct 25, 2006 17:24

On 2006-05-23 00:24, psyfactor wrote:
thanx to all who d liked this ))
this is really music for special tastes)

cheerse) dmitri

It really is!

Ok... I picked up this album not expecting much. It was just a curiousity thing, as I loved evil inside very much and was intrigued to see what this guy was doing on his voyage into more mellow stuff.
I was mighty impressed I guess is the best way to sum up.
I gave it a first listen on the train home from a club in early july on my headphones after buying it the night before.
There was a certain magic oozing out of it that I can't really explain. The flavour was definately mystery, music asking questions which were so beautiful in a desolate way that no answer would suffice... sounds cheesey I know, but it's the best way I can think to explain. But I walked much slower from the station that day.

The next time I listened to it was at home, once again by myself. This time it was a turned right up on the hifi windows open affair. This time the flavour was pure liberation. I noticed in a couple of reviews people have noted about the lack of progression from start to finish. I find that those more slow moving spacey tracks are a haze I love to get lost in and i'm not too concerned about picking up the pace to get out.

Im not going to give this album marks out of ten as it would cheapen the art to reduce ratings to numbers.

I think well done Dimitri will do.

Don't change this style, just take it deeper.

Oh and if you feel like making an 80 inute track... I won't stop you

IsraTrance Senior Member

Started Topics :  216
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Posted : Dec 1, 2009 14:49
'Early morning' is a fantastic track, i am really surprised some people did not fancy this album.

But there are some tracks which are not upto the mark, and some nice ones too.
           “What we need is the development of the Inner Spiritual man, the unique individual, whose treasure is hidden in the symbols of our mythological tradition and in man’s unconscious psych.” - CJ Jung
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  38
Posts :  50
Posted : Dec 4, 2009 21:00
This is the best downtempo album of the last years.
Trance Forum » » Forum  Music Reviews - Psyfactor - Endless Universe (Ajana Records 2006) CD
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