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Psyfactor - Endless Universe (Ajana Records 2006) CD

IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Apr 20, 2006 16:53
Psyfactor – Endless Universe

Cover: +

Artist: Psyfactor (Russia)
Title: Endless Universe
Format: CD (jewel case)
Label: Ajana Records (Germany)
Cat. #: AJACD004
Distribution: Arabesque
Date: 27 March 2006

Track listing:

01. 07’58” Eye’s Reflecting Universe
02. 09’20” Walk On The Milky Way
03. 08’22” Synergy
04. 08’18” Freefalling Upwards
05. 10’04” Early Morning
06. 08’24” Underwater
07. 09’25” Molecular Design
08. 06’45” Venus Seven
09. 08’22” Steps Leaving (Dedicated to Zoolod)

.m3u-playlist: (all tracks!)



Dmitri Korablin from Russia is best known for his ventures into darkish, nocturnal psytrance – most notably presented on his debut album Evil Inside released on Trishula Records in medio 2005… An album that really surprised me positively… Later on Dmitri also ventured into psychedelic downbeat with his track on the 2005 Ajana compilation A Magical Journey – and to be honest, I liked his party-music better than his dark downbeat experimentation… But he got a taste for it – and decided to make a full album in that style… So let’s check it out!

Let me take you thru the tracks…

#01: Eye’s Reflecting Universe
First up is a highly digitized piece of evil ambient… Synth voyages drifting back and forth in outer space accompanied by some twiddling FX and digital trickery… Not much is going on, and as far as beatless ambient is concerned I’ve heard much better than this… There are neat moments for sure, but generally I’m not a fan of this kind of eventless and hollow type of music… ;o/

#02: Walk On The Milky Way
The next track continues where the previous left off – but we’re soon leaving the cold recesses of outer space and we’re back on Earth with some digital birds and waterfalls… The nice ambience is shattered by static distortion and a heavily filtered, sequenced bass-like sound… Nice! Oh yeah, this is much cooler than the previous track… Darkish, nocturnal downbeat… Neat!

#03: Synergy
As the first part of the previous track, this track has somewhat of a more upbeat nature… It’s still chilled, but there are faster parts here… Sharp, highly digital electro stabs make out the percussion in the first part of the track – and there’s even a bassline here, albeit it’s pretty laidback… This is not bad at all – but it’s not revolutionizing either… A ‘beh’ track…

#04: Freefalling Upwards
The first part of this track is dominated by some old school synths – analogue I think… Anyway, it’s not until halfway thru that anything interesting happens – and by then it’s too late… Kinda! Hmm… Yeah, as the previous tracks this sure has interesting moments (like the IDM and breakz) but as a whole I’m just not too impressed…

#05: Early Morning
Halfway thru the album we encounter the longest track – which intro sends a few friendly nods to Ultimae stuff… Beatless ambient at first, but eventually the track unfolds into a hectic, almost dream-trance like piece of music… In that regard, I think the story telling works better here than in some of the previous tracks – and this is pretty nice. Not amazing, but nice…

#06: Underwater
The title hints at water, and I guess with a vivid imagination those digital drops can be perceived as watery – but besides from that, there’s not too much going on here… It’s extremely digital downbeat music which could really benefit from some more organic sounding elements… This kind of stuff bores me too easily…

#07: Molecular Design
Luckily the next track is funkier – and this is a weird hybrid of laidback progressive grooves and upbeat beats, breakz and trance… Finally some edge… and it’s trippy too! Seems like the most well-produced and best thought-out track here… Nicey nice!

#08: Venus Seven
Sadly the next track doesn’t continue the same trippy style… This is mostly numb, sterile, clinically digital synth lines which eventually are accompanied by some beats… Looks pretty good in writing, but in reality it’s painstakingly predictable and… Yawn, boring!

#09: Steps Leaving (Dedicated to Zoolod)
The last track is dedicated to Dmitri’s fellow country man Viktor Zolotarenko (Zoolod from Parasense) who died on January 4th 2006… A beautiful thought – but sadly the track is nothing out of the ordinary… It’s the same bunch of melancholy synth melodies and mediocre digital FX… Yawn!

Hmm… I wanted to like this album…I really did! I tried and I tried, and then I tried some more. I’ve spun this album over and over again, but despite the repeated attempts I never really got into it… Sure, there are a couple of decent tracks here, but in total it’s mediocre at best. What a shame!

The endless stream of predictable synth lines gets boring real fast, and sadly the decent moments are too scarce… This album could really benefit from some more organic, acoustic bits – and some more… Soul! In short: Psyfactor should stick to making dance music…

The cover art is pretty dull too and once again Ajana excels in having track list errors. The Back-cover only lists 8 tracks, abandoning tracks #6+7 and includes a mislabelled track called Useless Planets. Is it that hard to proof read stuff before going into print? I’m sorry to say this, but this is the worst Ajana release thus far… But I do not despair, as the upcoming A Magical Journey 2 tracklist looks pretty tasty… This one however, was a disappointment as the few nice bits totally drown in the vast, endless universe of fluff… Come again!

Favourites: 2, 7


External links:
Ajana Records:
Saiko Sounds:
Juno:           On really romantic evenings of self, I go salsa dancing with my confusion...
elektric sheep
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  26
Posts :  315
Posted : Apr 20, 2006 19:40
Deathposture, a bluntly honest review, and I agree with you on his one...i also tried to get into it but i find some tracks just to cluttered/fast and breaks the spell.

That being said, the mellower tunes are pretty cool and I wish Psyfactor all the best with future projects.
faves= 1,2,5,7&9
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Apr 20, 2006 21:17
what tha fuck is this shit!??

i'm dissapointed Psyfucka...
me 2 didn't like dis cd
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Apr 20, 2006 21:28
ok, in general, I agree with what is said here: most tracks are boring: too repetitive, not enough variation...

I like some of the deep atmospheres in tracks 7 and 8, (but too loooong ), and I really like the first two tracks of the album, which are two beautiful cosmic soundscapes. For these two tracks, I don't regret the buy. I just hope that there will be an evolution on his next chill releases!

          V/A Floating Mirror - OUT NOW - with Celles, Midimal, Electrypnose, Melodix, Troll Scientists, Yab Yum, Gaspard, Ajja, Cradle of Beats! Info on
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Apr 20, 2006 22:10
Hmmm. I don't agree. I kinda enjoyed this. I think it's not all that bad. At least he's tried something different. This album uses pure electronics to create a relaxed ambience and for that he's to be commended. He didn't choose the tabla/wailing path that most psytrance producers walk into when producing ambient. (And which I despise with a vengeance... like the Cell - Phonic Peace album, which was just a big dissappointment, especially after good tracks like 'Audio Deepest Night' etc.) So Bravo to Psyfactor I say! While not every track here is great this album still stands as a good release in my book. 8/10 from me. Nice work and a change from the mass (as I said).           "Subconscious unravels at the point of death, and all time it has known erupts into a moment. As death extinguishes us, so we become it."

[Esoteric: Subconscious Dissolution Into The Continuum]

Started Topics :  6
Posts :  228
Posted : Apr 20, 2006 22:51
thanx people)) well i think the 95% of electronic music people will never like what inside my minds,,,,

but it never stops me, i will never be like the most mainstreemed producers of electronic music)

thanx anyway)
p.s. next coming up the new dark(which in progress now)


Psyfactor - Futurised (ambient album) OUT NOW!!!
Master Margherita

Started Topics :  156
Posts :  1442
Posted : Apr 21, 2006 01:21
Hello guys,,,

sorry dmitri,, but after your first chill track into the "A magical journey 1" , i was expecting more from you.

Your track into the first ajana VA was absolutely amazing,, the best of the comp,, & one of the best i have eard the last year,,
& from long time.
!!A new way into psy chill!!

so , when i receive your chill album from ajana , i was very exicted about ... but after the first listen , i was very disapointed, nothing inside the album was good or @ the same quality level of your track "realiens".

& i try 3 times to listen your album for find a good track for my dj sets , & nothing stand up.
I will listen more for find the "gold".

& im sure you are able to produce a much better music,,
Realiens is the evidence of your quality.

So , keep the good work & good luck for your futures productions.


I dont know what hapen this days, into psy chill,, maybe the young peoples/producers listening/composing this music , need goo back a bit more & find a few classic cds , for learn about the sound prod. & learn about judgements.

& also everything is a matter of tastes......
Koan / Vacuum Stalkers

Started Topics :  11
Posts :  380
Posted : Apr 21, 2006 09:50
Margherita, it seems Dimitry make a try ambient tribute to artists of 70's: Tangerine Dream, Software, JMJ - it reminds me about it. There is NOT psy chill. However I was nicely surprised "Endless Universe".
But for more psy-people this release too boring beacause they living in 2006 year. Not 1976.

To Psyfactor:

Thanks for this CD, Dimitry. Really nice work! Last track in Zolod memory is very awseome and very warm.
Just keep the fire in Your heart. Peace.
Ajana Records
Ajana Records

Started Topics :  18
Posts :  55
Posted : Apr 21, 2006 12:04
I see in the reactions that either you like or dislike Endless Universe. I agree with Klaxer here, this is more an old style of ambient: pure, spacey electronica with a chilled psytrance aesthetic.
About the artwork: yeah some mistakes were made and I had send in updated artwork files to the presswork. But because I was in hospital things didn't go right and we ended up with the mistakes on the inlay and booklet.
Thank you all for commenting and buying this release.



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Posted : Apr 21, 2006 17:17
I didn't like it either after listening it the first time. But i gave it some time and i start really enjoying this one. It's not like his track from A Magical Journey, its as already said a somehow oldschoolish style. Its not what i hoped for but its definately good at what it is.

Started Topics :  2
Posts :  41
Posted : Apr 21, 2006 23:37
Refreshing album, Dimitry.


I really like this ambient, deep and calm.

Please continue in this downtempo way and hope you will conitnue the journey into night psyche with your 2nd album (never fullon please )


Started Topics :  2
Posts :  41
Posted : Apr 21, 2006 23:42
Refreshing album, Dimitry.


I really like this ambient, deep and calm.

Please continue in this downtempo way and hope you will conitnue the journey into night psyche with your 2nd album (never fullon please )

Congrats!           Galaxy Madness : Phenix [VA : Phenix, Phreex Networx] >>> What a track !!! <<<

Started Topics :  2
Posts :  41
Posted : Apr 21, 2006 23:56

well i think the 95% of electronic music people will never like what inside my minds,,,,


Dont say that buddy... I like your works, I'm with you if you dont come fullonish like 4000 [...] artists of course, hehehe...           Galaxy Madness : Phenix [VA : Phenix, Phreex Networx] >>> What a track !!! <<<
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  52
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Posted : Apr 24, 2006 15:08

but it never stops me, i will never be like the most mainstreemed producers of electronic music)

I hope not any criticism will ever stop you Dimitri! We're honestly saying what we think. I love the vibe on two of the tracks, the rest didnt do it for me, but i'm sure lots of other listeners will find their pleasure listening to all the tracks! Looking forward for the follow-up anyways!           V/A Floating Mirror - OUT NOW - with Celles, Midimal, Electrypnose, Melodix, Troll Scientists, Yab Yum, Gaspard, Ajja, Cradle of Beats! Info on
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  76
Posts :  2014
Posted : Apr 30, 2006 22:22
Having listened to this some more I must say it's just great! I like all of the tracks now and that last track just is amazing. Great stuff. This music needs to sink in more, so give it a few listens and then make your judgement whether this is good or not.           "Subconscious unravels at the point of death, and all time it has known erupts into a moment. As death extinguishes us, so we become it."

[Esoteric: Subconscious Dissolution Into The Continuum]
Trance Forum » » Forum  Music Reviews - Psyfactor - Endless Universe (Ajana Records 2006) CD

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