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Problem with my melodies, needing help

IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  90
Posts :  1493
Posted : Mar 20, 2014 03:06

On 2014-03-12 15:56, bukboy wrote:
Slynth - Xsze has the right idea.

Melodies in static scales bore everyone to shit. And they sound like a 4yr old made them.

Creating interesting melodies implies counterpoint and harmony interaction in alternating stable-unstable dynamic patterns which to top it all off, are meant to show or represent some emotion.

So ... no easy way.

A good way to start though is to transcribe interesting melodies from songs you think are good examples of the kind of stuff you would like to do. Try work out why they work by reading up on harmony... when it doesn't make theoretical sense its probably because you don't know enough theory. Important concepts to master are intervals, consonance, dissonance, harmonic progression, resolution, bitonality and chromatic scales, modulation... when you understand how to use all these you will be able to construct an interesting engaging surprising melody.

Other important concepts are balance, symmetry, rhythmic decceleration/acceleration, frustration, anticipation, contrast, but are more to do with larger scale of composition and have to do with getting the melody to fit in with the larger picture. Chicken and egg.

Have fun although it can be a full time job.

love this bit of info.. cheers

Started Topics :  40
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Posted : Mar 20, 2014 03:09
Well, it's actually very simple.

It's so simple, it's stupid how simple it it.

But, that's only true for who knows (or has the knowledge - lost a little in the translation here sorry).

So, for me the question in not how to make or improve melodies (and harmonies, for that matter), but how to gain the knowledge to make it simple!

And, sorry for not coming up with a better word, that's simple to obtain -> With a lot of work. A lot of time. A lot of experience.

Now to try and explain:
For me, it came out by learning how to perform with an instrument - not just to play it (say to be able to play on the instrument any musical piece presented to you), but to actually have fun with it and be able to play what ever is on YOUR MIND, to improvise. So, the knowledge is being gained when you are playing that instrument, and thinking about the notes, the section, the idea and/or the music, and not thinking about having to put this finger here and that finger there and press down and do some vibrations with it while using the other hand to pluck the string.

So it's like what else people are saying, use something to play with! To learn the instrument, to overcome the instrument playing and use it to express your thoughts!

Say for instance scales: people may say this is good here that sounds like X and that works on the other, but what can you do with this information? Experiment! Pure scientific method And, by using the scales, by playing the chords, your start getting nice stuff. Then you start thinking.. about the composition and not the instrument, and you use the instrument to express your thoughts, say: what if I play this set of chords from a song I learned, and then play a scale I saw somewhere which had the exact notes of the chords? Hmm it sounds very harmonic, it fits together. I was able to make something I LIKE (that's what's important), so why not go out and learn some more technical stuff, learn more tunes, experiment some more, and then try out new stuff?

That's how I make my compositions. And then, I make an accident! Ops, wrong note, wrong timing, but hey, it sounds different! I learn how it sounds in that context, and then try to learn other contexts it works. In my scale learning, first it was the simple pentatonic, then some of the modes, but I didn't understand any of it. But by PLAYING it regularly, I started to fit in all the pieces. And then sometimes I found other "wrong" notes which sounded very good, so I started looking for other 7 note scales which had the root note and that note, and learned more.

Now, if I want to compose, I use this knowledge I'm constantly learning, and try to express what I can trough the composition - regardless of instrument. Trying to play what I think sounds good, and using everything I can to make it sound good. Always experimenting, always learning, and always looking to find more

Sorry for the long post, just trying to help out!
          Super Banana Sauce

Started Topics :  1
Posts :  287
Posted : Mar 20, 2014 22:26
for those who struggle to get melodies, and don't have the finished idea in their heads, start by playing with a synth preset that you like.

sometimes sounds ask to be played in a certain way. people can improvise more easily with a beautiful sound.
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