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paranormal attack - phenomenon (chemical crew, 2006)

Voice of All
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Feb 6, 2006 18:15
unfortunately i dont feel myself ready to write full review of this disc but im sure that somebody will do it bit later. i only want to say some words to give you little hints of what this release looks like. since that time when i've heard some unreleased promo tracks from paranormal attack i liked it. and its nice to see those features i liked are still play great part in the style of the project.
two years ago when chemical crew started releasing their artists paranormal attack alredy was one of them. two great tracks by them were out at v.a. zoo 3. remix of one of them - yakuza you will find on this cd and it is defenitely one of the best here. i cant decide which i like better the original or this remix. its very good as most of the tracks here. developing their style project steped out of usual trance patterns but it still 'inside' chemical crew sound. familiar mastering and way of using base synths let me say that today rui oliveira and jaime ventura are best exponents of label-style. you can like or dont like it but there is exact style and this disc is showing it best way. even many unusual tricks and moves that producers used in their tracks has essential presence of it.
i liked most of tracks but will write only about 3 following which demonstrate original spirit of the project and its special features as well.

..make some noise
it begins with some deep kicks and high timbre synth well-known from earlier paranormal attack tracks. then weird part begins. repeating of the sample 'make some noise' and rapid breaks sounds good and when beat turns to full power track becomes very positive and quick-moving. nice and light.

very poppish and almost non-trance-at-all song very good for large commercial parties. unexpectedly qualitative vocals and solid guitar riffs along with usual dirty synths made 'chemical'-way create active and lyric mood at the same time. with a little help of keyboards theme in the middle all this provide the trackusic with 'mtv'-oriented sounding... also lyrics do so. i dont realy understand the reason why 'revolution' is so interesting theme for many produccers today but there are so many things that i cant catch within it that it means nothing... nevertheless here we have extremely poppish but mighty stomper that we can easily expect at dancefloors all over the world. and me
created with using of almost only standart moves and instruments track also has vocal part and guitar one. less quality of vocals recompensed with more touching and soft melody and positive content. uplifting and nice track with large insertion of pop music vocals.

all in all i have found this cd rather nice and good sounding. it almost has no connection with psychedelic itself but way of composing and trance-base makes it interesting for commercial leisure parties and for background homelistening. here you'll find lots of different vocals guitars and pianos along with full assortment of 'chemical crew methods' of producing. extremely dancing and active tracks with strong techno-kicks have special very positive scent that not realy so hi-emotion as many israeli morning full-on projects have but rather touching uplifting light and juicy. i would like to recomend this release to those of you who have no anything against standart moves vocals and guitars and other pop-influenced things. well produced and not bad at all it almost has no chances to be your number 1 cd but im sure that you can enjoy it month or two. it includes remix of great yakuza and it is one more reason to buy it.

p.s. never liked chemical crew covers and this one is not exclusion.
p.p.s. i continue wonder how different, large and qualitative can portugese trance-scene can be...          Spiritual guides are to practice and serve in ways that cultivate awareness, empathy, and wisdom.
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Feb 6, 2006 18:45
I'll make a short sincere review of the album:

Don't like it at all because of the no presence of psychedelic elements
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Feb 6, 2006 22:17
Theres too many voices and it spoils the music (a shame cause i liked it, but i had to give it to a friend, waste of money for me) and paranormal attack is only dj Xangaii           Visit me
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Feb 6, 2006 22:27

p.p.s. i continue wonder how different, large and qualitative can portuguese trance-scene can be...

what do you mean??????? we are just lovers of good music, that's why so many djs and producers (we are soo Small)           Visit me
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Feb 7, 2006 03:14
worst cd of the month

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Posted : Feb 7, 2006 14:26
p.p.s. i continue wonder how different, large and qualitative can portugese trance-scene can be...

What do you mean by this???

Im comparisson to what? Your scene? Or the Luxembourg scene?

This is a 10 million country, with about 6.000 regular listners from, psy, to prog, to electro or house for over 12 year.

We are not a rich country, we do not have oil or gas like yourselves, so we do not have trance "abramovich" guys here, who with a click of a hand can buy a whole studio setup cheap.

But we do have A LOT of russian people, who came to live to this country, some of them are my friends to, artists from Russia come here often, and they enjoy it a lot, so have some freaking respect.

That kind of prejudice is not wanted, and that comment is tottaly offtopic just like this response to you, i'm p.m.'ing you right now..

This CD does not, in any way, represents our country, does like any CD represents a coutry for itself.

We have good artists like Spectra, Menog,
D-tector, Tryambaka, N3xu5, Audialize or Suria

Plus this is the country of BoomFestival right?
Its not Russia I know, ... sorry for that.. we thought of it first...

But i guess you're just jelouse beacause of our sunshine, right?
IsraTrance Senior Member

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Posted : Feb 7, 2006 15:51
Spasm, are you having spasms right now? lol

Voice of All
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  48
Posts :  762
Posted : Feb 7, 2006 15:59
hi spasm! plz check your pm i have send you the answer...

for all
first of all i want to thank you for your fast reaction on my feeble review. i think that there defenitely is a person who liked this release better then me myself and maybe bit later here you will find more professional and clear review.
i know that many of you do not like chemical crew and their artists. since the very begining of that wide discussion in the nearby section of this forum about skazi, chemical crew and so on i was at skazi side even after he wrote not realy good words about me. but i still have my point of view and do not see a reason to change it.
i dont like this type of music very much but im sure that many of you like it as on the other side many do not. i dont want to claim this cd as breakthrough or smth but it still has its moments even if it is not psychedelic enough for me. it is surely worth reviewing anyway. i just want to express my own view without false promoting or smth alike. i feel that i have said just what i want to say. nothing more or less.

and about 'portugese' scene. there is sort of misundertanding i think... my words have only positive sence. i very like the way how portugal artists are developing. one of my favorite acts ever is menog. i also like suria's second album very much. i like many tracks of audialize and very glad to see spectra's progress. and so on. i even did interview with sidhartha - great and real psychedelic artist. you can read it at in english or at in russian. im sure that problem is only in my poor english and very sorry that failed to express myself right.
maybe i just have bit wider taste to the music then many other people... but i think that paranormal attack is good enough to include them in my view of portugese good music. its not brilliant but you know we are not in heaven and there are tons of projects that i dont like at all.
i think that portugese scene far more qualitative then russian one and i want to thank all great artists of this country that produce many outstanding tracks and im sure they will continue with it...

and yes, spasm i have not enough sunshine here and looking forward to visit boom fest this year...

thanks a lot and sorry my poor english.           Spiritual guides are to practice and serve in ways that cultivate awareness, empathy, and wisdom.

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Posts :  358
Posted : Feb 7, 2006 18:00
Spasm, are you having spasms right now?

Why? Is it illegal?

Oh, that was a joke ...

ha... ha

your very funny, and that was a really smart joke,..... really..

Started Topics :  3
Posts :  358
Posted : Feb 7, 2006 18:05
and im sure they will continue with it...

ok peace.

maybe i read it backwards, doesn´t matter. It was the way you said it that made me reply.

IsraTrance Senior Member

Started Topics :  236
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Posted : Feb 8, 2006 09:49


On 2006-02-07 18:00, Spasm wrote:
Spasm, are you having spasms right now?

Why? Is it illegal?

Oh, that was a joke ...

ha... ha

your very funny, and that was a really smart joke,..... really..

Every joke contains a pinch of truth. ... Really, I'm not joking.
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Feb 8, 2006 14:48
nice to c the topic on fireeeee
paranormal attack is a real bomb
maybe the best release album from chemical crew untill now

          give me darma, take your karma..

Started Topics :  3
Posts :  358
Posted : Feb 8, 2006 18:05
Really, I'm not joking.

O no? So what the hell do you want?
Do i know you? Ever spoke to you, ever met you?

I dont think so,... so mind your own business and keep the bullsh$ for yourself.

when i have nothing to say, i keep my mouth shut, you should doo the same.

Started Topics :  8
Posts :  673
Posted : Feb 9, 2006 06:56
Decent Album...
Has some nice build ups but the typical Chemical Crew sound.
Some tracks are worth a listen nothing psychedelic more commercial.
IsraTrance Full Member
Access Gremlin

Started Topics :  51
Posts :  1046
Posted : Feb 9, 2006 08:11
this is the worst music ive herd from Paranormal attack , tracks like yakuza were so psychedelic but this album is really awfull in my oppinion!
Trance Forum » » Forum  Music Reviews - paranormal attack - phenomenon (chemical crew, 2006)

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