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Ovnimoon Records>>>Dissappointing????


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Posts :  184
Posted : Apr 30, 2013 10:59

On 2013-04-30 01:05, DETOX wrote:

P.S 2 And a last hint, all (ok 95% of it) the releases on discogs are either posted by the same guy who is obviously working for the label or the releasing artist himself............

No, I'm not working for the label, sorry 
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Apr 30, 2013 11:03
Who cares who put it on discogs?

Another thing to mention here is the fact that a lot of labels are not open to new artists and they don't have enough time to release many EP's and albums. It could be that the ovnimoon people have a lot of time on their hands.. 

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Posts :  184
Posted : Apr 30, 2013 11:14
But I'm watching & following Hectors work.
First of all as I see labels activity on FB, there are lot of people helping choosing music for Ovnimoon, as You see the compilations there are often compiled together with different artists.
I'm also very surprised by the number of releases, but majority of this releases just hits my taste.
I know few labels releasing less, but total crap, not to mention which ones.
I agree that majority of releases at Ovni comes from a new artist, but as You can see, lot of this artists after reelase started to produce tracks for other known labels. I noticed some very talented discoveries there, lot of.
Wizack Twizack, Predators, Trinodia, Meller, Nova Fractal, Lemonchill, Zybex, Elegy, - are not newcomers
And lot of discovered talents, their music can be found on various labels:
Rigel, Psilocybian, Hotep, Spirit Architect, Via Axis, Lupin, Man Machine & lot of....
Of course there are some weak points, specially in the compilations. Also I'm not satisfied with the amateur mastering of some releases (loudness war) but IMO, it's surprisingly good label comparing to its parent label & clones. But of course its a matter of taste


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Posted : Apr 30, 2013 16:57

Everyone has a different business model and this one is obviously to release as much as possible to try and turn a profit. I don't see what is wrong with that as it does help new artists establish themselves and really it is none of my business. I can listen to samples and if I like I can buy, if not then no harm done. Its not like we are being forced to buy and listen to "bad quality" music. Detox said it with "For example when i was running my label ...". Well I guess your business model did not work out so good.


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Posted : Apr 30, 2013 18:14
Saintcarl my business model included paying money to artists for releasing their music and printing cds and selling them all around the world. This is the model i followed because i respect both the artists and the music and ofcourse the audience and for me its insulting offering to artists to release their music FOR FREE JUST IN DIGITAL FORMAT and just share any possible profits from digital sales after 6 months or a year.

When i saw that the world is changing and the market got flooded from labels releasing anything for free (which resulted in shops like psyshop and saikosounds asking for less cds from all labels since they had to buy little bit of everything from all the releases) i decided to stop releasing music through my label ALTHOUGH I HAD OFFER FROM THE ARTISTS to continue the label under a digital format, i dont like this kind of digital format labels releasing shitty music for free so i stopped my involvement with the cd industry.

For me the artists deserve to get payed for their work, the music must be treated with respect and the end product that reaches a consumer must worth its money. For me music is not just mp3/wav files in a folder, its something more personal.
          Toodaloo Motherfuckers!!!!!
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : May 1, 2013 09:35
It's the Golden age of music consumerism! Unfortunately the oldschool model like yours is completely defunct Detox, even the few labels remaining that do specialise in a sound, releasing less than four a year get so many more demos that paying an artist in advance is not in the picture. And the artists know that if they release on the well known label, booking will come in immediately, so they don't ask for a release fee.

Maybe a few labels that are investing in it's startup pay the artist to gain momentum but once they're in a higher gear they start behaving like all the others.

Digital model works because there is no quality control on the label distributor end since they dont have to spend anything to put it out. I'm sure it would have been similar back in the day if it cost 0$ to release something.

So the job of quality control has come down to the buyer. Which means everyone has to listen to a lot of music they dont like to find some music they do like. Like situation with Ovnimoon.

This is pretty much all genres except for few "boutique" labels that remain that can still sell their CDs for 20 euro.

Anyway, sounds like I'm just stating the obvious again. Would be nice to see a label in the psy scene that can defy this trend.
Geomagnetic Records
Geomagnetic Records

Started Topics :  64
Posts :  423
Posted : May 14, 2013 01:51
Hi there and greetings once more!!!

Its really interesting to read these opinions from those who have had the inclination to speak about their feelings. Thank you for your candid and personal responses.

I see that at least a few comments have been about our full power schedule... and a question about our A&R dept.

re- Schedule... well... what can I say? we have a goal to find our favorite and most pleasing tracks that fit our sound. We have been amazing fortunate and blessed to receive many GREAT tracks that appeal to US.

As a label group we work with many artists and are not limiting our self with some arbitrary cap for our output. We have found with a steady and consistent release of GREAT new music we get more and more (paying) fans, that support our efforts to release more GREAT new music. The more we do... the more fans we find. the more fans we find... the more we release... in a bigger and better upward spiral.

OBVIOUSLY if we dont like it... we pass. if it fits some where in our wonderful and passionate label group that has been around since 2001!! we release it.... 12 years... wow... its been awhile!! now check it... as a label posse.... we have nearly 4000 tracks in our catalog. nearly 800 artists and counting...

I can pledge that as a label we will grow and bloom as much as possible... spreading to new styles, embracing old ones, blazing new territory and grinding the dance floors into dust.

while EVERYTHING may not be your style... we certainly have enough that you will be pleased with some parts.

and if you are not... well we appreciate your kind and constructive criticism. You rock!

but really... complaining that we have TOO much music... is really funny... =) its a complement!!!

and really... sorry your label didnt work out... but we dont let that stop us... we are happy and ambitious bunch with around 30 different A&R people, 5 different mastering engineers, 5 graphics artists, possibly hundreds of promotion helpers, an email list with over 100,000 people we have gathered over the 12 years in BUSINESS.

yes we run a business. its not always been easy or smooth but over the years we have forged great enduring friendships and relationships with many people who are still supporting us and we them years later.

We do our best to provide a quality and satisfying service and make a good deal for everyone involved. Yes we have a wide variety of tastes so there is a good chance that if you have something quality no matter the genre we will find a place to release it. We support based on the release. More effort is spent on CD release promo since we have more invested.

WE dont PROMISE to make a huge promo budget for EP releases but we do provide a decent internal promo + share some great resources to help promo with the artist.

also we do our absolute best to spread the music to the most possible places to find the most possible fans... both in the psy scene and to the larger EDM scene.

Fans = sustainability.
Sales = happy fans.

the more we sell the more we can afford to release. at any given time our CDs are 20% or more of the top 100 on Psyshop... we sell upwards of 600+ CDs each month... these sales come from devoted fans who collect our CDs. while the market is rough... we find that there is a niche for our sound(s) and endeavor to do our best to INCREASE our quality with each release.

Yes!~!! MORE QUALITY!! MORE QUANTITY!!! wow!! its like a spiral of positive growth!!!

=)           Dr. Spook~

Started Topics :  3
Posts :  137
Posted : Jun 1, 2013 02:07
Spending $16 to get a two CD compilation and not a single freaking good track. HOW THE HELL DO YOU EXPLAIN THAT? For example your compilation "STORM RIDERS" is total shit. Spook you are a Dj and you should know better than that man.
Wizack Twizack
Wizack Twizack

Started Topics :  239
Posts :  3486
Posted : Jun 4, 2013 20:25
and your a psytrance music fan and listener, you should know better then to buy a hole cd without a single good track. I think buying a cd without even listen previews today is not a good idea.
Also, changeing a hole compilation just becouse one dude doesn't like the style makes no sence

          For Contact & Bookings:
New Album Out: Wizack Twizack - IV (Ovnimoon Records 2011)

Started Topics :  3
Posts :  137
Posted : Jun 4, 2013 23:31
Hey Wiz boy, stop licking balls to release your music. Your one dime track "2 and a half braincells" was also on Storm riders.
Wizack Twizack
Wizack Twizack

Started Topics :  239
Posts :  3486
Posted : Jun 10, 2013 20:19
i aint licking nothing dist boy. btw, it is Micro Scan's remix of my track.

cheers!           For Contact & Bookings:
New Album Out: Wizack Twizack - IV (Ovnimoon Records 2011)
Martian Arts

Started Topics :  187
Posts :  5292
Posted : Jun 10, 2013 21:17
Not a fan of the label's output, but this rocks  
Geomagnetic Records
Geomagnetic Records

Started Topics :  64
Posts :  423
Posted : Jun 11, 2013 04:26

On 2013-06-01 02:07, Distorted wrote:
Spending $16 to get a two CD compilation and not a single freaking good track. HOW THE HELL DO YOU EXPLAIN THAT? For example your compilation "STORM RIDERS" is total shit. Spook you are a Dj and you should know better than that man.

ouch... well I liked the tracks... I had to pay alot of money to release that comp (and any other... you know I thought it was a killer comp and tested ALL the tracks on the dancefloor... ALL of them... and got GREAT responses... even comments like my set was the peak of the night more than once... from people I didnt even know... so I guess your opinion is all it is... why not compile a 2CD and release it yourself? tossing your 2cents I guess is all you have time/money for... if you are serious though and want a "replacement" for your purchase I am happy to send some other 2CD as a digital download to satisfy you... if there are any that you do want.           Dr. Spook~
Geomagnetic Records
Geomagnetic Records

Started Topics :  64
Posts :  423
Posted : Jun 11, 2013 04:27

On 2013-06-10 21:17, Nectarios wrote:
Not a fan of the label's output, but this rocks

I guess you are a fan of AT LEAST SOME of the labels output.. yes this new Predators is a KILLLLER album (IMHO)

S~           Dr. Spook~
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  148
Posts :  1681
Posted : Jun 11, 2013 05:47

On 2013-06-04 23:31, Distorted wrote:
Hey Wiz boy, stop licking balls to release your music. Your one dime track "2 and a half braincells" was also on Storm riders.

Only an idiot buys music without having a listen nowadays. It's your fault that you're stuck with a cd you don't enjoy, not the label. Grow up.

Anyway I'm keen to hear the 2 CD neogoa release coming out on this label/sub-label soon. I've never seen anything on it I'd consider buying but this looks good.           Cuntus Maximus.
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