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Trance Forum  Forum  India - ~* oOOO The Wish Machine OOOo *~

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~* oOOO The Wish Machine OOOo *~

Cosmic Oneness
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  30
Posts :  711
Posted : Feb 13, 2008 18:20
The Universe is constantly tapping into our thoughts so pay attention to that voice in your head and carry on dreaming for you shall realize it sooner or later . Our collective consciousness has the power to shape the future ! One big massive is what we are at a very exciting time in human history marching onto the new age, a new world order ! The polar shift shall also dawn a notable shift in consciousness across the world.

If you had one wish, what would it be ?

How would you like the world to be


Cosmic Genie says' ... Your wish is my command !

Dream On
          " All is One "

When we change the way we see things, the things we see begin to change ... In Lak'ech Ala K'in ...
Lesser Soul
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  16
Posts :  838
Posted : Feb 13, 2008 18:33
One wish or can it be a whole list of them ???           Being, a bundle of minute, unique particulars in which, by some unspeakable and yet self-evident paradox, was to be seen the divine source of all existence.

Started Topics :  6
Posts :  242
Posted : Feb 13, 2008 18:37
I wish the whole world was a stage and all of em were trippin on Sid and dancing like crazy with positive vibes all the way.........
And water was Free.........
          cOnFuSion Was Never So BeautiFul..............
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  18
Posts :  348
Posted : Feb 13, 2008 18:42
wish we cud go back to the primitive ages...hehe

BOOOM           U can take me away from the freaks...
but u can't take the freak out of me...
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  18
Posts :  348
Posted : Feb 13, 2008 18:43
veery nice topic and well said

nice connexion psy bates

BOOM           U can take me away from the freaks...
but u can't take the freak out of me...

Started Topics :  8
Posts :  422
Posted : Feb 13, 2008 18:56
i wish i had teletrasportation.........

oh and psy bates i couldn't resist.......

i wish no more artist remix/psychedelicize old classics....

the again i said two wishes so they cancel each other out....ill go back to my dreaming state...

Cosmic Oneness
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  30
Posts :  711
Posted : Feb 13, 2008 20:05
HAHAHA You need more votes to even consider the second to count among other collective consciousnesses ! It works better if you focus on something you want rather than what you don't want !

Dream on Shanti ~*           " All is One "

When we change the way we see things, the things we see begin to change ... In Lak'ech Ala K'in ...

Started Topics :  8
Posts :  464
Posted : Feb 13, 2008 21:41

IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  27
Posts :  911
Posted : Feb 13, 2008 22:36
I wish global warming would just stop!! i heard something very scary yesterday: by 2035 there will be NO glaciers in India, what will happen to all our rivers? I always thought the Himalayas is where I will eventually end up to escape the destruction that global warming will cause everywhere, but now im starting to see that not even the Himalayas are safe from it anymore.
almost_human KROX ( Phantasm Rec .)
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  25
Posts :  2369
Posted : Feb 13, 2008 23:32
My Wish is to ORGANIZE the biggest Trance festival Ever WHich has an Beggining........END no nobuddy knows
The best part is ENTRY will be free           UVV Project / Mandala Project / Crystal noize Project / Cosmic Crew

Be not angry that you cannot make others as you wish them to be, since you cannot make yourself as you wish to be.

Started Topics :  6
Posts :  102
Posted : Feb 14, 2008 01:08
One common language for all to speak
And also i would want the entire world to enchant the word "aum" at the same time ...
Imagine the amount of energy that it would generate....
          Infinity in totality is another way of life... Getting used to it is difficult ... But Once you start living it ... Then you are actually ....."You"...
energy spliff
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  25
Posts :  532
Posted : Feb 14, 2008 07:40
i wish i had a passport wd visa and tkts foe the Boom  

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Posts :  180
Posted : Feb 14, 2008 09:25
Is this a "Offtopic" thread?.....not!

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Posts :  101
Posted : Feb 14, 2008 11:15

On 2008-02-14 01:08, cosmosterix wrote:
One common language for all to speak
And also i would want the entire world to enchant the word "aum" at the same time ...
Imagine the amount of energy that it would generate....

very true cosmosterix.
i was gonna post the same thing when is saw this thread...           Take care of all your memories. For you cannot relive them.

Started Topics :  9
Posts :  1417
Posted : Feb 14, 2008 11:56

On 2008-02-14 11:15, sykidelicmind wrote:

On 2008-02-14 01:08, cosmosterix wrote:
One common language for all to speak
And also i would want the entire world to enchant the word "aum" at the same time ...
Imagine the amount of energy that it would generate....

very true cosmosterix.
i was gonna post the same thing when is saw this thread...

+1 OM SHANTI OM always...One world with no boaders no boundries...
          ~~Co-Creator of A Ritual~~
Trance Forum  Forum  India - ~* oOOO The Wish Machine OOOo *~

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