New School Goa
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Posted : Apr 18, 2009 20:39
On 2009-04-18 19:41, Soul Kontakt wrote:
So why don't you make a brilliant gem and give to the people what they really want to hear? I know because it's really difficult to get to that state in music production and ideas...Good luck though...
You seem to miss my point. What does your post have to do with what I wrote? I think you should re-read my post. I didn't say anything about "music production and ideas..." I said that the scene is too small and divided to have hits.
Its impossible to make everyone happy with all these subgenres. Trance is a small scene with few people. And becomes even smaller with all these categories. Thats why we dont have hits today.
Anyway, I dont want to turn this into some genre discussion. I just wanted to answer rich |
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Apr 18, 2009 21:08
Yah definitely agree with you on that Filteria. There are way too many styles within psytrance today to have "hits" that will please all psyheads
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Posted : Apr 19, 2009 16:58
Wow, thank you very much Basilisk. It's an honor for me to be mentioned in that list!
  Most of my music for you to download at: |
Soul Kontakt
Soul Kontakt
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Posted : Apr 19, 2009 20:31
There are no hits because the artist is not searching enough for new sounds and new directions, Hits come from long years of work and practice and i think that is the ultimate goal for any artist, to create music that lasts forever
Keep is good |
IsraTrance Senior Member
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Posted : Apr 19, 2009 21:09
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Apr 19, 2009 21:12
are you joking me? this scene had very few "hits" and theres a reason for that and i despise the definition of hits - there were anthems which defined a period - but like most people already said here there are so many subgenres here that almost every dj plays totally different music so you wont hear the same tracks over and over and thank god for that!
aside of that - searching for new sounds/directions and like you said looking for that inspiration and creating those "brilliant gems" - if you are into goa then look no further than filteria's 2nd album, listen to unfiltered, rotate to vibrate - and tell me those arent gems? not enuff? listen to ra's album as a whole (especially the one before the last track) and the last 2 compilations from suntrip and tell me there are no gems there...
im sorry but you are generalizing this genre and i for one see alot of new inspirations coming from that direction even if they are based on what we used to listen to 15 years ago...
and to filteria - amazing work on your new album... i sincerely hope you come to play in israel |
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Apr 19, 2009 22:27
^^^Yah seriously, I just heard Filteria - Daze of Our Lives and it is amazing goa trance. Brilliant music man!!
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Apr 19, 2009 23:50
with all due respect goaren and filteria,its not that i dont hear new tricks in todays new school goa trance music,its the fact that it's simply too much well polished for me to enjoy it for more then a few listens,i havent heard the new filteria album as of yet,but his 2 first albums were great,realy nice new school music,but there is no chance i will hear an album from start to finish,i get a tad bit bored at the middle.
i respect suntrip records,filteria and any other artists around making new school goa trance,realy,thumbs up,but im still looking for that new commer artist that will grab my mind and heart.
Soul Kontakt
Soul Kontakt
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Posted : Apr 20, 2009 11:31
On 2009-04-19 23:50, NEO wrote:
with all due respect goaren and filteria,its not that i dont hear new tricks in todays new school goa trance music,its the fact that it's simply too much well polished for me to enjoy it for more then a few listens,i havent heard the new filteria album as of yet,but his 2 first albums were great,realy nice new school music,but there is no chance i will hear an album from start to finish,i get a tad bit bored at the middle.
i respect suntrip records,filteria and any other artists around making new school goa trance,realy,thumbs up,but im still looking for that new commer artist that will grab my mind and heart.
yes this is exactly what i mean... |
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Apr 20, 2009 19:17
Thanks for the reply Filteria, I think you're absolutely right. I didn't take today's split scene factor into account. Back in the day, we all listened to one style and it satisfied the majority of our tastes. So a track like Reload would be a favorite scene-wide and remains a classic. Hard for one track of a particular genre to do that these days because we're all off listening to our own favorite style.
We all love what we love and it's either shared with many or a few, but either way, we love it and love the effect it has on us, and when it makes us smile it can only be a gem.
Suntrip Records
Suntrip Records
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Posted : Apr 22, 2009 01:13
i respect suntrip records,filteria and any other artists around making new school goa trance,realy,thumbs up,but im still looking for that new commer artist that will grab my mind and heart.
Isn't that just a matter of taste? In the mean time we released all kinds of goa trance, spiritual (Khetzal), floating (Ra), in your face climaxes (Filteria, Merr0w), sensitive-melodic (upcoming Afgin), full on influenced almost (Goasia), darkish (Ka-Sol), acidic (D5) ... (there are many other labels that released alot of music)
if you still don't find any subgenre that fits your taste within this new school goa trance, it is probably because you grew out of this genre... Which can happen of course
I noticed that some "old schoolers" (people that listen to trance since 95-97) never managed to get into newer releases, and I'm still wondering if it is really the sound quality (? how can you dislike BETTER soundquality) or rather... The benefit of positive memories... (of course the tracks you heard on your first parties and gave you fantastic moments will ALWAYS be magic) - |
Soul Kontakt
Soul Kontakt
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Posted : Apr 26, 2009 14:42
On 2009-04-22 01:13, Suntrip Records wrote:
i respect suntrip records,filteria and any other artists around making new school goa trance,realy,thumbs up,but im still looking for that new commer artist that will grab my mind and heart.
Isn't that just a matter of taste? In the mean time we released all kinds of goa trance, spiritual (Khetzal), floating (Ra), in your face climaxes (Filteria, Merr0w), sensitive-melodic (upcoming Afgin), full on influenced almost (Goasia), darkish (Ka-Sol), acidic (D5) ... (there are many other labels that released alot of music)
if you still don't find any subgenre that fits your taste within this new school goa trance, it is probably because you grew out of this genre... Which can happen of course
I noticed that some "old schoolers" (people that listen to trance since 95-97) never managed to get into newer releases, and I'm still wondering if it is really the sound quality (? how can you dislike BETTER soundquality) or rather... The benefit of positive memories... (of course the tracks you heard on your first parties and gave you fantastic moments will ALWAYS be magic) -
It's not the sound quality man everbody likes better quality. Can't you relaise that it the feeling of the music, that the older tracks had new ideas in them.! You are trying to get back those ideas to life but now your mission would be to get those ideas and make new ideas better, fatter more psychedelic than before and then you will see that everybody will dance and love your music automatically...This is not a decision one makes it's automatic either it makes you dance like never before or else you automatically don't dance...This is the way i see it, you are wonderful people and what you are doing is great i really appreciate all of your work and i am sure we can only listen to only better music by time
Hope this helps,
  Boom :)
SOUL KONTAKT - 12th Planet new track on
Soul Kontakt Live for demo or booking email |
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Apr 27, 2009 18:19
Filteria is rocks!!
"Daze Of Our Lives" is rocking my iPOT.
J. |
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : May 3, 2009 07:29
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : May 3, 2009 09:16
On 2009-04-27 18:19, John Doe® wrote:
Filteria is rocks!!
"Daze Of Our Lives" is rocking my iPOT.
The other day I was biking around the city with "Daze" on my headphones thinking: old school Goa trance was so transient. I mean, few artists stuck around to really perfect the style. They were in and out; an album or two in the three years between 1995 and 1998 that we now call "the golden age." Prana came out with an album and a half before bailing into electroclash. Transwave had three albums in two years before moving on. T.I.P. had one collection of singles and an ambient album before dissolution. Etnica/Pleiadians were fairly prolific; I think you can count 4 albums between the two projects as fitting with the old school style (although Equator is really borderline). Hallucinogen had two in three years, nothing since. MWNN veered off into commercial territory before reversing course. Total Eclipse released two albums in two years. Cosmosis maintained a fairly steady output but the quality of his work dipped. Same with Shakta. X-Dream are marvels but abandoned Goa trance fir greener creative pastures. MFG and Astral Projection might qualify as exceptions--they were in it for a long while and came out with several albums before drifting into general inactivity.
My point here is that Filteria has been at it for longer than the classic Goa style was the dominant style in the psytrance scene. He started out making a particular sound... and since then he has continually improved it. By year five, most of the old school masters had moved on to something else. Back in 1999 and 2000 I remember the general sentiment amongst old schoolers was simply that our favourite artists had given up on something we felt still had great creative potential. We didn't think they were through developing the ideas and concepts of Goa trance--but the artists wanted a change, something different. Our argument was very specific: you don't have to stick around and make the same old thing over and over, no! The idea was to take Goa trance and develop it further, to reach genuinely new horizons without the wholesale abandonment of the qualities that made the classics so precious to us. But that was it. Aside from Dimension 5, Ra, and Chi-A.D., virtually everyone moved on to explore minimal/techtrance and, later, full-on.
Filteria today sounds like what I imagine the old school greats might have sounded like if they had remained on course. It is too bad that some old school fans can't feel the magic in this music any more... then again, it amuses me to think of these same people writing the same damn thing about Suntrip ten years from now... "why don't they make them like they used to?"
Nostalgia is a funny thing. It takes time to develop. I'll own up to the fact that I never really got into Etnica back in the day. Their music seemed kind of indistinct and poorly produced. But it grew on me, and now I love their old work. I mention this because you don't always have a positive impression of music you haven't experienced before... your response to music is shaped by your experiences with it--the set and setting, your mental state, where you're at in your life. If you really think about it... how you listen to music is almost as important as what you listen to. So ask yourself: how did you listen to music ten years ago? How do you listen now? How much music did you have access to back then? And now, are you overwhelmed by it? I could go on developing this point but I will just leave it here. Think about it. Personally, I think we have access to some absolutely wonderful music today...