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Neo psychedelic rock?

IsraTrance Senior Member

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Posted : Mar 28, 2005 22:33
hidria spacefolk           "The dinosaurs became extinct because they didn't have a space program."
- Larry Niven

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Posted : Mar 29, 2005 06:16

On 2005-03-28 10:44, full_lotus wrote:
Porcupine Tree

Now someone is talking in a known tongue
How about Mogwai....
          There is no dark side of the moon really... as a matter of fact , its all dark!
The Bap
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Apr 7, 2005 14:03
check out Brainticket records from Austin, Texas. 
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Dec 7, 2006 18:32
Ok.. Im gonna admit it. Psy trance has spoiled me. No other music seems to sound psychedelic anymore, like all those 60's guys? Didnt actually know the meaning of the word psychadelic (prove me wrong but I bet you cant). The 80 + 90's kind of pushed it along, but still wasnt a patch on trance and I still havent heard any new acidy rock this decade.

Anyways the point of all this. Can someone point me in the direction of some modern rock music that is very psychadelic. I'm a fan of Ozric tentacles, though they are hit and miss by my tastes due to unecassary over-selfindulgence , I got the greatest hits album and that'll do me fine. I'm also a big fan of porcupine tree's earlier stuff too but they didnt do drugs so consequently got bored and moved on, which is a shame because some of their tracks had wicked trancey 4/4 sections with that intensive guitar vibe.

So does anyone know any rock music, that's quite dancable, with a very twisted psychadelic edge but no self indulgence.

I read all the above posts but Im hoping a year later there's someone out there who can help me


I really find it hard to believe no one has done this properly yet.
IsraTrance Senior Member

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Posted : Dec 7, 2006 18:36
Marilyn Manson - Smells Like Children has a couple of "psychedelic" tracks on it with synthezisers and such. At least imo.
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Dec 7, 2006 18:41

On 2006-12-07 18:36, psytones wrote:
Marilyn Manson - Smells Like Children has a couple of "psychedelic" tracks on it with synthezisers and such. At least imo.

Especially the monkey song! I'd say that albums more dirty than psychadelic, though the sweet dreams cover's pretty legendary.
IsraTrance Senior Member

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Posted : Dec 7, 2006 18:45
You mean "My Monkey" from the "Portrait of an American...) " album?

I had a little monkey
I sent him to the country and I fed him on gingerbread
Along came a choo-choo, knocked my monkey coo-coo
And now my monkey's dead
At least he looks that way, but then again don't we all
(what I make is what I am, I can't be forever)
I had a little a monkey
I sent him to the country and I fed him on gingerbread
Along came a choo-choo, knocked my monkey coo-coo
And now my monkey's dead
Poor little monkey
'Make you...break you...make you...break you...lookout'
(what I make is what I am, I can't live forever)
We are our own wicked gods
With little g's and big dicks
Sadistic and constantly inflicting a slow demise
I had a little a monkey
I sent him to the country and I fed him on gingerbread
Along came a choo-choo, knocked my monkey coo-coo
And now my monkey's dead
The primate's scream of consonance is a reflection
Of his own mind's dissonance

yeah, it's a wicked one
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Dec 7, 2006 18:47
I heard somewhere that Charles Manson wrote that one. Guess he had issues huh?
IsraTrance Senior Member

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Posted : Dec 7, 2006 18:55
hehe, yeah. I think I rememebr reading that in his book "Long Hard Road Out Of Hell" - great book btw!
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Dec 7, 2006 19:04
acid mothers temple
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Dec 7, 2006 19:04
Is that the book that declares if you own a smiths record then you're a homosexual? I was put off reading that book cover to cover due to statements like that (nothing to do with the fact I love the Smiths) and I've never heard of a great book by a rock star... I'd much rather Read Stephen Hawking. No he's one psychedelic dude.
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Dec 7, 2006 19:06
- Gong
- Acid Mothers Temple & the Melting Paraiso U.F.O.
- Circulatory System

check em out... very trippy

IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Dec 7, 2006 19:12
I'm liking acid mothers temple but they aint quite what I'm looking for.
IsraTrance Senior Member

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Posted : Dec 7, 2006 19:15
Personally, I don't know The Smiths, only by name. And I found it strange my self that he stated so often in the book that he hated them. And the two sections (one where he says your gay if you like the smiths) .. You clearly get the feeling that he's either (used too, past) struggled with homosexual feelings or that he knew that everyone has homophobic feelings and he just "pointed" it out in his own way .. I don't know, it's a strange hate statement. Manson also have gotten a couple of blowjobs on stage in his wild Florida days, and he states that if you get a blowjob from a dude (you = boy) and you don't get a hard on, your safe. Lol, as mentioned. I think this homothing was a big issue for Manson in that period of life. Don’t ask me. Anyway, I love Marilyn Manson even though I find some of the things he write to be a tad strange. -- As mentioned above, Manson had a tendency to take what people fear, and make it "real" .. And, homosexual feelings must be one of the worlds most feared topics.. And he just took the fear and pushed it in your face. .. that I in it's own twisted way respect.
Stephen Hawking, psychedelic? Psy-fi? hehe, I haven't read his work yet, I got a feeling that it's to complex for my simple mind :p
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Dec 7, 2006 19:25

On 2006-12-07 19:15, psytones wrote:
Anyway, I love Marilyn Manson even though I find some of the things he write to be a tad strange. -- As mentioned above, Manson had a tendency to take what people fear, and make it 2real" .. And, homosexual feelings must be one of the worlds most feared topics.. And he just took the fear and pushed it in your face. .. that I in it's own twisted way respect.

The guys a legend but I wouldn't go out for a pint with him. Maybe the reason I found that statement strange is cause homosexuals have never been a problem to me (unless they're on pills) but there are young impressionable minds who don't read between the lines as you have and may start killing gays/smiths fans before they gun down their next school.

Anyway anyone have any suggestions that are less organic and jammy, more metallic and trippy (I mean ambiently metallic, nothing to do with heavy metal).
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