Right, I've only just started playing with it this morning, has lots of things to sort out and if I racked that up before I did them, I would miss all deadlines.
It sounds sublime. The VCA clip settings are transforming the sound from creammy/mellow to grungy and screaming, without overdoing it.
Looping ADSRs, best thing ever!
Love the FM on it and the thing I noticed straight away is that I would plug 3 cables in, one for VCO pitch, one for Gate and one for Vel to VCF cut-off. 3 cables and then with what is available I can churn out an awful lot of sounds, like LOADS!
IsraTrance Senior Member
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Posted : May 15, 2014 22:14
Totally forgot about this synth.
Just got myself the Pulse 2 and honestly I'm not too happy with it really.
It's oscillators, filters and Lfo's all sound inferior to my Slim Phatty Imo.
Besides it doesn't even do FM, which I only found out after I made the purchase Might consider selling the Pulse and get the Atlantis instead.
I'm really looking for a thick and very analog sounding analog.
But is this synth ready to go or do I need a eurorack case and all kinds of bells and whistles to get started?
Martian Arts
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Posted : May 15, 2014 23:51
Wow, some amazing texture on that ripping FM sound
Martian Arts
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Posted : May 18, 2014 10:52
The combination of the LP boost on the VCF and 3 VCA settings transform this synth totally.
Its some sort of chameleon which sounds like many things, except Moog to be honest. The range of sounds on this is massive. I thought making a track with a modular would be somewhat cumbersome, but I am working in leaps, mainly because of the semi-modular side of this module and I don't have to patch cables in for the basic stuff. Everything just sounds so good, Goa leads, ripping FM leads and this is the mother of special FX modulation patches (combined with the Silent Way suite from Expert Sleepers and Moog CP-251).
I have come to really appreciate the ES-4, so many plug ins and they sync to MIDI and routing their output to one of the ES-4's outputs, is a breeze. Its like lots of eurorack modules that are all synced to track tempo and instead of taking 6U, they only take 8HP.
Gonna need the CV/Gate expansion ES modules soon I reckon.
Sonically the VCF on the Atlantis is VERY different to the MMG and Multifilter. Sheer luck this happened, as I found the MMG and Woodster's Multifilter at a good price and pulled the trigger on them, before I got the Atlantis.
Taking the VCO out, going into the MMG/Multifilter the out into the Make Noise Optomix (absolutely killer sounding VCA by the way), and even having the VCF all the way open, yields a different flavor.
The LFO/VCO config is a dream, between the FM patches possible out of that (need to tune by ear, but the tracking is solid as f@ck) and adding another FM source via the Moog CP-251, has me in modulation FX and FM ripping lead heaven.
By the way the output of the Atlantis is HOT, loudest synth I own by miles.
The noise is 0, full gain, VCF closed and there is 0 hiss, its as quiet as a plug in.
It sounds alive and punchy, there are sweet spots in the sound that actually do sound like the SH-101, or generally have that certain Rolandy character, but the thing is with the modulation options that are availble, you quickly get out of that sweet spot and go into something that sounds nothing like a vintage Roland synth.
The band pass filter is the best band pass filter I've ever owned and I've owned a lot of Doepfer band pass filters and one Analog Systems one. The option for 2 pole is a nice addition, I've used that in quite a few leads actually, Vel>Cut Off with high resonance for some carefully tuned notes and VCF tone with the 12dB allows for just enough top end to pass through as well.
I haven't even switched any of my other synths on for days...only the modular and the Moogerfoogers...
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : May 19, 2014 09:02
Yeah definitely considering getting a rack with this, the Metropolis & ES4.
Can slowly expand on that over time. Need to sell my Sub Phatty first. Really bores me now.
Cuntus Maximus.
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : May 23, 2014 04:17
Any decent alternatives to ES4 that are usb/standard audio to CV? I don't have an interface with SPDIF but that general setup looks very versatile...
Dance, even if you have nowhere to do it but your living room. ~Kurt Vonnegut
Martian Arts
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Posted : May 23, 2014 09:56
Martian Arts
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Posted : Jun 10, 2014 14:53
Alright then, took the Atlantis for a proper spin and mixed sounds in to give some sense to them.
Kick: Ultrabeat, Bass: Roland SH-101, Acid: x0xb0x. All other synth sounds (except hats/snare/clap) are the Intellijel Atlantis.
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Jun 10, 2014 16:22
On 2014-06-10 14:53, Nectarios wrote:
Alright then, took the Atlantis for a proper spin and mixed sounds in to give some sense to them.
Kick: Ultrabeat, Bass: Roland SH-101, Acid: x0xb0x. All other synth sounds (except hats/snare/clap) are the Intellijel Atlantis.
That sounds sick! I'm curious to know why you chose the SH-101 for the bass and not the Atlantis... is there much difference in the low end ?
Martian Arts
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Posted : Jun 10, 2014 16:35
Cause I've sat in a pro studio with a Roland SH-101 and sampled about 30 notes of it, one by one, through a Neve DPD 1073, GML 8200 EQ and a UA Blackface 1176. So each note is the sampled SH-101, hence triggering starts from the same phase cycle. The Atlantis does not have VCO soft sync input in order for me to have the same effect as a phase locked VCO ala Minitaur.
I will do the same with the Atlantis and sample every bass note, worth having, I just haven't gotten round to doing it yet.