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modular madness?where does it leads?

IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Dec 11, 2014 03:39
Who cares? There's no correct answer on how to make a modular synth, that's what ppl love n hate about it.           Cuntus Maximus.
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Dec 16, 2014 14:59
Tempted just looking at this beautiful case...

IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Dec 20, 2014 14:28
lovely cases...
          Â°Â°Â°ACTS 4:12°°°°
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Dec 22, 2014 19:59
Mindblowing patch with the new Mutable Instruments modules...

IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Dec 22, 2014 20:27           Â°Â°Â°ACTS 4:12°°°°
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Dec 30, 2014 22:22
Finally Finally FINALLY got to play with modular system, and a beautiful one at that, Makenoise Shared System, with a few more modules in the case.

Makenoise CV Bus ftw!

It's amazing, meditative geekery. It's also very scary because guy who had it had so many cases and modules it clearly shows this is an obsession game without any goal but to get more and more, and do more and more (quietly and hidden away).

I like both the functional, more straightforward modules... but sense of modular fun seems to come from happy accidents and weirdo modules like Wobblebug and Maths... which looks like where a lot of people end up because there is too much to master unless you only stick to a few things.

What I felt from this is that if you want to make modular analog music better to go semi-modular, and build small systems that do specific things, but if you want to explore all the the dimensions sound offers, then this is the endless ocean, and you better have a big case and deep pockets.

Jumping in the water as soon as I can save up to build a 208hp.

PS... that's a great session woodster77! Quantum Rainbow is definitely on the list.

IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Dec 30, 2014 22:28

On 2014-12-08 15:30, Babaluma wrote:
I do, it's extremely important to me. As important as the sound/build quality etc. That's just me though, I know I'm weird. I want an instrument to call me to it. When I see a lot of these Frankensynth systems, they just turn me off instantly.

Frankensynth ?

IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jan 4, 2015 14:33
          Â°Â°Â°ACTS 4:12°°°°
Martian Arts

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Posted : Mar 11, 2015 18:46
Are we there yet?

Grapes Of Wrath

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Posted : Mar 12, 2015 12:54
In my case it has lead to a severe lack of space.
DIY´ing most of my synth has only advanced that process even further along. It never ends and that´s fine. It has certainly not lead to any lack of creative thoughts, although i am guilty of just noodling away to no end some days. Still i try to treat all my synths in a democratic way and so they all end up being used in every track i do. Otherwise it´d just be me staring at lights all day long, drooling over the sound of a low pass gate being pinged.
I suspect it´ll only get worse once i delve into the dark world of smd soldering.           Mastering available here:
Martian Arts

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Posted : Mar 12, 2015 15:52

On 2015-03-12 12:54, monno wrote:
It has certainly not lead to any lack of creative thoughts, although i am guilty of just noodling away to no end some days. Still i try to treat all my synths in a democratic way and so they all end up being used in every track i do. Otherwise it´d just be me staring at lights all day long, drooling over the sound of a low pass gate being pinged.

Same thing has happened to me...endless noodling.
But I have been more efficient with getting tracks done...what I did is noodle noodle noodle and the at some point I would record something I was happy with...mind you the last two tunes I started and finished, I did not start from a kick and bass, I started from some sequence, experimentation with a module whilst reading the manual. Recorded that, then noodled noodled noodled on top of that sequence...then I started making a kick and bass. Then I made sure I was looping 16 bars and started recording sounds here and there to make them 16 bars as "complete" as possible...then moved to the next 16 bars.

All I can say is that it worked for me.

Having said all that, I still noodle to no end again...but I have found a way to be efficient.

Downside to all this is, I don't switch on my other synths...  
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Mar 13, 2015 11:23
me too...but thankfully i have a patch recall system for my modular noodling......
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IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Mar 15, 2015 20:53
Im defiantly starting to get the modular itch lately. I love having hardware but am finding myself starting to just use vst's cause theyre quicker so Id like to sell off my virus C and hopefully jump into a "starter" modular once funds become available. Ive been using the shit out of Bazille lately, I know its not a true modular, but just wondering what your guys thoughts on the transition between it and a true analog modular system. Is Bazille a pretty good intro to what Id be getting into? I just love the random glitchy chaos!

Also, what would be some good modules to start looking at? As it stands, I have very little knowledge where to even start. Which is how Ive got my best patches from Bazille by just throwing patches everywhere!
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Mar 23, 2015 03:51
Pittsburgh Modular offer some basic relatively cheap starter systems or you could go Doepfer Dark Energy 2.

Personally I started my system by going by this formula from a mate who's built modular systems since the 80's for himself:


Anyway I'm currently using mostly 4MS, Intellijel & Mutable Instruments. Great build quality, sound & easy to understand as well as contact with the company gets fast responses. I'm considering some Sputnik modules but there're are issues with the first builds I'm waiting for the second load.

The only MakeNoise module I have is a Maths but I'm not loving it.

For utility modules I just go with Doepfer. Build is the best and price is cheap.           Cuntus Maximus.
Martian Arts

Started Topics :  187
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Posted : Mar 24, 2015 11:27
Make Noise DPO and RYO Optodist in the skiff

Besides kick, bass, 2/4 snare, hats and crash, everything else in this clip is Maths self patched.

Maths is my most used module, the amount of power that is squeezed in that 20hp is mind blowing. love it.

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