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modular madness?where does it leads?

Master Margherita

Started Topics :  156
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Posted : Nov 22, 2014 13:50

nice talks on modular , thanks for sharing

microbrute is just there as CV/Gate master keyboard, 3rd LFO (midi synced) and extra ADSR ....

Junk Rhythm

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Posted : Nov 22, 2014 19:08

On 2014-11-22 13:21, woodster77 wrote:

On 2014-11-21 18:37, Junk Rhythm wrote:


dude you closed yer facebook account....

It's too much of a distraction and not all that useful.          Analog/Digital Synth Modules
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IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Nov 23, 2014 15:14
For people like me, software is way more distracting as the tendency is to keep on tweaking everything.

My work around that is to compromise, which usually just translates to "bounce down the audio" in software and hitting the record button when using hardware. I make no big distinction between modular and other external instruments when thinking about productivity. I do agree that you can easily get a much wider range of sounds with a modular.

I could see productivity going down on any genre that's doesn't feature as much synths and experimental sound design as psytrance, but for psy heads... Can we really have enough diversity? Ever?

So, like Nectarios said, I think it's a matter of discipline, of not loosing your focus. You may need some weird fx, or some swoosh, or some acid riff, or some ambience. If you know what you want then it's a matter of just doing it.
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Nov 25, 2014 15:49

On 2014-11-22 13:50, MARGHERITA wrote:

nice talks on modular , thanks for sharing

microbrute is just there as CV/Gate master keyboard, 3rd LFO (midi synced) and extra ADSR ....

Why did you censor the French and not the Germans?
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Dec 4, 2014 18:34
yes, it leads to lots of leads  : :
Junk Rhythm

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Posted : Dec 5, 2014 04:16

On 2014-12-04 18:34, Babaluma wrote:
yes, it leads to lots of leads

Which is never enough.           Analog/Digital Synth Modules
Psy/Goa Music
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IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Dec 5, 2014 15:53
Martian Arts

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Posted : Dec 5, 2014 21:40
Besides kick, bass, hats, snare, crash, all other sounds are from the Make Noise Maths patched as a cross mod dual VCO

Modular leads to stroking your chin in front of a module like Maths...till it bleeds...
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Dec 6, 2014 00:34
The thing is IMO plan well what you actually need from it and then you have no need to get suck in to the hole.

I for one dislike the idea of mixing up modules. Where possible I have planned each of my systems to be mostly the one company as they all work nicely together. Only time I find I need to dip outside is for basic utilities and usually Doepfer is my go to (cheap, easy to use & well built).           Cuntus Maximus.
Martian Arts

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Posted : Dec 6, 2014 02:42
You can't plan ahead what you need from Maths, especially if you haven't explored the module and its potential, you'll miss out on all the things it does and you don't know yet.

You dive head first and explore the immense possibilities.

That's the whole point of going modular.
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Dec 6, 2014 03:22
Well we'll have to agree to disagree. Having spent the last week actually living with the biggest sell of eurorack in my area, it was fascinating to learn for example The Harvestman modules cannot achieved their full potential with Doepfer due to voltage differences. This was only one point.

Now this friend will happily tell potential customers to mix it up as that increases potential sales but on a technical note you actually get more potential out of a same brand system than a mixed system.

I know exactly what I want from my system & after 5 years. Patience is a virtue, and a money saver as well as educational.

          Cuntus Maximus.
Martian Arts

Started Topics :  187
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Posted : Dec 6, 2014 03:56
I have a Harvestman Malgorithm and it works just fine in my skiff with everything else in there including Doepfer.

I was talking about Maths.
You are talking about something else.  
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Dec 6, 2014 04:53
No. You clearly said dicing in head first and exploring the possibilities is the whole point of modular which is not the whole point of modular. It is your point of modular. I'm pretty sure if you took a sample rate of all modular users they do not all do this.

Actually I know personally 10 ppl with 20u or more of eurorack and at least 8 of them generally have stuck with 1 or 2 brands.

The point of modular is to allow ppl to build their dream synths. So just because my way of doing it is not your does not make it any less relevant or any less advice worthy.

I don't care about Maths or what you have experienced with it. Congratulations on having a system that works for you.

My original post was not a post to you. It was not a comment on your system and it most certainly was not a negative on anybody's concept of modular.

Get over yourself.           Cuntus Maximus.
Martian Arts

Started Topics :  187
Posts :  5292
Posted : Dec 6, 2014 05:21
Stop being defensive all the time.
Different brands work. That is a fact.

If you want a modar that in mainly based on a certain brand, there is nothing wrong with that.

Provided you know what you are doing, there is nothing wrong with modular in general.  
Martian Arts

Started Topics :  187
Posts :  5292
Posted : Dec 6, 2014 05:23
Maths works with Harvestman just fine.
Its an immensly powerfull module.

It works with Doepfer, Harvestman,Expert Sleepers, Intellijel, Frequency Central and all my custom modules.

Anything else is just a load of bollocks. 
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