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IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Oct 23, 2003 17:20
Spliffnik - I couldn't agree with you more. Japan is where I discovered that the "love and light" was possible. Before then, I grew up in LA and never had any influence other than the superficial "go pick up girls and get into fights" type atmosphere, but always knew inside that I didn't fit in and wouldn't be happy with that as normal for me. I had just turned 18 when I came to Japan and the psy/goa trance scene changed my whole life. So, I find it disturbing to hear that Japan and it's scene changed into the scene that I tried to avoid. Not only in all of their regular clubs, but in our trance scene too. I find it very odd and Ironic that now I experience in the LA trance scene what I used to think didn't exist until I came to Japan. Maybe that's why what Hikari said about people not returning emails, as well as all of the other negative comments I've heard about the Japanese scene disturbed me so much. I felt compelled to see what they had to say for themselves and not to put anyone down, but I am disturbed by what I heard them say.
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Nov 29, 2003 03:32
Very interesting. I can feel your love trough the great effort put in the posts.
I've never been to Japan but I plan to visit there in a few years, trance or no trance.

Here in Israel we have pretty much the same thing - Big organizers that make a living from organizing parties bring trough huge events with alot of people and smaller underground parties being disturbed by unwanted mafia/police/whoever.

I found one simple contradiction in what's been said here - everybody said that he comes to a party for the MUSIC but almost everyone where against big events.
Which means basically that when WE come to party we don't come for the music, we come to feel and be DIFFERENT. We come to seperate ourselfs from the "rest of the people" (for that matter, the ones with the expensive tents). So be it. Go to small parties...

Trance doesn't belong to anyone, it's is a form of music (and maybe a way of life). Therefore big events are taking place all over the world.

But the truth is, that PSYtrance ISN'T suitable for anyone, but (as I see it) can be understood by a very small percentage of the population.

I saw the video with the helicopter guy. It made me laugh (in the good way). I would have loved to be there and dance, though most of the people who played there didn't play psychedelic music at all (psychedelic = music that "transforms" the listener onto another dimension).
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Dec 11, 2003 01:31
Good point Timmy, but I am not against big events, if they happen naturally. Big events can be great involving the right element. Getting Mafia, etc. involved goes against the natural growth of this scene and in the end is only going to discourage the people who really feel and understand it from coming to the events. I stopped going to regular clubs, because I was tired of the sexual tension/aggression. Psytrance is non-sexual (for the most part) and therefore that element doesn't really exsist. I know personally, I let everyone who is not used to this scene know before they go that this is not a place to pickup and hound females. I let them know that if it happens, cool, but don't go for that purpose alone. And I let them know that if some guy comes up being real friendly, that's because he is, not because he is gay, starting shit, etc.

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Posted : Feb 23, 2004 02:29
Very interesting discussion.
I also haven't been to an outdoor in Japan since 2002, so perhaps I'm not in the know, but I am always skeptical when people say, "It used to be so much better when..." I think that attitude is the main obstacle toward beautiful things being accomplished.
My experiences were from 1999-2002 in Japan which would, coincidentally coincide with the time most of you said that good Psy parties were already dead or dying. While in Kumamoto, I found a great Psy scene with weekly club events which focuses on the love and respect for each and music and bi-monthy or so outdoor events (many on Aso Volcano, which in my opinion is the idealic venue for a party). It was great for all of the same reasons why people in this thread are saying that the scene was great BEFORE 1999--genuine people, great music, protecting the scene from those just out to get substances, drunk or sexed up. So when you say it was dead by 1999, does that mean that my experience is somehow invalid?
One of the strengths of the parties was the diversity in music--you had psy performers and DJs like Ubar Tmar, Uni, Katsumi and others, but also more tech house-y folks, live psy bands like AoA, etc.

To categorize out non-psy music and attack performers who are genuinely seeking the same way we all ought to be when they explore new directions is about as anti-what the psy scene ought to be as you can get.

I'm now in rural Illinois, USA--the dark continent. Is this the one place in the world that Psy hasn't reached?! I often reminisce and think, "If only I could go back..." since this town is about 99.5% house and 0.5% DnB. But instead, we have tried to grow a community and in fact threw a small event at a Chinese Restaurant with a couple of beautiful Psy sets (one from the only local who spins and one from a kid from Wisconsin).

Also, we have a local radio program where we showcase local performers and play other electronic music, so I've been trying to push PsyTrance. If anyone would like to help with material, we are always appreciative of any electronica submissions, but especially Psy. If you send me good Psy, I will make sure it gets played enough and we will email you the weekly chart that it ranks on. At any rate, contact me if you want details. 3D vision has been very friendly with us, but the other labels have not really been too responsive.

Anyway, the point is that it's easy to same, "The past was the best period ever" because it's a self-fulfilling prophecy. But it's important to remember that the past was so great because of the hard work of people like Tsuyoshi, Mitsumoto, the people who went to those parties and countless people who I will never know their names. Spitting on people who are working from a distance does little to help right? Constructive criticism helps, but what does saying, "That's never recapturable in that place" do?

It sounds like the Japanese Romantic School yearning for their Furusato that they never could return to...

Of course, that mutated them into a driving force that pushed one of the worst holocausts of human history.
Nomolos(Zenon Rec.)
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  48
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Posted : Feb 26, 2004 11:54
a bit off topic(tiny bit) but still...
ApplePie...when was the last time u have been to Goa???? i wish u a nice journy but dont get your hopes up...u will find there just the things u fear
only that in India its not as any other place u will come across parties with a "gathering" atmosphere and some with a "bothering" one. due to the nature of the place i think U personaly will feel more no way can we compare Japan to India...actually i cant think of any thing at all that is the same....the speed of life the people...and so on.
personally for me to be in India and see 5 star hotels on the once virgin beaches of Goa and to go to Proff' wannabe parties just makes me feel even more how every thing is becoming Japan for me that would be more "natural" as sad as that is.

p.s wow this is such an interesting thread but i think the most OFFTOPIC i ever saw....
sorry i know nothing about Mitsumoto
          "....or is it???"
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