Michael Jackson R.I.P
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Jun 27, 2009 17:13
On 2009-06-27 14:31, DETOX wrote:
If you want to believe a father who accepted money to shut his mouth and forget about his son molestation then thats fine about me since it shows how moral you also are and how you would act on a similar situation.
  the problem with valuing art is, till u dont understand it, it's worthless but wen u do understand it, it's priceless!! |
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Jun 28, 2009 08:38
DETOX wrote:
If you want to believe a father who accepted money to shut his mouth and forget about his son molestation then thats fine about me since it shows how moral you also are and how you would act on a similar situation.
If you really analize this argument it doesn't really work as well as it sounds.
Because lets suppose that the kid did get molested. Now lets also suppose that this kids father DOES have low morals. Well it's not hard to imagine that such a father would actually "forget" about the molestation just to get some money. Which would make MJ just as guilty as if the father of the kid had high morals. And recognizing that there are these type of people in the world does not mean you are in any way like them either. And EVEN if you were such a person of low morals, it wouldn't make MJ any less guilty if he really had molested the child. Also if we are talking high morals why would MJ pay 22 million dollars if he really was innocent? On principle it also seems like he is selling out and you could argue that paying so much money to shut up the kid shows MJ has has something to hide. I mean how many children can you feed with 22 million dollars. Shouldn't he lean on the truth instead of on his fortune if he really were innocent? I mean if we are talking high morals and principles here against something so despicable as molestation. Like even if you pay just one cent, in principle in some way you are agreeing with the claim you are being accused of. Otherwise, in principle, specially for something so damned as molestation you should not pay anything. Now I know that maybe lawyers go about it in different ways, but if we are talking morals then...
Hey I understand that there is a passion for MJ, but you have to allow both sides to speak out because for a lot of people the idea of MJ being a possible pedophile does get in the way of respecting him. And it wasn't just one case, but two, so this has to raise at least some doubts in a lot of people. Hey I know I would not let my kid sleep in Neverland.. hehe, no way in hell. But YEAH, if MJ is really innocent then wow poor guy because the strong accusations did hurt him very much and it would all be totally unfair to him.
And I do agree very much with Patrick PM when he says that you shouldn't accuse anybody of anything you can't really confirm for certain. And that you should not trust what the media has to say because with MJs huge fortune its easy to see many people wanting to get a piece of the pie. But you also have to see the other side of the coin which is the Media can also make MJ look good, like just as his fortune can work against him it can also work for him and buy all kinds of people so he is potrayed as innocent.
In the end, for me personally I have no idea and will not accuse him of things I do not know for certain.
So RIP MJ.. |
IsraTrance Senior Member
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Posted : Jun 28, 2009 17:23
Maybe he somehow managed to fake his own death, replaced his body with a plastic puppet. Now he sits in Dubai, disguised as a woman wrapped in a burqa, looking at the world and experiencing his own death and the fans of tears. Not likely, but it wouldn't surprise me.
Rest in Peace Michael Joseph Jackson, you came to this planet on the 29th of August in 1958 to entertain us with your wonderful voice, incredible dancing moves and lovable charm. You grew up with the inhuman pressure to always deliver and to be and feel loved. Seemingly you never felt comfortable in your own body (sexuality) and looks. It may be harsh of me to state, but it was about time you took the trip up to celebrity cloud where Elvis and 2Pac hangs. It was about time you found eternal peace of mind.
About the child abuse, all the talent and dance moves in the world cannot excuse such terrible actions! To ruin someone’s innocent life because you feel more comfortable with a child is plain wrong!!
I think Aluxe wrote very intelligent words about it on many pages in this thread, so not much more to add there. I hope the allegations directed towards MJ were much worse than the truth, I hope.
It will be interesting if and when his kids grows up and maybe will say some words about him as a father in their memory. Strange though that Blanket (Prince MJ II) and I guess his other so called children is white. No matter how white MJ became, his DNA still reads black.
The man was confused; at a time he thought he was Jesus. He did a lot of important and great efforts to ,,Heal the World”. But he lost it and became a victim of his own confusion. The media which he had the upper hand with eventually buried him to a claustrophobic stage where he no longer felt in control.
At times it felt like all he wanted was to entertain and make people smile and feel good - A pure and lovable side of his persona.
Since I was a huge fan of his music and dance as a kid, I can't help to feel some sadness of his death.
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Posted : Jun 28, 2009 19:24
Love him or hate him, Michael Jackson was one of the most famous people in the world. Everywhere I have been in the world people have known/loved/hated MJ!
The world has lost one of it's top 5 for sure
  Wait.....What? |
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Jun 28, 2009 20:58
yup, probably a death this sensational that shocked and shook the world was kurt cobain, john lennon before him, Presley before that...
I think he should be discussed for his music, and he is a legend in that sense, doesnt matter if you like it or not...innovative artist for sure, not much people like that come around so respect.
  `Bottomless wonders spring from simple rules, which are repeated without end` Mandelbrot |
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Jun 29, 2009 03:39
I think Robert Baird has summed it up better than anyone I've heard so far - "A very sad end to an increasingly sad life."
Yes, he had a strange obsession with kids, whether he acted on that sexually or not.
Yes, he totally fucked up his face and body to a disgusting extent.
Yes, everything after Thriller got exponentially worse. (imo)
But I've been listening to the LPs all day. I didn't like them any less as he turned white or through any of the scandals, and I still love them now.
  You believe in the users?
Yeah, sure. If I don't have a user, then who wrote me? |
IsraTrance Senior Member
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Posted : Jun 30, 2009 16:48
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Jul 1, 2009 04:24
about his private life one can debate (if one has nothing better to do)although nothing is proved and this is still fact.
His father has broken his heart and robbed him real happiness in his life for sure.
Good that Michael has not mentioned him in his testament.
He was one of the best singing souls for sure.
The last two decades I was more shocked when seeing his eyes and face and the music tbh I wasnt hearing it -very sad almost like a living dead-,I found most of his videos very creative and great on the other side.
Jackson 5 is real soul music how it should be.Soul music at its best.Original soul (music) to me.Best soul music ever to be more precise.
I still very like to listen on some sunny mornings this music has spirit came from heart to hearts and gives positive energy.
One of my favourtie songs was 'abc' and exactly this whole album is one of the best in the music history. |
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Posted : Jul 1, 2009 21:24
The man was imprisoned by his fame. The media twisted and warped the coverage of the accusations until the end. All the guy wanted was a friend who didn't have ulterior financial motives and to be treated with normalcy. I can't imagine being stuck in the bondage of this type of worldwide fame and to be deteriorating from the inside out with no one to call a true friend but raging, nagging agents and representatives. He was found not guilty on the charges, so all you people who choose to say this and that with certainty - be quiet. The reality of the situation is, you have no clue what happened..all we can do is speculate based off what we know. And I know that he generated over 50 million dollars for charities all over the world and he was a top notch philanthropist throughout his whole career. I also know his childhood was horrible and he was constantly abused by his father, which continued throughout his career...let's let this legend rest in peace and stop judging him based off the media stories that are pumped full of steroids for appeal. He touched more people in one lifetime through artistry and generosity than most could given 20.
  'You cannot explain to a caterpillar what it's like to be a butterfly' |
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Posted : Jul 1, 2009 21:37
I also know that one of the kids who, by fluke, befriended Michael found himself on the fast track to 10 million dollars by alleging what he did (not to mention being driven by his greedy , money hungry father) and the latter situation of the similar had very alike circumstances.
  'You cannot explain to a caterpillar what it's like to be a butterfly' |
Axis Mundi
Axis Mundi
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Posted : Jul 7, 2009 10:19
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Posted : Jul 7, 2009 23:56
You choose to be provocative for the sake of being provocative, Axis. I've seen you extend your foul attitude time and time again on these forums and it speaks volumes for what type of person you most likely are - you're a chump dude, and just to let you know, your hollow productions reflect this. =) If you don't have something productive to share, keep your thoughts to yourself - especially in a RIP thread.
  'You cannot explain to a caterpillar what it's like to be a butterfly' |
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Jul 8, 2009 04:57
omg is this video superawkward.Typical american wack hip hop at any price.Bullshit "music" ,bullshit message - bloody mofockers greedy as the media.(I feel a little sorry for its limited followers.)
Without any respect or deeper knowledge of music and its history.
ps -- absolutely no style - nothing in it. |
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Posted : Jul 8, 2009 14:07
When someone is alive then everyone has the right to critisise him or say whatever he wants about him since that person has the opportunity to defend himself.
When someone is dead and people start judging him and attacking him then this is not fair not to mention a disgrace.
By the way Axis care to show me where MJ was proven guilty of being a pedophile?
I can show you where he was proven innocent or where he was released of charges,can you show me where he was found guilty?
No you cant and the song that you posted refers to media and the people that follow the media and you are just one of those people who shape their opinion according to what the media instructs them.I really feel sorry for you and i wish that you will never be judged by any other person by an opinion that he got about you from the media.
  Toodaloo Motherfuckers!!!!! |
Axis Mundi
Axis Mundi
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Posted : Jul 8, 2009 21:47
I never made any claims or stated any personal opinions regarding his pedophile charges. Therefore I don't need to "prove" anything.
It's fine if you feel personally offended enough at me for posting that video to try to take personal stabs at me or my music because of that. Of course I expect people to have those sort of blind-faith knee-jerk reactions when the elephant in the room gets mentioned and what you have to say doesn't surprise me or hurt my feelings. For what it's worth, though, I don't hold any judgments against people for what they say on a forum, and I've met many people who post on these forums who say lots of things I don't agree with and many of those people have become good friends. So, whatever.
If you did listen to the words of the video, though, you'd hear that the person who created it is confronting the mainstream media for their hypocrisy and the "fans" who used to joke about him when he was alive and now treat him like a dead god now that he's dead. Of course there is no tact or diplomacy in the video, but then again, the mainstream media doesn't deserve any.
On the subject, though, speaking of being provocative, what would happen to any of us if we did something like this?
Would you describe the man in that photo as "legendary"? More like, legendarily idiotic. Sorry, it's hard for me to respect anyone who holds these kinds of morals and I don't care how good their music is. Can someone explain to me how making really badass music somehow creates an excuse for those types of behaviors? And yeah, lots of people had screwed up lives when they were kids, but they still get held accountable for their actions years and decades after becoming adults. His guilt or innocence aside (regarding the molestation issue), I have to ask, if you were accused of something like molesting a child and you knew you were innocent, would you stand up for what was right or would you pay millions out of your pocket to sweep it under the rug and be done with it? Whether he's guilty or innocent, where's the ethical integrity there? That's not worthy of respect. But that's neither here nor there.
The same media who built him up into what he became are the same ones who condemned him later and then after he died, began worshipping him again and pretended that they didn't act the way they acted because that's where the money is. Whereas my opinions have remained the same based upon things than can be proven (see photo above) no matter how the popularity of them has waxed and waned.
I guess that makes someone a product of the media nowadays, so oh well... flame on.