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Mexican Psychedelia

IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Jan 24, 2008 10:15
          -PaRtYcLeS aLL oVeR tHE WoOdS
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Jan 24, 2008 21:52
Ok, well what i wanted to say about mexican psychedelia was that comparing the other parts of the world with mexico, there are countrys that have more psychedelic movements because they have lived big massive psychedelic experiences like in USA, for example Woodstock, they reallly have this psychedelic culture in their bloods and if u dig a bit in the world u will find that many other countrys made something really tracendent in the past for psychedelic culture...
So talking about Mexico in the real psychedelic society without going to the Roots like huicholes or mayas .. actualy we dont have something that has mark us somehow to be a psychedelic culture.. i mean i cant remmember any special manifestation in that way.. only avandaro...
if somebody has any knoledgment about it could be interesting to know what made mexico start to be psychedelic beside being influenced from other countrys.


IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Mar 6, 2008 05:26
Forza is right, Mexico is FULL of psychedelic inspiration. And don't forget, it's not just the amazing amount of cultural wealth coming from our ancient cultures but also the natural wonders we have. For instance check out these pics so you get a quick idea of the setting in Mexico:

But Serag is also right, in Mexico we need serious chanclazos to snap the fuck out of it because we seem to be stuck in some kind of death-sleep without any real desire to shake this reality in search of something more genuine and true.

But the problem is not only in Mexico. And no, the US is for sure not any better. Yeah sure you will see gatherings like burningman that make you think that the psychedelic culture is popular there but just turn on the TV there and you will realize how not at all psychedelic the US can also be. In the US like in Mexico the genuine psychedelic culture is a very small minority.

And Mexico has so many really far out things that when it comes to being a psychedelic country I think we should be the last ones to complain. I just think of all the psychdelic experiences I have had in places like tepoztlan, tlanixco, huautla, palenque, catemaco, teotihuacan, wadly, real de catorce, etc. And I say WOW.. que chido y que locochon.

And the people can be very open minded in Mexico, maybe that is why we see fleets of UFOs flying over el DF. Mexico for some reason seems to be a UFO destination, just do some research on the net and you will see.

But anyways, in the end it is not about Mexico but about looking at this planet beyond countries. Loving your country is nice but we have to start disolving the borders, otherwise we are not going to be able to transform this world. Just have to let go of the country ego. The real country is the whole planet or universe. We have to expand our horizons into a more unifying experience because its a small world after all (and a big universe wating to be discovered) We have to open now to an international or intergalactic mindset.

And you don't need a great following to do something psychedelic, that is how it all started anywyas. With a few people having far out ideas and like a ripple suddenly the wheel gets going and you have a movement. If you bring in a true transformation within yourself then you hold within the hope for the revolution for the entire planet. We all know that a lot of things need to change and we can not escape them anymore without serios conscuences. Its not just Mexico, its the world we live in. Keep the ball rolling with spirit and soul.

Hey by the way 2012 is coming? I always thought I would be in Palenque that day.

PS check this video, I think Terrance Mkenna hits in the mark:


Started Topics :  68
Posts :  397
Posted : Mar 6, 2008 15:41

And you don't need a great following to do something psychedelic, that is how it all started anywyas. With a few people having far out ideas and like a ripple suddenly the wheel gets going and you have a movement. If you bring in a true transformation within yourself then you hold within the hope for the revolution for the entire planet. We all know that a lot of things need to change and we can not escape them anymore without serios conscuences. Its not just Mexico, its the world we live in. Keep the ball rolling with spirit and soul.

+1           Peace, Love, Light and Harmony
IsraTrance Junior Member
Started Topics :  34
Posts :  351
Posted : Mar 7, 2008 02:41
Hi, the main problem here in mexico is that mostly of the people dont have a clue of what psychedelia means in first place.
And even worst the mayority dont speak english to read all this elevated words.
We should have an oficial mexican forum.
Forza do it! we all know you can.
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Mar 7, 2008 21:30
its not about the language man ....its about the vision of ppl about their lives and how good and peacefull of A live they wanna have...psychedelia really helps on those facts but also the peeps ur around have a lot of influence on urself. u have the right to chose then u decided if u wanna share want u know...

by the way, cool video!

          -PaRtYcLeS aLL oVeR tHE WoOdS
IsraTrance Junior Member
Started Topics :  34
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Posted : Mar 8, 2008 00:27

Started Topics :  68
Posts :  397
Posted : Mar 8, 2008 06:26

On 2008-03-07 02:41, Serag wrote:
Hi, the main problem here in mexico is that mostly of the people dont have a clue of what psychedelia means in first place.
And even worst the mayority dont speak english to read all this elevated words.
We should have an oficial mexican forum.
Forza do it! we all know you can.

There was a great forum not so long ago which was Psymx, it even had a section of psycheelic culture, unfortunately the project was closed, but now we have trancemuta, which is an excellent spanish speaking community

we should thank the guys who humbly run this forum they do a great job with all their hearts and pay a visit from time to time

          Peace, Love, Light and Harmony
Angel Ai
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  18
Posts :  269
Posted : Mar 8, 2008 08:00

On 2008-03-07 21:30, alfreak wrote:
its not about the language man ....its about the vision of ppl about their lives and how good and peacefull of A live they wanna have...psychedelia really helps on those facts but also the peeps ur around have a lot of influence on urself. u have the right to chose then u decided if u wanna share want u know...

by the way, cool video!

i agree whit alfreak here....the language doesn't matter.u can express yourself by ur ideas and thoughts,not for the language that u speak,,,,,i think.....dont get mad men it's just my point or view..
i think it's about education and conscience...
forza: u men are doing a great job over here...thanx for the link...
maximum respect!!!!!
IsraTrance Junior Member
Started Topics :  34
Posts :  351
Posted : Mar 8, 2008 21:45
maybe of topic...

no no, not at all.. i never get mad. hehe
But wouldn't be wonderful if the 90 % of the psy community who doesn't speak english or who doesn't has a computer had the chance to read all this words of wisdom?

If u get an idea of the statics here in isratrance, you would know what im talking about.

We are drowning in a glass of water.

Started Topics :  68
Posts :  397
Posted : Mar 10, 2008 10:32

On 2008-03-08 21:45, Serag wrote:
maybe of topic...

no no, not at all.. i never get mad. hehe
But wouldn't be wonderful if the 90 % of the psy community who doesn't speak english or who doesn't has a computer had the chance to read all this words of wisdom?

If u get an idea of the statics here in isratrance, you would know what im talking about.

We are drowning in a glass of water.

This is veeeery true, *sighs* how I wish that Psymx still existed.

what can we do?? hmmmm well in Brazilian parties and festivals, they sometimes place posters at the parties, with pictures and ideas.

if we could do this at a party, placing these posters in nice places where everybody would see them it would have a positive influence.

Imagine pictures of people picking up garbage at parties, taking care of the environment, etc with a small message like:

be the change you want to see in this world!

don't forget that plur is all what this is about!

the scene you have is a reflect of who you are and what you do

it is never too late to become a better person!

and what about making something like a psy museum in parties? like having a gallery of the best moments in parties from mexico, and posters of our ancient cultures wisdom, trying to connect it all in some way.

We have some great promoters who come regularly to the forum to advertise their parties, what do you think about this?

if we work together, Psytrancers, Promoters, Dj's, Decorators, etc we could make our parties even more beautiful and trascendental.

Love and Light people!
          Peace, Love, Light and Harmony
IsraTrance Junior Member
Started Topics :  34
Posts :  351
Posted : Mar 10, 2008 19:25

T- shirts too with messages
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  19
Posts :  803
Posted : Mar 14, 2008 20:37
i sure want one of those shirts. but lets have a small sentence for a faster reading that goes straight to the mind with less thinking and more action.... " pick up the trash" will be kinda funny to just be sending messages like that to all the under the influence of something people of the dancefloor then as u walk away see them pick some trash out.......priceless!!!!          -PaRtYcLeS aLL oVeR tHE WoOdS
Trance Forum » » Forum  Mexico - Mexican Psychedelia
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