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KnB First, NO, Last

IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  46
Posts :  204
Posted : Feb 13, 2016 20:29

Today i came to a realization. When i listened to sets from Astrix and Ace ventura.. the reason why you would never get an awesome tutorial on the web for free is not because the pros dont do tutorials. Its cause humanity knows what valuable information is. Its build in into our psyche.

Youtube tuts.. forget about it. Its a drag to hear someone say.. today iam gonna show you how to make a psybass with massive.. it sounds like shit. Its ironic that non musicians / engineers trying to show composers how to create. Fcuk sakes..

My point is that the pros became pros cause they knew there is only one way. Put in the time .. put in the effort.

I believe that if u sit and play around with one synth like massive. (My recommendation) every day.. over and over. Learn the basics and improvise. Then you would be able to become a good producer.

If you are able to synthesize every sound.. even percussion . Then you will get to the point of being a pro.

          " We are together in this matter you and I, closer to death, yes, closer than i'd like. How do you feel? - There can be no division in our actions, or everything is lost. What affects you affects me. "
IsraTrance Junior Member
Started Topics :  10
Posts :  1352
Posted : Feb 13, 2016 21:29
The truth is that making a good Kick and Bass combo is really easy. After all, like many (and that's an understatement) have said here and elsewhere, both sounds are fairly simple to make.

That being said, it still requires some knowledge about subtractive synthesis, and, even more important then that, it will only sound good if it's nicely mixed with everything else in a tune that's nicely written.

We live in a time and age where most people want things immediately without taking their time to go deep and learn what it takes to get to where they want to be. Or simply to empower their own creativity in a more effective way.

Synthesis is just a part of it. You can be real good with it and fail miserably composing. You can be a real good mixer and sound engineer and still stink when it comes to creativity and vice-versa. What I mean is: the challenge of writing decent electronic music requires all this things together and that is sure to take some time. But it's not like there's any shortage of classes, an immense amount of courses, some of them by some accomplished artists and everything. There's also plenty of decent videos on youtube filled with very useful information. You just need to know where to look and learn to distinguish the people that know from the people who're just doing it 'cause they think it makes them look cool - just some kid who thinks he can get away with his ignorance if only he puts some effort on the marketing side of things. There's no shortage of that either.

Having said all this. I think it's a very good decision to make to really let yourself go with a handful (meaning, not hundreds...) of instruments and really get down to explore them.

"If you are able to synthesize every sound.. even percussion . Then you will get to the point of being a pro. "

This is true. Most of the sounds are quite easy to make as long as you have some understanding of the basics. But ask any pro if they know before hand how, say, a 4 operator FM patch is going to sound before they listen to it. It's really mind bending to even try to compute beyond a 2 operator FM patch, even when you know all the theory.

What I mean with this is that it's not just about control. It's also about knowing what works and what doesn't. It's about vocabulary. Even with synths. You have your strategies for approaching certain sounds. There's certainly room for surprises and most of the time you're actually looking for them. It's certainly about putting the time and effort to learn. And, perhaps even more important, enjoying every moment of it.
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