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IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  103
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Posted : Jul 28, 2010 21:06:10
As I'm getting older, and having moved back to the city of my birth, San Francisco, I'm finding a great appreciation of jazz music.

I grew up with my dad listening to it all the time, but I could never really 'hear' it like he did. It just sounded too chaotic to me (though I was listening to Sabbath and punk rock the whole time ).

I think it may be after all these years of listening to psytrance, and lately suomi, with its jazz touches, that I am digging jazz. I'm listening to the masters - Monk, Davis, Dizzy- and hearing some absolutely incredible stuff. Live recordings from the 50s where these guys are just playing the most mind blowing music with incredible talent.
I played alto sax in middle school so I have an appreciation for how talented these guys are and the music they're making.

Anyone else have a love for jazz? Any favorites?

I heard a 1957 recording of Dizzy Gillespie live in Argentina last night that just left me stunned. Super fast and pumping, each musician taking turns tearing up riffs and I could only think of one way to describe it.. full on!

Inactive User

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Posted : Jul 29, 2010 04:50
Yeah I've been looking into Jazz on and off the last 6 or so months take a look at the tips in the tpoic I started           I hate you, you hate me, we are all so hap hap happy!
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  103
Posts :  2184
Posted : Jul 29, 2010 08:23
Thanks bro. Mods can merge my topic into yours.

Try and find that Dizzy Gillespie live in South America album.

I've also been digging Charles Mingus. Everything I've found of his has been some real soothing music. Very deep and smooth stuff.

Trance Forum » » Forum  Music - Jazz
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