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IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Mar 20, 2012 17:55

On 2012-03-20 17:26, full_on wrote:

Also this picture is completely inappropriate to describe this situation...

Too many bushes in there...

It's a great picture! forest psy reprezent.

weirdly enough good psychedelic music still came up on top.

Dark Elf

Started Topics :  76
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Posted : Mar 20, 2012 21:23
hahahaha killer pic indeed


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Posted : Mar 21, 2012 00:21
How about this one?

          Upavas - Here And Now (Sangoma Rec.) new EP out Oct.29th, get it here:

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Posted : Mar 21, 2012 02:09
Already Maged - Liber Scientia

^ AMAZING album, absolutely blew me away. Wish I gave it an extra vote. Everyone should keep an emergency reserve of their favorite psychedelics ready for when an album like this comes out. Pure insanity.
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Mar 21, 2012 04:23
I think the reason to not so much activity in the forum is due to many other platforms for communication that was not able a couple of years ago.

The bigger the amusement park is the more different places people will be in, in other words internet offers more ways of communicating.

I dont think that less people here means less people in the psy scene, and i also think that the "psy scene " is kinda divided due to its many directions.

Also, i think more people listens to psy then before because of youtube, spotify etc. Many of them may not be involved at a deeper level, or any level at all , but still listen.

It would be fun to hear what some people who has been around for a long time has to say about the amount of people at festivals etc compared to some years ago, more or less people ?

A bit off topic but i think the biggest break though this kind of sounds ( at the moment ) will have in a commercial level will be at the house / techno scene, which is getting more accepted commercial wise and big. I also think i hear more psy elements and sound exploring in that stuff then before.
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Mar 21, 2012 07:04
Ok so I think the psy scene is actually really good globally from what friends who travelled it last year told me. I just think forum use is more & more down. I recently started connecting to some musicians whom I like via Facebook & I do see so much more activity there. From production, release promotion even to spirituality discussion and such things. It also seem less full of trolling than IMO on here has been (I used to contribute a lot here I admit).

Nice to see forest and dark style making a bit of a wave on here, just a bit dissapointed Silent Horror's album did not get in as IMO it was one of the best releases last year & really mixes for me a lof of both forest and dark style.

Especially the las track on that album. A track that is so good as a set opener!!

I did go back to listenin to lots of non-psy part year. Few release truly grabbed me, and I got back into prog house/IDM/Drum n Bass & industrial music.

This year (2012) so far has had quite a few releases that excite me, many I've yet to receive in the mail but samples alone have been enough to make me spend. I think I've almost bought more this year than what I got in entire 2011!

And much more exciting stuff to come with Attoya, Hallucinogenic Horses, Conundrum Concoction and other such goodies

Hopefully even with my newborn I'll be able to afford a few goodies here n' there

Rant end
Perma Fry
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Mar 21, 2012 13:01

On 2012-03-20 13:31, orange wrote:

On 2012-03-20 08:59, Basilisk wrote:
Is it just the forum... or is it psytrance culture that is fading into obscurity?

its facebook..

10 x
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Mar 23, 2012 07:19
Everyone says that Facebook has replaced forums... but I don't see a lot of discussion there either--just endless waves of spam and bragging about being on the Beatport charts (probably with 20 sales).

When I speak of this culture "fading into obscurity" I am touching upon a deeper concern, namely that there might be no new energy or ideas coming to the forefront. I don't mean musically--musically we're fine. 2011 was a good year and I am so overwhelmed with good music it sometimes makes me retreat into the past rather than spend time sifting through all the cool stuff coming out that--for whatever reason--never warrants a review anywhere. No, my question is deeper than that... it's whether the culture of psytrance is fading into obscurity and irrelevance. Then again, this presumes that psytrance, at some point, was about more than just the music and escaping into other worlds on the dance floor. I could be wrong about that.

The mass exodus from psytrance forums and the invisibility of critical, intellectual discussion of psytrance cultures underlying values and direction suggest to me that there isn't much going on... but if the vitality of the scene can be assessed solely on the musical output of its artists then I'd say we're doing alright, and I suppose that it is, indeed, just Facebook.
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Mar 23, 2012 08:07

Ohw Yah <3

I didn't vote this year because I didn't have any 2011,, well, I have Zen Mechanics - Re:Modified (Neurobiotic Records) but unfortunally didn't bother to vote .. sorry

Peace&Love           Tommy The Bat 4:06 "Please, tell them. That I am God."
".. -Hmmmh?" (ahhaha, good one) 42 ~ Love is the Answer
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Mar 23, 2012 09:33
Basilisk, I think the psytrance culture you refer to rather than fading into obscurity could be better described as diluted with reality. I wasn't in Goa in the 90s but from the sound of it the community that existed at that time was an extreme counter-culture, so much so that it left them with few choices: living on the bare minimum like the those in rural communities in India or resorting to alternate and sometimes illegal means of income to sustain a jet-setting party lifestyle.

Then there were those that got lucky taking sections of the culture and integrating it into a model suitable for the rest of the world, usually back in their home countries, clubs, fashion, the web, music etc. This was really the reason why the culture spread in the first place. Goa acted like a mecca for a time till the festivals abroad were bigger and better than anything found in India: that Golden Age for the culture if you may, post 2000 pre 2005 (?). Of course there were countries that had peaked even before that time, Israel being the prime example. So with the momentum tending towards complete integration with the rest of the world, it was inevitable that the things that defined the culture would start to get unrecognizable.


Music: Psytrance becoming part of the club music scene.
Art: Art coming from the psytrance culture becoming integrated with visionary art.
Fashion: Freak fashion making being replicated by vendors ranging from low buget Kathmandu to high budget Amsterdam.
Lifestyle: The basic living learnt in the east being integrated into sustainability and organic projects.
Internet: Basic HTML websites serving as a front for businesses turning to e-commerce projects with extremely high design aesthetics.
Paraphernalia: 5 rupee clay chillums becoming 5000 rupee Italian chillums.

I think a lot of the music you hear today is a testament to the change. Trends in the underground music for example, don't freak out on this example, but look at what Gil is doing. His USP was to target the root of the culture and over the years the music has stuck to his version of the underground sound, so much so that a majority of the people involved in the 90s can't recognize it anymore.

So I don't think there is a definite way of pinpointing this scene anymore. Is the community that frequents istratrance? Is it the people who listen to darkpsy? Is it those that dress like freaks on a daily basis? Is it those that still live in Goa and Thailand? Is it those that live off the grid? Most of these groups are not even intersecting with each other anymore.

I believed the last stand of psytrance culture other than music was the decor/UV scene just because it was still the most recognizable. But even the deco scene has started integrating projectors, mapping, performers. There is not much of a difference between the Amon Tobin lightshow and what Shpongle did for the DJ tour.

So all that is left is for us to try and recognize the freak in each other, and as time passes by it'll be less defined as who dropped what or who went to Goa. As opposed to the 60s, Psytrance culture made changes to the world from within. Due to that philosophy the culture itself changed due to the mainstream as much as it made its change. BUT we did come out less recognizable and less alienated, and there will always be an underground to escape to.

Just one point of view of whats happening now. Doesn't really explain whats happening on the forum. For that I think only the owners have a definitely answer to because this site never chose kept up with change. Isratrance is oldschool, and it's too bad it doesn't work at capturing the audience needed but I still like being here. Still better than facebook imho.

eniChkin Project

Started Topics :  12
Posts :  206
Posted : Mar 23, 2012 13:19
Oh shit i should have voted for my cover... too bad i missed that.
For sure enichkin - krakoziabry cover art is done perfect. took a lot of time and huge amount of layers.. Thanks to Ayalien

Started Topics :  313
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Posted : Mar 23, 2012 14:40
The site should be renamed to
That's what the kids nowadays listen to anyways           Everyone in the world is doing something without me

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Posts :  32
Posted : Mar 24, 2012 00:05
A new hallucinogen is needed..something to inspire ideas for artists and enhance music for the users.

I think like all forms of music, lots of inspiration is needed right now. My favorite type of music is in a horrible rut right now, that's why I'm here in psytrance-land. Loads of stuff is fresh to me right now but I can see a fair amount of copy + paste tracks too, so you guys more used to the music must be suffering a bit.

I think the creative energy force in the world has depleted as a result of various worldwide events. After 2012 I honestly believe we will recover from this slump.
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Mar 24, 2012 11:56

On 2012-03-21 13:01, Perma Fry wrote:

On 2012-03-20 13:31, orange wrote:

On 2012-03-20 08:59, Basilisk wrote:
Is it just the forum... or is it psytrance culture that is fading into obscurity?

its facebook..

10 x

IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  144
Posts :  3171
Posted : Mar 27, 2012 17:43
oooohboyyy... just had a proper run through of Subatomic Disco and wOWWWZA! Didn't really weigh things out when voting but at least these results reminded me to download this awesome release:

Trance Forum » » Forum  Trance - ISRATRANCE OFFICIAL BEST OF 2011 POLL - RESULTS
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