Isratrance forum suggestions.
IsraTrance Team
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Posted : Nov 30, 2010 00:03
On 2010-11-29 19:13, Fometrius wrote:
On 2010-11-29 18:22, xrust wrote:
i am surprized nobody mentioned porn section yet!
haha,yeah,bring it, where is the streaming tube section ? It needs daily updates to,who is going to be the moderator?
we need a hard guy for this job!
  ... |
dick hardman
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Nov 30, 2010 00:19
I'll do it.
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Nov 30, 2010 00:45
1. fix/improve the searching functionality
2. change the color or allow the users to set their own skins
3. create an ability to thank a user for a particularly insightful post (a much more useful metric than the junior/full member thing which can be attained by starting a bunch of nonsense topics).
4. maybe provide the option of disabling the thread preview functionality. i think it's kind of annoying.
5. streaming radio could be kind of cool. |
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Nov 30, 2010 07:08
Guys I may have stumbled upon an incredible new idea that perhaps nobody has thought of yet.
Well you know how this is like a psy trance forum, right? Well it suddenly occurred to me (seems like out of nowhere) that maybe, just maybe it would be a good idea to have a section all about psychedelics. You know a whole section all about the psychedelic experience, all about tripping and mind expanding with or without drugs. It seems to me this would attract the right kind of people, the kind you wish you would see more around here.
Though ofcourse, maybe I am just waaaaaaaaay off and all these other sections like sports, tech, games, etc are actually way more in synch with a true, genuine and most of all real psychedelic trance forum.
Inactive User
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Posted : Nov 30, 2010 07:59
Inactive User
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Posted : Nov 30, 2010 08:05
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Nov 30, 2010 09:07
To keep the colour would be nice, if changing the colour it would be nice with something similiar. But new visual upgrades and changes are generally a good thing.
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Posted : Nov 30, 2010 10:03
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Nov 30, 2010 11:16
isratrance news that everyone can aggregate for himself out of user profiles and out of new posts within a user profile.
then everyone could have abonemments on certain users and would never see other users again. win win situation for lots of people.
then you dont need to talk to anyone out there but "anyone" will not need to talk to you either because much more will happen within the profiles.
+ the possibility to embed such a news box somewhere else.
ecology section would be great too . but i siad this somewhere else already more detailed.
and just wanted to say thanks to isratrance team. and good luck with your vision. hope you will have it in the future too.
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Nov 30, 2010 11:25
The background color of each section should be diff especially the trance section.
Directly to upload pics and videos to the forum rather than adding a link.
  Mushrooms make you do crazy stuff. Look at Mario he jumps on animal heads and fights with dragons. |
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Nov 30, 2010 13:07
its been a while that we are part of isratrance forum..
of course people who keep this forum.. could do more...
for example :
1) i have been waiting to add the newest countries maybe 2 years for now...and still nothing
2)edit button
3) colours of forum are great and its easy to use it and dont need so great internet to surf on pages.. but now i think its the time to change something .. ( design ) of forum
  Hallucinated Neighbour / Silent Existence |
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Posted : Nov 30, 2010 17:06
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Nov 30, 2010 17:20
On 2010-11-30 17:06, TranceVisuals wrote:
ban me
  "no one ever sweats on a plug-in" -moby |
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Posted : Nov 30, 2010 18:21
Can you guys be serious just for once?
Some people are investing time and effort to make this place better.
So either you suggest something constructive or stay quiet in your corner please.
1) Richer profiles can be great like Full On suggested but i guess they are not top priority at the moment.
2) I never liked animated gfs that Pavel suggests,i think pics are enough.
3) I am also against the offtopic section since we already have music,video games,books,sports,etc etc sections so an offtopic section would just mean people fighting and arguing with each other for silly reasons and topics and as the past has proven these fights will also get transfered in the main forum.
4) I dont like the chat window that some people suggested,it will just contain silly remarks like all chat windows on every forum.
5) Email notification of replies on topics and personal messages is a great idea suggested by Mike A.
6) Ignore function not a good idea for many and obvious reasons.If you want to ignore someone just dont pay attention to him.
7) Forum colour must say the same in my humble opinion,its very eyes friendly.
8) Streaming radio would have a point if users could cooperate and fix a weekly scheudle or something.
9) Searching Function which is essential is under heavy update as far as i am concerned.
10) Like and Dislike options on posts would be great.
11) Psychedelic substances section no good for obvious reasons.
12) Many people mentioned the edit button,the edit button is there and you can use it for 30 minutes after you posted something. Thats the way it should work in my humble opinion.
13) Whoever wants a new country to be added just message an Isratrance Team Member.
14) Whoever wishes to get banned just message me.
  Toodaloo Motherfuckers!!!!! |
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Nov 30, 2010 21:27
On 2010-11-30 07:08, Aluxe wrote:
maybe, just maybe it would be a good idea to have a section all about psychedelics. You know a whole section all about the psychedelic experience, all about tripping and mind expanding with or without drugs. It seems to me this would attract the right kind of people, the kind you wish you would see more around here.
+1 I can see the rejections coming instantly as this is such a conservative place that is not so keen to speak of topics that can create controversy
Also agree on the health and ecology sections to come up, but seeing the such limited responses offtopic sections get, not sure how many people would actually post there
  `Bottomless wonders spring from simple rules, which are repeated without end` Mandelbrot |