IsraTrance Forum FREE Compilation
Penelope Pitstop
Inactive User
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Posted : Dec 10, 2008 00:45
Niceness - something for everyone in this - thanks
Appreciate all the work Napo and colin put into it
love Filteria
Colin OOOD
OOOD/Voice of Cod
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Posted : Dec 10, 2008 03:11
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Posted : Dec 10, 2008 11:42
Colin: LOL @ at the pic! Wicked
Finally this compilation is released! I started to think that it would never happen. RESTECPA! Nice to be a part of this Oh, and thank you for your nice comments about the snail *blushes*
Take care / Jannis
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Posted : Dec 10, 2008 12:31
downloading too =)
  A noise annoys an oyster but a noisy noise annoys an oyster most. |
IsraTrance Team
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Posted : Dec 10, 2008 13:36
That's me, I was so wasted that I don't remember wearing all that stuff!
...Be gentle with the earth...
...Dance like nobody's watching...
...I don't mind not going to Heaven, as long as they've got Coffee in Hell... |
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Dec 10, 2008 13:39
On 2008-12-10 13:36, full_on wrote:
That's me, I was so wasted that I don't remember wearing all that stuff!
Too much coffee mate.....
Mat N
IsraTrance Senior Member
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Posted : Dec 10, 2008 15:21
Colin OOOD
OOOD/Voice of Cod
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Posted : Dec 10, 2008 19:52
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Posted : Dec 11, 2008 04:26
Penelope Pitstop
Inactive User
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Posted : Dec 11, 2008 06:19
On 2008-12-10 19:52, Colin OOOD wrote:
Can anyone translate?
I think it says OOOD suk , but my hebrew is a bit rusty
jk - am sure it says nice things - would love to see a translation too |
Penelope Pitstop
Inactive User
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Posted : Dec 11, 2008 06:59
E-Jekt is a bit recycled imo - but they sure know how to deliver full-on - 10/10 for that!
Such a diverse range of artists on this - Sensient going all breaks on us - wonderful - nice change and hopefully a new way ahead for him. We need more of this (well I do).
Kino Oko getting deep and dirty - more amazingness.
Mubali just being Mubali - brilliant as ever - am always tripped out to hear his stuff, even if he recycles the same Jaia sample - it works.
Am really happy with the choice of artists on this - I think you've captured the whole scene in one
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Posted : Dec 11, 2008 10:24
I'm fucking glad its out! Isratrance team shows they are the first in the row again.
Awesome music from all producers. There is soul in this VA, i swear!
Good work guys! Keep it this way, and Happy Birthday! |
Mat N
IsraTrance Senior Member
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Posted : Dec 11, 2008 14:39
There you go:
A New Dawn (Or Shahar in Hebrew) / Matan Naveh- Layla web magazine
The trance community Isratrance celebrates a decade and releases its first trance compilation for free. Shahar Bar-Itzhak, one of the foudnders, tells Matan Naveh how it all started and explains why the first compilation came out only now
My first nature party was back at summer of 99, while I was a soldier who came back home from Lebanon once in 2 weeks, and his going-out routine was wandering around a mainstram dance-floor of a kibbutz club.
It all started when a friend played me The Gathering by Infected Mushroom during our ride to the club, and I was immediately hooked. The desire to listen to this deep and intensive electronic music grew so big on me, and it led me to the forest parties, after parties, and any other kind of trance parties that existed.
Since then, Indoor clubs no longer interested me.
When I finally got released from the army, the need to gather more information and new music got bigger, and one of the ways I found useful was Isratrance website. I registered to the site, later on to the forum, and became a member. As a goa-head, and a student, I found myself sitting in front of the forum for hours, keeping myself updated, writing reviews, reading party reviews, and making myself new friends, and not just from Israel, but from around the globe: Denmark, Brazil, England, Sweden and more.
Although during last years nature parties are rare occasions for me, and I listen to trance music only during work, I keep a warm place in my heart for the underground internet community who played an important part of my life for more than 5 years, and indirectly, let to where I am nowadays. Therefore, when I head about the first compilation of Isratrance, I jumped on the opportunity to go back to my home base and see what is going on. So I picked up the phone and called Shahar Bar-Itzhak, one of the founders of Isratrance, and the owner of the successful chill-out label, Aleph Zero.
So how’s it going? And what’s up with Isratance these days?
“I’m quite well, spending most of my time sitting in front of the computer. Actually it divides between my new daughter and the computer hehe… and when I’m on the computer it divides between Isratrance and Aleph Zero stuff. And Isratrance is, all in all, alright. Coming back to life in the last 6 months after it almost died.”
For those who aren’t familiar with Isratrance and its history, how did it all start?
“Back then, I was ‘sitting’ on an Israeli trance mailing list. I was always a music freak. In 1989 I started going out to parties but it wasn’t that strong because I was still into Punk and New Wave. In 1994, when I traveled Australia and Thailand, it caught me so strong, and why I came back home, I started collecting music. The problem then was that it was really hard to find information and it was just the beginning of the internet.
Eventually, I found some information and started doing order through all the names, writing reviews in the mailing list, which back then, was actually the community.
“Then, Alex (aka ShivaS), who was also a member and addicted to Israeli trance music, contacted me and offered me to help him with his new trance website.
2 weeks later I found myself traveling in all the record companies, writing reviews, and creating an artist database.
Other people such as Guy Shanti and Dr. Borris joined us, and later on also Gadi (Surrender) and people from abroad such as Napo from Brazil (Full_On). That’s how it all began”.
Until 2005, the Isratrance site flourished, and the forum became the biggest trance forum on the net, with almost 5,000 active members and 30,000 registered ones from 72 countries. But since 2006, it seemed that its activity was completely stopped.
Why did the website almost died?
“Because nothing happened in it. The forum was very much active, but the website didn’t have any new content. The reason is that the people who ran it, didn’t want it anymore”.
And indeed, the website, which was frozen for a long time, came back to life recently, and you can read again new reviews. And after a decade of anti-commercialism, the advertise banners also appeared. Can it be?
“We came back to activity because we realized that the game rules have changed”, says Shahar, “Today there are no longer volunteers, and so we decided we’re coming back with full force. We bought a server (people can’t realize what we have done all these years to keep it online), we’re paying for a web-developer using the payments for the banners, we brought up a radio station section, website directory, and soon we will upgrade the artist’s database.
“There’s nothing like Isratrance, this website and forum is the place for the whole scene. One of the nice things is when you write something about a producer and then he responds in your thread.”
And still, the website is one for a decade now, and the glory days of psychedelic trance is long gone. So how come the first compilation is out only now?
“In the past I didn’t feel it was right to release music inside Isratrance, I felt it would be financially wrong, but eventually it happened, because the community itself created it”.
The new compilation, featuring leading artists such as Kino Oko, Sensient, Hujaboy and O.O.O.D., is really excellent and diverse, but I feel as though nothing is new here. Nothing ‘opened my chakras’. Do you know what I mean?
“The point you’re bringing up is important because trance is really stuck, but that’s life. I think during the last year trance is going through transformation; everyone feels that it all sounds the same. Except for artists like Loud and Perfect Stranger, for instance, everything sounds the same. But I have to say this compilation surprised me for good.”
Now, Shahar and his friends the website and forum administrators offer you to download the compilation for free. “It represents the forum. All of the artists appearing on it are members of the forum. Napo collected the tracks, Profane did the edit, Colin from O.O.O.D did the mastering, and Swaroop from India designed the graphics.”
IsraTrance Team
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Posted : Dec 11, 2008 19:15
Thanks for the article and the translation.
Just to let you know, there are already more than 7.500 copies out there!
...Be gentle with the earth...
...Dance like nobody's watching...
...I don't mind not going to Heaven, as long as they've got Coffee in Hell... |
IsraTrance Team
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Posted : Dec 11, 2008 19:20
^^ not to mention, other sites that already have links to rapidshare, etc etc
so probably there are more out there
  ... |