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Israely Scene

IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jan 16, 2010 03:39:10
If you could define The Israely Electronic Musice Scene in 1 sentence, what would it be? 
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jan 16, 2010 16:24
in the past 2 years?

one word would suffice: "Poza"
IsraTrance Senior Member

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Posted : Jan 16, 2010 19:47
Techno           -=The Meaning Of Life Is To Give Life A Meaning=
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Jan 17, 2010 12:58

On 2010-01-16 16:24, goaren wrote:
in the past 2 years?

one word would suffice: "Poza"


It seems like people stopped enjoying the music
and only care about themselves and how they look.....           Now say the magic words: Bleep Bleep Deep Deep Wham.....
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jan 17, 2010 19:47
im probably gonna get lashed for this but i really think that this whole fusion with the clubs and minimal crowd has alot to do with this fact...

not to say that minimal music is to be blamed but it has alot to do with some of its crowd in israel...

i found the true spirit that made me fall in love in this scene in the small parties and after being at many parties the last summer i can say its still there - just in the different (goa/finnish/galactic) and mostly the small parties
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Jan 18, 2010 09:45
Don't worry, you won't get lashed. Your among good people

Actually I am a mnml-tech fan and I can understand
what your saying, but I dont think that this is the only reason.
I actually blame it on the clubs. I really think that about
2 years ago or so the trance scene got into clubs (in the winter mostly of course) .
But I think that this created a mixture of people who are
not related to the trance scene but come cause they think it's cool .
Now this people through the clubs got to know that there also "cool" nature parties
and started come to these nature parties. Producers saw that they can make more money
and started making bigger and more commercialized parties.
And that is what caused this situation. The mnml had also a part to all of this but not as big of a part as you mentioned.
Looking at myself, I rarely go to clubs even tho they bring
the biggest artist. I really love the outdoor parties, like goaren said, the small with lots
of vibe parties with good people , there are still parties like
this but not as much as it used to be.......

          Now say the magic words: Bleep Bleep Deep Deep Wham.....
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jan 18, 2010 15:37
Any suggestions for making our scene a little bit better? 
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jan 18, 2010 16:06
yes... as cliche and banalic as it may sound - go back to the roots!!! (not neccesarily musically speaking, but question yourself why you are going to a party and go only to those where you will allow yourself to dance freely and share youre vibes, not to show off whatever it is you want to).
o and psyclone - thanks for understanding... i was pretty sure everyone here would disagree with what i wrote - and again, i dont blame the music, i point out that a big part of this scene's situation is due to the clubs and the crowd they attract like youve pointed out
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jan 19, 2010 15:15
Ok, here's an idea.
Why dont we change this forum's name to the Isra-moan, and be done with it ?
every second post claims something is dead, fainting or just doesnt feel too good about itself.
Those that don't, that may start out positive (like this one), eventually end up with the same list of never changing moans.
maybe, just maybe its the reason these blue pages have seen better days ?
Seriously, who wants to join a pack of geezers ranting away:
oi, it was so much better back then
oi, everybody is killing my vibes
oi oi oi.

Maybe someone can finally tell me what was "back then" that was so good ?

was it the balloons ?
maybe those off-the-charts-police-raids did it for ya ?
or maybe you miss that beloved aggressive, violence inducing music that rained the earth two-three years ago (who said dark ???).
Maybe its time to wake up and smell the coffee. the only thing that has changed in the interval since then and now is the beholder.
Yes, we were young and restless, did a lot of acid and everything was sooo dreamy and full of fairies. there were only good parties, free of charge, with just our kind of music playing from night till day.
was it ?
were there no commercial parties then ? no clubs ? no genre wars ?
sure there were ! you just weren't involved enough back then to notice (young, acid, remember ?). now you are. so, good morning, sunshine.

So, I know. lets all blame the clubs !
yes, yes, lets. Those cocaine swarming, metro-schick joints of housy music. yuk.
Lets all pretend that there are no super nasty outdoor parties that make you feel lucky to be alive after.
(btw, was at one not two months ago where I was actually threatened by some full-of-vibes ravers. couldn't believe all the love there. or is that the clubs fault too?)
The entrance of trance/prog/IDM etc. to clubs started, ummm lets see... yes, right around the time when trance/prog/IDM etc. started. (shocker, he ?)
its nothing new and has nothing to do with life, death or anything in between.
Personally I relate to the experience of a club as much as I relate to the experience of an outdoors rave.
both are total experiences for me, each with a different twist.
You know what, I almost certain that most ravers, not you guys and me as we are not the classic case and this thread supports that notion, would agree.
sure some would say that they prefer nature, some would say the opposite. but almost none would say its either this or that.
you do realize that most people are still just in it for the fun ?

I have a sentence about Israeli Electronic music scene. Actually I have a few, but here's one i actually thought of

When I walk into a venue, and see the younger generation. it fills me with real joy. I know that this scene has "made" it. New blood is constantly gushing in filling everything with freshness and vitality.
so not dead that calling it this is a pure act of blasphemy.
We now have a ridiculous amount of fantastic music from each genre imaginable, with actual professionals working the industry from productions to djs, artists and visions/decoration.

and the bar just keeps getting higher.
take it or leave it, this scene has grown, especially in the last couple of years, to be as rooted in Israeli culture as any other type of art and leisure.
From the heart of the mainstream to the bottom of the underground, we are there. personally I take pride in that, I love it, its the way it was meant to be.

wew... i just can't seem to write short posts.
 for info, shows new tracks and more.
IsraTrance Senior Member

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Posted : Jan 20, 2010 13:59
I do not see any Problem With the people in the club Scene. Comfort 13 is my favorite club. I'm there almost every weekend in the last 2 months. The selection is good! The ppl are gr8 and especially the girls but the music is the most important thing. one problem: I general there are not Enough progressive parties in clubs in this days. I love techno - I really do - but I would like to see more Progressive Trance Parties otherwise it will Vanish like The Tech Trance.
          -=The Meaning Of Life Is To Give Life A Meaning=
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Jan 20, 2010 21:18

On 2010-01-16 16:24, goaren wrote:
in the past 2 years?

one word would suffice: "Poza"

Best answer out there.
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jan 21, 2010 15:56
whoa avishay hold your horses there... my post wasnt about bitching and moaning at all... i just used a word to describe the way i perceive the scene as i see it today.

i didnt even say it was much better then - what i said was that in my opionion many of today's party goers seem to care about the poza and not about the party itself, the people around them and eventually the music.

i personally found my niche in this scene and am one happy camper... my issue is with what has been standardized in this scene these days...
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Jan 22, 2010 21:25

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Posted : Jan 23, 2010 05:44

On 2010-01-21 15:56, goaren wrote:
i personally found my niche in this scene and am one happy camper... my issue is with what has been standardized in this scene these days...

the root of the dilema is in the way you pose the question, you speak about "the scene"
and i find it hard to understand which scene you talk about, in my mind i cant look at the minimal/club scene in the same eyes that i looked on the psy scene, those are 2 completley dif. scenes imo.
the fact that alot of oldschoolers moved on to minimal and techno dosnt make it the same scene...

to change a light bulb you need 10 psy heads, 1 to change it and 9 to say how much the old one was better
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  130
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Posted : Jan 23, 2010 10:24

to change a light bulb you need 10 psy heads, 1 to change it and 9 to say how much the old one was better

I say-
Even if your light bulb lights fine and you have 10 psy heads, they will make you belive it is a cheap replica of an older one... 
Trance Forum » » Forum  Israel - Israely Scene

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