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is the forum dieing?

IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : May 22, 2010 18:20

On 2010-05-22 17:49, papay wrote:

On 2010-05-20 17:44, Moki.Time.Wave.Zero wrote:
and where are the trance discussions in facebook? i have missed them? can anyone recommend a more alive discussion ?:)

noup but i can recommend you to delete your facebook account(O_=)

Why? Because people can use it to spy on you,
or is there another reason?
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : May 22, 2010 19:30
facebook was never *in* for me. kind of really boring. but if i wanted to sell sth, it would be the first place to go. i dont delete my account there because i was never stupid enough to share my life on facebook. so it is same. no the hype and the stream is clear, it is getting modern to delete facebook accounts. so i wait till anyone runs away, then i can go for it.

myspace is universes better than that and i love to jump from artist to artist and from person to person. but anyway a nice debate with a lot of controversial thesis and arguments on trance related topics is imo only possible if you start it on isratrance. ( and then hope to see less fuckers around) . sometimes it is really wonderful to debate here. i love it. sometimes it is boring and too personal. but we are learning to do it better with the time.

i guess people are just totally depressed because of the crisis - financial difficulties, ecological desasters, political comedies, dark visions of the future... and last but not least identity crisis of the scene. that is why this forum here seems a bit like sleeping. but it is not. it is redefining itself. one day, the sun activity will suddenly errupt and the elcromagnetic field will make our brains more active again. then every one will come to isratrance again....

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Posted : May 22, 2010 19:58

On 2010-05-22 19:30, Moki.Time.Wave.Zero wrote:
.... one day, the sun activity will suddenly errupt and the elcromagnetic field will make our brains more active again. then every one will come to isratrance again....

Passes Moki the tin-foil hat... 

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IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : May 23, 2010 07:12

On 2010-05-21 19:50, Login wrote:

On 2010-05-21 10:23, exotic wrote:

On 2010-05-21 09:41, Login wrote:
Maybe if owners reset the forum deleting all existing topics it will have a lot of activity to go

While i agree that it will generate a lot of activity what about information regarding old releases, members views and perspective regarding music etc and other data. having a back up would help but whats the point if people cannot access it. you have to keep in mind lots of people who come here don't post, aren't registered members and even if they do register they might be looking for some information before moving on somewhere else. Its not just about the people who post.

it was a joke mate

we sure need a detect irony meter for all posts on here. never know when someone's taking the piss.

or maybe i need to pay more careful attention to them smileys.           missing plug-in
Nomolos(Zenon Rec.)
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : May 23, 2010 17:21
good discussion!

I totally agree that facebook is a major contributer to the decline in activity on many forums and other social media orientated websites... i also know that my age and status in life effect the time i can spend on this forum... i also think the last few years have had less and less to offer FOR ME music wise... just my 2 cents dont hate me for getting old and bored by many carbon copy tracks/parties/threads etc.

i think isratrance is an important platform/database which in a way tells the story of our 'movement' and people behind it!

EVOLVE OR DIE! something should be done to kick start the forum again and make it attractive in todays option filled cyber world...

maybe teaming up with the other 'major' psy trance forums and creating a facebook application for this conglomerated new psy body will do the trick?

other ideas anyone?


          "....or is it???"
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : May 23, 2010 18:03
start promoting the forum in major festivals around the world, especially by handing cute chicks some flyers, so we can at least balance the levels ere

          `Bottomless wonders spring from simple rules, which are repeated without end` Mandelbrot
Inactive User

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Posted : May 24, 2010 00:15

On 2010-05-23 18:03, -Abatwa- wrote:
start promoting the forum in major festivals around the world, especially by handing cute chicks some flyers, so we can at least balance the levels ere

yes, and if those chicks find "evolving" fancy, maybe some of us will evolve also.. on the other side the more opinions the better, always. it's a matter of the owners here, it's up to them really.

we are here to give tons of ideas if asked, this can be a much better place!
Beat Agency
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : May 24, 2010 00:29
It has been said before in another debate. Rename this community and make it a true international community with no favoring and equal moderation against all members no matter nationality and believes (Update the moderator team and make it more representative to all nationalities here). By keeping a name that refer to a single country this community will never be what it could be. People will always have this small feeling that the purpose with this community is to favorite Israelis (artists etc. as it also started out to do) and put all the remaining members as secondary members. I know this is not the intention but this is the feeling people could get while they visit for the first time. The name also link to a country in a conflict and by that the name itself could alienate possible new members as well as fuse political debates which have happened various times.

So start with the name, update the team here with representative nationalities and maybe re-think the whole concept too. One good new thing would be to equally allow artists and labels to promote their free legal releases together with commercial releases. Just a though 
IsraTrance Team

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Posted : May 24, 2010 10:04

On 2010-05-24 00:29, Beat Agency wrote:
One good new thing would be to equally allow artists and labels to promote their free legal releases together with commercial releases. Just a though
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IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : May 24, 2010 12:32

On 2010-05-24 00:29, Beat Agency wrote:
It has been said before in another debate. Rename this community and make it a true international community with no favoring and equal moderation against all members no matter nationality and believes (Update the moderator team and make it more representative to all nationalities here). By keeping a name that refer to a single country this community will never be what it could be. People will always have this small feeling that the purpose with this community is to favorite Israelis (artists etc. as it also started out to do) and put all the remaining members as secondary members. I know this is not the intention but this is the feeling people could get while they visit for the first time. The name also link to a country in a conflict and by that the name itself could alienate possible new members as well as fuse political debates which have happened various times.

So start with the name, update the team here with representative nationalities and maybe re-think the whole concept too. One good new thing would be to equally allow artists and labels to promote their free legal releases together with commercial releases. Just a though

I can only speak for myself, but where is all the unfair moderation and bias people complain about? The moderation team has representatives from many different countries, and imho it cant be said that Israeli artists are favoured these days.

A need to change the name never occured to me, if people cant seperate political ideologies from Trance music maybe they need to open their mind a little more...
Beat Agency
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : May 24, 2010 13:09

On 2010-05-24 12:32, kazuku wrote:

On 2010-05-24 00:29, Beat Agency wrote:
It has been said before in another debate. Rename this community and make it a true international community with no favoring and equal moderation against all members no matter nationality and believes (Update the moderator team and make it more representative to all nationalities here). By keeping a name that refer to a single country this community will never be what it could be. People will always have this small feeling that the purpose with this community is to favorite Israelis (artists etc. as it also started out to do) and put all the remaining members as secondary members. I know this is not the intention but this is the feeling people could get while they visit for the first time. The name also link to a country in a conflict and by that the name itself could alienate possible new members as well as fuse political debates which have happened various times.

So start with the name, update the team here with representative nationalities and maybe re-think the whole concept too. One good new thing would be to equally allow artists and labels to promote their free legal releases together with commercial releases. Just a though

I can only speak for myself, but where is all the unfair moderation and bias people complain about? The moderation team has representatives from many different countries, and imho it cant be said that Israeli artists are favoured these days.

A need to change the name never occured to me, if people cant seperate political ideologies from Trance music maybe they need to open their mind a little more...

If you had read my post you would have noticed i said that Israeli artist "used" to be favored and that it's because of the name people "might" get the feeling that Israeli's are being favored. I did not say they are actually being favored today.

The debate regarding the name is actually being supported by more members than you imagine because of various reasons.

1. Its never a true international forum when you use a name of a country as the community name.

2.Like it or not people will associate the name with the current conflict and it can and will spike political debates and "fights" from both "camps".

The alternative is to build a true International forum free of associations to a single country. But why not just improve this one and gain new members (females too if it's made more female friendly that is). I do know Shahar and the mods are taking this serious and are listening and are planning new things

IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : May 24, 2010 15:55
It is the concept of forum community that is old (I don't think you need me to tell you that the web changed a lot in the last 10 years) and nowadays should be relegated to one of the many services you offer to your potential users, not the main/only one.
Isratrance should continue be an hub for psy-trance music. While 10 years ago a forum was enough to be an hub, it is not anymore.

You can segment Isratrance potential users in: fans, producers, djs, labels, party promoters, ... However, for example, not all fans want to discuss about music in a forum, maybe they want to just listen to music, inform about the latest parties in a region, download sets. I know some of these services are covered in this forum, the problem is that a forum is not the best way to optimally answer these needs and guarantee the necessary return on investment to the people that are spending time on this forum also to make money from the work they do. Also by using just a forum as primary way of communication you are excluding a large chunk of users that do not like to read and participate in forums, but still like Psy-Trance music. Obviously the same applies to the other categories of users as well, not just the fans.

Ideally you want to create a webspace where all the potential users that I listed can benefit from each other presence in the same place and have the opportunity to interact with each other in the way they wish. At the same time if you can offer some exclusive services that would be truly valuable for some users, you can also start charging a membership fee to them, which is already a much better business model than the ad-based one on which the majority of forum communities are based.
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Posted : May 24, 2010 18:03

On 2010-05-24 12:32, kazuku wrote:

On 2010-05-24 00:29, Beat Agency wrote:
It has been said before in another debate. Rename this community and make it a true international community with no favoring and equal moderation against all members no matter nationality and believes (Update the moderator team and make it more representative to all nationalities here). By keeping a name that refer to a single country this community will never be what it could be. People will always have this small feeling that the purpose with this community is to favorite Israelis (artists etc. as it also started out to do) and put all the remaining members as secondary members. I know this is not the intention but this is the feeling people could get while they visit for the first time. The name also link to a country in a conflict and by that the name itself could alienate possible new members as well as fuse political debates which have happened various times.

So start with the name, update the team here with representative nationalities and maybe re-think the whole concept too. One good new thing would be to equally allow artists and labels to promote their free legal releases together with commercial releases. Just a though

I can only speak for myself, but where is all the unfair moderation and bias people complain about? The moderation team has representatives from many different countries, and imho it cant be said that Israeli artists are favoured these days.

A need to change the name never occured to me, if people cant seperate political ideologies from Trance music maybe they need to open their mind a little more...

there is a thin line in everyone between opening his mind and closing it.. why did i say that?

IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  38
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Posted : May 24, 2010 19:09

On 2010-05-24 15:55, mercury wrote:

At the same time if you can offer some exclusive services that would be truly valuable for some users, you can also start charging a membership fee to them, which is already a much better business model than the ad-based one on which the majority of forum communities are based.

this is a very interesting argument.
thanks for mentioning the fact that charging a membership fee might be quite a successful business model for web 2.0 communities of the future. it is exactly what i believe too. why?

well, nowadays more and more people are beginnning to value social networking only if it would satisfy their standard of return-on-investment . if i perceice a network as too chaotic, too big, too wide and non structured in its content, and too troll-based and off-topic-based, then i am more likely to leave this network than i would be likely to stay and invest my time. that is why, the bigger it gets, the less interesting it gets. the niche ( special interest) is the key. and since social networks are a kind of pre-programmed to get bigger with the time, i believe they are pre-programmed to become a mass phenomenon based on less and less interesting content. and there they would find their end.

as an example- if i enter a social network, i invest my time ( even only to read but may be i generate content), may be i invest my knowledge and experiences, and all i need is to communicate with others like me. i have certain expectation to return my investment.
the problem is that if it is free, lots of people are behaving like it is not important any more how much nonsense you write, and if you psychically stalk others ( who are more likely to get ' meta' attention in a social network) . so there is a tendency that the more interesting people leave the networks. they might have been the avantgarde of the internet 15 years ago but they are the lonely nerds of nowadays, that would not be understood in the mass phenomena of web 2.0. either if it is an old fashioned forum or in a bigger social network.

so it can be actually a good idea to have a charged fee for a trance network. i would appreciate this. it would be a kind of a protection against trolls and against losing time with unimportant conversations about personal things that have nothing to search in a public environment.

it is another debate if it is a good business model. facebook had 300 million dollars of revenue in 2008. charging is a good model for scientific networks, or for dating networks , especially if they are for an upper class members. not sure if this would be posible to do in a trance network.

last but not least, most people come here to make promotion, it is clear. and the bigger it is, the better for them.... they are not here to communicate.

what i think that would be good for isratrance, would be a bit more social network character. isratrance profiles connected to the main other networks like myspace etc would be nice. but please do not fusion this to other main trance forums. i dont think it would bring so much. and it is not possible anyway.

IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : May 24, 2010 20:16
ppl here won't pay for the music they like, you think they'll pay for being a part of a social network? dreams dreams...
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