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Infected Mushroom - Legend Of The Black Shawarma {Perfecto Rec,/Hommega Rec.}

IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Oct 16, 2009 13:23
I am a long time lurker of this forum, however I want just to say a simple thing. The haters are just making IM a favor by making this the most discussed album of the last few months, because you are just keeping the interest high on this album, while the best way to actually "punish" IM for how bad you think this album is its to simple ignore it, because now everyone will have the necessary need to go check it out in a way or another and the "noobs", that make up the large majority of the market, will obviously end up rewarding the "popularity" of this album.
All the words spent on this album would have been better used to promote much better works by artists that really have this music in their heart, but still need to sell and get gigs if they want to continue having a place in the scene, but how can they do it if only a handful of die hard fans or djs know about them? Unfortunately a couple of gems of the last few months do not even have a review on IsraTrance, that in theory should be the reference for psy-trance music. In fact lately there are even more technoish/minimal reviews than psy one, but that's another story.
Don't worry this is a problem that pretty much any internet forum has, probably because it's easier to talk shit about bad artistic products and it's difficult to have discussions when everyone agrees that the work is great and a masterpiece or close to it.
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Oct 16, 2009 16:40

On 2009-10-16 12:59, Sputer wrote:
cut the bullshit 'Slowly' from 3:00 is amazing tune and if u dont hear that u have to clean yours ears

This, "herbert the pervert", "Franks" and "Project 100". Greatest IM tunes ever
Dr. Boombastic
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Oct 17, 2009 14:11
riders on the storm remixed is nice.           all roads lead Om
Dr. Boombastic
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Oct 17, 2009 14:17
franks sees a return to the classical!           all roads lead Om
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Oct 17, 2009 15:44
That's what I think about a lot of this album.

Very classical mushroom.
IsraTrance Team

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Posted : Oct 20, 2009 00:35

On 2009-10-16 00:46, Fu Hsi wrote:
1. The band doing something else today and obvious successful, so why oh why, the good souls of Isratrance ( those 10 - 20 yeah ) still look for blood here on those 8 pathetic pages?

Yep, they are more successful than most psy artists (assuming successful to be defined as being booked often and selling more CDs).

However, we have the right to criticize because of many reasons (as long as we do that in an educated way), including the fact that the album still have some psy-related in it (yes, I downloaded illegally and I have listened to it a couple of times).

Of course, most people should read our comments with skepticism, because as previously mentioned by Fu Hsi, they are on something else than underground psy, thus maybe Isratrancers are not the best people to make peer review of this album. So maybe we're not the most appropriated group to review it, but we still can review it anyways.

In short, everyone is welcome to comment, review, praise or criticize as long as you do that respectfully.
Respect!           .
...Be gentle with the earth...
...Dance like nobody's watching...
...I don't mind not going to Heaven, as long as they've got Coffee in Hell...
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Posted : Oct 20, 2009 10:29

On 2009-10-16 12:51, disco hooligans wrote:

You've been in the scene for ages, been a member of this forum long enough and traveled lots, why do you care about what 10-20 other members who like to hate on others people's music, will say about IM's new album?

You know that it don't fall right when bands that used to be a part of a subculture, go commercial.

You see it as pathetic and closed minded, they see the hating as away of defending the subculture by detaching what ever band went commercial, from that subculture.

What these 10-20 member will say is completely irrelevant and will obviously have no impact on IM's sales and success in the commercial realm.

People need to ease up on the pretentiousness around here.

so true

and personally i can understand many aspects in the music imo the mix, the individual sounds, the movement , the motive, the cause

and i just said a plain shit, because i feel IM do not respect ppl who dig it, dig the sound, they go to the other direction , if you can understand it if not, i dont really care at all again

here we dont lick asses we say what we feel and why, some people like being true this way..

and if Duvdev wants to make music with symphonies and such i say again that he has megalomania and search for a sit in the pantheon, hes dreaming of Jean Michel or Vangelis

You cannot do symphonies by twisting the cutoff Duvdeeeeeeev .. wake up !!
Fu Hsi
Perfect Stranger

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Posted : Oct 20, 2009 11:41

On 2009-10-20 10:29, gutter wrote:

You cannot do symphonies by twisting the cutoff Duvdeeeeeeev .. wake up !!

Obviously the same agent that once "discovered" the Doors and was managing them, and today he is the agent of IM ( from his free will ) and managing them, thinks differently than you... But who does he think he is, hell, he is just there for the money.. You know better

Couldn't resist, out again 
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Posted : Oct 20, 2009 13:09


IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Oct 20, 2009 17:19
There is something very wrong here. Most reviews from very good albums (Iboga, Iono, releases) have only 3, 4 pages max. This "album" has already 10 pages reviews!!!!! I sugest we vote for "crappiest album of the year" in 2009 to compensate this (guess u know who is geting my vote).

Started Topics :  2
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Posted : Oct 20, 2009 21:49
Here's my review:

Infected Mushroom - Legend Of The Black Shawarma

Infected Mushroom's latest continues where their previous album left: fusing the energies of their live-acts with studio-work. This time, however, IM brought forth their oldschool electronic sound to compliment their guitar riffs more prominently, at times accompanied by Erez's famous melodies or Duvdev's infamous vocals. Fortunately, IM have also enlisted professional singers to create a deeper and more sensual feeling in some of the tracks. This works very well in some (Smashing & Sa'eed), but can sound rather lame and tasteless in others (Can't Stop & Poquito). This shows the problem is not the vocals but the melodic content which seems depleted, despite - or perhaps as a result - of the vocals.

While the overall feeling is still quite trancy and uplifting, IM build their tracks uniquely and in an experimental fashion oozing with style: the melodies take on many break-bits and funky trip-hop tempo changes that show how talented this duo is. Just like their vocal songs, however, the result is charged and explosive at times (Franks & Project 100) and degenerative and boring in others (Cant Stop & Herbert). IM incorporate electronic guitars almost stubbornly, overwhelming the delicate build-ups they are so well known for with hollow, screechy noises. The harmony is obtained only momentarily in some tracks, and it is fantastic, but then it is gone.

As the tempo varies through-out and between each track, the overall resonance is distinctly compact, typical of the sound you hear in live-show rock bands. Digital effects mimic the sound of distorted guitars even when the latter are not present. This consistency may appeal to metal fans, but it lacks individuality, a quality well-reserved in IM's earlier work. There are, however, plenty of violins, chorus and acoustic guitars mixed-in, all processed with IM's top-quality production and attention to detail, delivering a sharp and crisp psychedelic effect. This definitely helps break-up the monotone sound of the album, but it lacks the rich compositions and lush sonic environments IM are famed for.

Infected have not yet been able to find the right balance between their new approach to music and their innate compositional abilities. Almost all the songs have great moments that are subsequently ruined by unnatural guitar riffs or discordant singing. It is as if IM insist on putting the two up-front, at all cost, expecting them to do the job. This may work in live-shows, but not here. The best parts of the album are where melodies and explosive guitars meet harmoniously - and that shows Infected can make it work. Can, but not often enough.

Legend of the Black Shawarma = 3/5.
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Oct 20, 2009 23:22
My diagnosis: They're trying too hard.

I'll be interested to hear what they're doing 20 years from now once this frenzy of trying to discover some new crossover or fusion dies down and they relax and just enjoy music again.

If they've got anything left.

IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Oct 21, 2009 06:43
legend of the overcooked, rotten falafel?

the name of the album only stinks so bad dunno about the rest.

god knows why this is review is in a psy'trance' forum to begin with.           missing plug-in
Nomolos(Zenon Rec.)
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Oct 21, 2009 09:48

On 2009-09-08 18:16, aje wrote:
Well, I have listened to it once through, and the problem I have with it is that it sounds like a caricature of the different kinds of music they try to fuse in their melting pot. Everything is so overproduced and overemphasized, it`s like those caricatures where every person has a huge head and every smile is so big and distorted that it looks like a tortured mask.

And the incredible production quality is probably the albums biggest deterrent. On the surface it sounds perfect, but it does not have any soul underneath. Just like huge silicone titties, these tracks appear firm and tight from afar, but if you touch them they are stiff and lifeless and feel like cold stones in your hands

Having lived there myself for 4 years, I can tell that this album is directly influenced by the city of Los Angeles. Loud, fake, colourful, PLAfSTIC, shiny-on-the-surface, but also lacking any soul, historic perspective, depth, feeling and emotions.

As always Aje nailed it.

Cheers           "....or is it???"

Started Topics :  9
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Posted : Oct 21, 2009 16:25
Too many negative posts about album of the year! WTF!!

I really don't understand your negative words. If you dont like it, OK it is your choice, but why do you write it here? Listen to the music you like and get out of here!

If you are a fan of IM's older stuff that's okay, but have respect for their new style. Have you heard those tracks? Franks, Slowly, Project 100, Bust a Move remix? I think this CD is for some people too good and they can't accept that.

I love all their albums since The Gathering... Legend is different, not only psytrance, electronic, rock or whatever but one of the best album after years!!!
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