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IsraTrance Senior Member

Started Topics :  216
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Posted : Apr 2, 2011 08:13
haha pentagram in this, i am sure that MTV chinappa and pearl are also featured. Pass!

Will wait for psytrance induction.

good luck

           “What we need is the development of the Inner Spiritual man, the unique individual, whose treasure is hidden in the symbols of our mythological tradition and in man’s unconscious psych.” - CJ Jung

Started Topics :  144
Posts :  3171
Posted : Apr 2, 2011 09:49
bottom line is that psytrance as a genre in the music industry is severely unrepresented. take the example of ADE, the electronic music industries biggest international annual meetup. every genre claims to be represented with performances by thousands of producers and Djs spanned over an entire week. in the midst of that there was only one psytrance event and that too a dedicated alchemy records party (shane gobi's label). no sign at all of the rest, not even from the chillout side of things.

so like our friend is doing above, claiming the edm scene is all rubbish just because it represents music "we" don't relate to just alienates the whole genre even more. I know there are a lot of people who believe that it's all about them aliens anyway, but maybe it's time to start integrating the scene into the larger picture with what "we" think it represents. the reason why labels like third eye and shivlink have been featured is because they've done just that, but they represent the music from the nightclub perspective. i personally find that missing something because it does represent a whole lot more (that's what my article in the book is about btw)

so you guys can wait till you have some half baked psytrance magazine printed on cheap paper or you can actually work towards getting solid material together for something that actually represents electronic music in the most broad sense possible. i'll tell you all one little secret, 99% of the people involved with electronic music in india, whether they're playing guitars, posing as mainstream DJs, or producing 128 bpm techno, were all introduced to 'electronic dance music' through trance music. you can ignore that but you can't ever forget.

IsraTrance Senior Member

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Posted : Apr 2, 2011 10:24
Whatever you are doing with this, good luck. And yes i relate with psy-trance and chillout-dub-drum and bass etc. And i did not say all EDM is rubbish. Tried it and its Just not my taste. As simple as that...for you it may be.

I can support with what this genre represents by the point you mentioned of integrating into a larger picture although (not sure if people will be open enough to comprehend) most people would always relate this music to substances even after reading a open view on this scene, but society is made of prejudices.(consciously and unconsciously)

           “What we need is the development of the Inner Spiritual man, the unique individual, whose treasure is hidden in the symbols of our mythological tradition and in man’s unconscious psych.” - CJ Jung
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Apr 2, 2011 12:32
i dont think this underground scene is ready for the general public,or actually the masses is not compltly ready for the hardcore psychedelic sound, first, to introduce this genre to the public requires not the hardcore facts, but a controlled release into the mainstream. i'd suggest ambient,downtempo,chillout sound to first be introduced properly,and these genres of artists put forth first, which has the best properties of this psychedelic culture, meaning,peace,love,bliss,oneness etc etc,, if we were to introduce hardcore psytrance , it may be too much for the masses to digest, so if possible, there must be a very controlled release into the masses connected to the mainstream electronic sounds within india,starting with the pleasent sounds, and slowly building it from there.
mere 1.1 cents
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Apr 2, 2011 13:37
"the scene" for me is music.

And it's subjective. Depends on taste. Individual. This is for all types of music.
          We were born naked & grow up to become wicked.
IsraTrance Senior Member

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Posted : Apr 2, 2011 14:13
Totally Agree Dogon. Taste it is, This scene is dance.
Not Substances, Flouro, Dj's, Artists,Aliens. ITS MUSIC !!!
Which is why people unite for a party or a festival, dont we ? United Consciousness through music.

           “What we need is the development of the Inner Spiritual man, the unique individual, whose treasure is hidden in the symbols of our mythological tradition and in man’s unconscious psych.” - CJ Jung
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  103
Posts :  1614
Posted : Apr 3, 2011 02:54
what scene is scene, and scene is 'music' and scene is 'dance'?? who are we kidding here, the music we all love,listen to and dance to is called Psychedelic trance, which in itself projects an image of psychedelic drugs and is clearly associated with drugs, and people taking drugs especially in indian society.
for the perspective of the masses to change, we cannot simply come forth and say, music is music and let the music do the talking, the indian society already associates psytrance with drugs,raves, etc ( thanks to the media,busts, and amature party organisers etc) so dont kid urself here.the image of psytrance in the general publics mind has been clearly critised and demonised by the media for example, if this "HUB" magazine or any other journel or media, is to help change the image of psytrance within india, then first we can use information disclosed wisely, in the sense we must project the real essense of our music first, which is spirituality.peace,love,harmony,oneness etc etc.. and that my brothers is best reflected through the chillout,ambient,downtempo sounds within out small genre of psy and if the masses interests are awakened through words like spirituality,peace,love etc, their intersts and general ideas will peak or gravitate towards the sound automatically,and may induce or produce mass appeal or a larger audience.and then slowly introduce them to the other styles within the same psytrance genre. i only suggest something from my point of view, ofcourse i can be wrong,i'll be the first to acknowledge that.

Started Topics :  144
Posts :  3171
Posted : Apr 3, 2011 12:57
you guys saying the same thing we were talking about 5 years ago. not that there's anything wrong with the point of view (we were all there at one point), just that it's been a circular mindset since, not really moving in any direction.

give me a few days to get the text version of the article to post on here.

+1 more for a wider spread chillout scene.
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  103
Posts :  1614
Posted : Apr 3, 2011 19:13
then it is quite demeaning, if for 5 years nothing positive has occured, well now anyway at this time, the indian mindset is correctly poised for the introduction of this genre into the mass psyche.

Started Topics :  144
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Posted : Apr 3, 2011 21:20
lots has occurred, and it's not something that can be rated positive/negative, each route has it's share of sun and rain. what i meant to say it's been a constant repetition of a lot of the same thing.

and yes agreed, the indian minset is absolutely ready for the music. was out on city's main street after we won the finals, it was exhilarating. thousands dancing to the sound of drums, all religions, all races, all ages, all social backgrounds, no substances, no hangups and not even any amplified sound. the energy was unparalleled.

IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  103
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Posted : Apr 4, 2011 00:21
huge explosion of euphoria felt in the subcontinent , wow must be visible from space!! so many organism in ecstacy ahaha
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Apr 22, 2011 12:56
heyyy when did this happen - CONGRATS voronda on the moderator status )
nice to see shit shaping up on the blue site !!
now for sure we'll see some positive initiative out here.           ------------------------------------
enter the time of CounterCulture !
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  50
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Posted : Apr 25, 2011 12:05
wow!! look whose here!           We were born naked & grow up to become wicked.
IsraTrance Junior Member
Started Topics :  48
Posts :  162
Posted : May 4, 2011 20:13

On 2011-04-02 08:13, LSD-25 wrote:
haha pentagram in this, i am sure that MTV chinappa and pearl are also featured. Pass!

Will wait for psytrance induction.

good luck

So is this a comment on my post? I wrote,


I wish the distribution of music were more streamlined, and I often try to ponder how it will go more smoothly.

..In Hinduism Ganesha is accounted Lord of obstacles. When I sense an obstacle - be it good, bad, or unknown - I promptly invoke the Lord, Ganesha. maybe it will help

..Peace & love .. Moonclear

Let me defend my post.

I do find that indulging in magickal invocation can be very powerful and productive. For example, daily I am imploring Fortuna to go to India again soon. Thus I feel confident and spiritualized.

I think that when one looks at distribution in Goa trance one would benefit from such stimulation. Nowadays we simply must order online, this is supposed to have results like unto the happy meetings with the enlightened people who sell cds at parties: actual cds.

What we need hereabouts is a record store like the one we used to have; but there are record stores; but they do not carry Goa. This obstacularism -another one for Lord Ganesha - never seems to end.

The best challenge of the day is to open your own record store. That would make me very happy.

Some might say it's commercial, but I need cds. Besides, artists have to feed themselves.

It is so simple; there are baqillions of labels; they have cds; I occasionally have money; I want cds; surely they shall render unto me the cds. So now arrive the people.

So my needs are refashioned through the prism of the book Hub.

I continue with my careful cd gathering.

Drinking pearls in vinegar, Moonclear

Started Topics :  144
Posts :  3171
Posted : May 5, 2011 09:47
Finally got down to pulling out the article, it's a bit low res as it was screen captured from the pdf, so you might need to download it and zoom in to read.

the HUB book has been spread out in most metros in limited numbers, anyone looking to grab a copy can PM me.
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