In serious need of assistance, I have experimented numerous times to create the classic sounding psy squelch/fart its in pretty much every psy tune but I'm not just not happy with what I'm hearing.
So far I use two saw osc, slightly detuned, BP filter, then LFO to modulate OSC pitch (by 2 octaves?) and filter cut off.
Treatmetn with reverb, eq, distortion, saturation, phaser, but still I dont hit the target sound.
Can anyone share there specific techniques?
An example is in this video at 0.14
I guess he makes a short stab exports then adds effects to the audio but if anyone has the secret please share.
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Jul 14, 2014 19:26
I get close with Vanguard just 1 osc Saw, low octave, then band pass or high pass filter, 70% resonance some drive (overdrive distortion) and modulate only filter freq just by hand or use automation clip. In the end add some delay.
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Jul 14, 2014 19:28
Psilocybian you make it look so easy! so two lfo, lfo 1 modulating filter cutoff, second modulating lfo 1 rate, match both.
WHAT? You guys think we make psyfart because its an original sound? LOL you think we use 303 because its a trendy sound? or the FM lead because no one has used it before? c'mon
We like this sounds because one reason only:
Also is just one of the many psy ingredients out there one needs to master to become a psy chef.
So yes, basically 2 things: pitch modulation and filter modulation (i preffer BP and HP).
Psy squelches are awesome, and you make a lot of different ones.
Squelching up/down, hp/bp, long sweeps, short zaps and whatever.
If you're creative enough I think you could even make an interesting psytrance track with just Psy squelches
One of many great tracks by Ianuaria features a bunch of nice squelches going all over the place: