kin beat
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : May 30, 2008 19:43
On 2008-05-30 17:35, lord_bhairava wrote:
2001 a lot of people know the psychedelic music
2002 a lot of people go to raves
2003 a lot of people produce psychedelic trance
2004 a lot of people make raves
2005 ........
2006 people start to discover, progressive trance
2007 people prefers progressive trance to psychedelic full on
2008 people turns to minimal techno, electro music
2009 everithing is minimal techno
2012...another genre becomes so popular >P
where have you been the last 10 years my dear friend???
It has always been about well crafted low BPM's Progressive and Minimal TECHNO!!!
Foool on is DEAD!
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : May 31, 2008 22:51
Foool on is DEAD!
fool on aint dead homes!! its just hard to find between junk
-PaRtYcLeS aLL oVeR tHE WoOdS
kin beat
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Jun 1, 2008 03:47
On 2008-05-31 22:51, alfreak wrote:
Foool on is DEAD!
fool on aint dead homes!! its just hard to find between junk
a waste of time to be scouting out, why would i bother if I dont even play it, rather to listen to what i know wont disappoint me, You know me Alfredo, Alchemy and Nano Recs for life intelligent trance for open minds.......
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Jun 23, 2008 10:02
This is what I saw and can remember:
Around 1995/1996 there was a New Years party where Dj Axel from Germany was playing a bit of goa trance, this was around Playa del Carmen and I think Xavier Fux might have also played a few goa tracks there. I didn’t make it to that party but arrived to the area a few days later and was able to catch another party where an American dj played a goa trance set. I later heard that DJ play again in Cuernavaca at party organized by la familia cosmica (light, tiny tun, etc) , however his set didn’t impresss me as much there. Maybe the vibe was not right for that type of trance since they were playing mostly progressive house.
Anyways, that was just the very very beginning. Before it all really started.
Well a few years later me and some friends from “The Family Tree” crew decided to organize a party near el desierto de los leones in Mexico city (24/oct/1997). In our lineup we had a hard house DJ from london (vicky red) and a few progressive house djs from Mexico city. However we wanted a few more international artists and a friend that was living in San Fco told us that they were playing some amazing music up there. So we asked him to hook us up with somebody and they sent us two DJs: Dj Daniel from moontribe and guy named tony, both of whom were playing real goa psychedelic trance at that time.
Meanwhile and apparently with no connection to all these events, a guy whom they call Solar Simon had driven after an after-hour party in San Fco all the way to Tulum in Mexico and by “chance” bumped into one of the guys from the Family Tree crew whom we call Chankin. Well Chankin told this guy Solar Simon about the party we were making in Mexico City and Solar Simon recognized one of the trance DJs in the flyer and decided to come to Mexico City for the party. So we met this guy Solar Simon in Mexico City and WOW he turned out to be the total connection into the real psy goa freak-uency.
Anyways, everything was set for this Family Tree party. However on the very day of the party the guy that was renting us the place/land where the party was going to happen decided that our type of party was going to be full of people taking psychotropic substances and that we needed to find another place instead. He was right about the psychotropic substances, hehe.. but we had already printed and handed the flyers. So we were really desperate, however a friend of memito from la casa del arbol who had a taco stand in calz desierto de los leones offered his house which was near the area where we were going to make the party. His house was in a very humble pueblito like neighborhood, which the international djs actually found very cool. We put signs on the road to get the people to get there and magicaly it all worked out and people found their way to the party. And when DJ daniel started playing the psy goa music, WOW, everybody was really tripping out in total amazement. He was playing all these now classic goa tunes which were totally fresh back then from artists like Koxbox, Xdream, Hallucinogen, Etnica, etc. And the vibe got really psychedelic, I even remember at some point, when everyone was really wild with the music, we looked up in the sky and there were some UFOs moving all over the place, we even caught them on video. Anyways, after this party, there were a few small private parties with the same trance Djs (while they were still in Mexico before returning to the US).
And the guy I was telling you about, Solar Simon, well he also happened to be a Dj and had with him incredible music along with incredible stories. He was a great inspiration to many friends at the time and he helped sow the psychedelic seed really underground with our group of friends. Some people call him Eclipse Simon because he keeps track of the eclipses around the world so he can organize the most incredible parties you can imagine, because nothing can beat the natural light show from an eclipse. He has the RIGHT idea in regards to how a party should be made. I remember telling him about the fact that we had lost money in one of the parties we made (which we always did at the beginning) and he said to me that he had organized over one hundred parties all over the world and never ever made one pound (the guy is english) from them. I guess that reminded me that money is not at all the focus and that even if we loose money to make a great party what we gain from such an experience is far greater.
So anyways, before Solar Simon left Mexico he told us that he was organizing a secret party for the Full Solar Eclipse of 1998 that would be visible in Venezuela and me and another friend actually managed to make it all the way there. The eclipse and party were obviously otherwordly, and I remember at some point forgettting the incredible music because I started focusing on a UFO that seemed to appear right there in front of everyone. I couldn’t believe what I saw. I later told Simon that there was a UFO at his party and he just said: “the whole party was a UFO” hehe.. interesting answer. Well one of the DJs that played at that party, a greek DJ by the name of PAN, told me he would come to Mexico to play for a a real psy party we were going to organize. I also told a group of Japanese psy freaks about the party and a few months later about 15 of them arrived to Mexico for the party.
This party was the first real full Goa party in Mexico. We organized it with friends from the Family Tree crew and friends who later became the Mandala Crew.
(The following text I am pasting from another thread on Isratrance about this party) :
It was 1998 near valle de bravo. Only 500 flyers were made to keep the party underground. There was no charge, we only passed a basket around for donations.
It was the first real psy trance goa party to happen in Mexico and naturaly everybody was flipping out with the music. There were collective UFO sightings and many people went out of their head with incredible psychedelic experiences. I personally had a profound mystical experience on LSD and was completly gone from this world, and I am not exagerating.
Anyways, I recovered a few clips from the party that were taken at the morning. I took them from an old damaged VHS and so its terribly edited and chopped all over, plus the guy filming was all tripped out and had some tracer effect on the video so it looks all kind of blurry, but I think you can see some of tha magic of that party in those clips.
There are 3 youtube clips:
And here is the link to the thread on Isratrance about this party:
So anyways, after this party things really started taking off and Solar Simon and some friends of his connected us with some people in San Fco (blue room records) that were bringing Total Eclipse to the US for a party and we hooked them up so they would come to Mexico for the first time (with their live act). This party happened on 20/02/1999
and we made it in a friends house over in the Ajusco. This party was not free and even though about 1000 people came we lost a good amount of money. It was organized by the Family Tree and Trancelestial. We had in the line up Dj Jerga (mex), DJ Fux (Mex), Dj Vagra (US), Nick Doof (Live, UK) , DJ PAN, our friend Solar Simon as a DJ and of course Total Eclipse live. It was an awesome party for sure and was the first psy trance party of that scale to happen in Mexico City (along with live acts and everything)
The next big party (maybe small by todays standards) we organized as the Mandala crew along with the Trancelestial crew and the main live act were The Green Nuns of the Revolution. We also had in the line up Nick Doof (tip records), DJ PAN, Dj Fra, and the band Naranja Mecanica from Mexico (who were also part of Mandala) who opened up the party with some psychedelic jammings. This party was held over in Desierto de los Leones, Mexico DF.
Shortly after the Mandala Crew organized another party with Frank´E, (koxbox), Gus Till (slinky wizard) though I personally missed that one.
And on Oct 30th 1999 which was Halloween we organized with the Trancelestial crew a party where GMS and Lotus Omega played live and then they played their DJ sets. I know a lot people may not to think to highly of GMS today but back then they were fucking psychedelic and Riktam and Bansi were always on acid playing amazing music. They went a bit comercial later.. oh well.
So anyways after this I left to the US so I lost track of a lot of later events. I know the Marakame Festival was the first of that magnitude and was great.
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Jun 10, 2010 00:39
On 2008-06-23 10:02, Aluxe wrote:
This is what I saw and can remember:
Around 1995/1996 there was a New Years party where Dj Axel from Germany was playing a bit of goa trance, this was around Playa del Carmen and I think Xavier Fux might have also played a few goa tracks there. I didn’t make it to that party but arrived to the area a few days later and was able to catch another party where an American dj played a goa trance set. I later heard that DJ play again in Cuernavaca at party organized by la familia cosmica (light, tiny tun, etc) , however his set didn’t impresss me as much there. Maybe the vibe was not right for that type of trance since they were playing mostly progressive house.
Anyways, that was just the very very beginning. Before it all really started.
Well a few years later me and some friends from “The Family Tree” crew decided to organize a party near el desierto de los leones in Mexico city (24/oct/1997). In our lineup we had a hard house DJ from london (vicky red) and a few progressive house djs from Mexico city. However we wanted a few more international artists and a friend that was living in San Fco told us that they were playing some amazing music up there. So we asked him to hook us up with somebody and they sent us two DJs: Dj Daniel from moontribe and guy named tony, both of whom were playing real goa psychedelic trance at that time.
Meanwhile and apparently with no connection to all these events, a guy whom they call Solar Simon had driven after an after-hour party in San Fco all the way to Tulum in Mexico and by “chance” bumped into one of the guys from the Family Tree crew whom we call Chankin. Well Chankin told this guy Solar Simon about the party we were making in Mexico City and Solar Simon recognized one of the trance DJs in the flyer and decided to come to Mexico City for the party. So we met this guy Solar Simon in Mexico City and WOW he turned out to be the total connection into the real psy goa freak-uency.
Anyways, everything was set for this Family Tree party. However on the very day of the party the guy that was renting us the place/land where the party was going to happen decided that our type of party was going to be full of people taking psychotropic substances and that we needed to find another place instead. He was right about the psychotropic substances, hehe.. but we had already printed and handed the flyers. So we were really desperate, however a friend of memito from la casa del arbol who had a taco stand in calz desierto de los leones offered his house which was near the area where we were going to make the party. His house was in a very humble pueblito like neighborhood, which the international djs actually found very cool. We put signs on the road to get the people to get there and magicaly it all worked out and people found their way to the party. And when DJ daniel started playing the psy goa music, WOW, everybody was really tripping out in total amazement. He was playing all these now classic goa tunes which were totally fresh back then from artists like Koxbox, Xdream, Hallucinogen, Etnica, etc. And the vibe got really psychedelic, I even remember at some point, when everyone was really wild with the music, we looked up in the sky and there were some UFOs moving all over the place, we even caught them on video. Anyways, after this party, there were a few small private parties with the same trance Djs (while they were still in Mexico before returning to the US).
And the guy I was telling you about, Solar Simon, well he also happened to be a Dj and had with him incredible music along with incredible stories. He was a great inspiration to many friends at the time and he helped sow the psychedelic seed really underground with our group of friends. Some people call him Eclipse Simon because he keeps track of the eclipses around the world so he can organize the most incredible parties you can imagine, because nothing can beat the natural light show from an eclipse. He has the RIGHT idea in regards to how a party should be made. I remember telling him about the fact that we had lost money in one of the parties we made (which we always did at the beginning) and he said to me that he had organized over one hundred parties all over the world and never ever made one pound (the guy is english) from them. I guess that reminded me that money is not at all the focus and that even if we loose money to make a great party what we gain from such an experience is far greater.
So anyways, before Solar Simon left Mexico he told us that he was organizing a secret party for the Full Solar Eclipse of 1998 that would be visible in Venezuela and me and another friend actually managed to make it all the way there. The eclipse and party were obviously otherwordly, and I remember at some point forgettting the incredible music because I started focusing on a UFO that seemed to appear right there in front of everyone. I couldn’t believe what I saw. I later told Simon that there was a UFO at his party and he just said: “the whole party was a UFO” hehe.. interesting answer. Well one of the DJs that played at that party, a greek DJ by the name of PAN, told me he would come to Mexico to play for a a real psy party we were going to organize. I also told a group of Japanese psy freaks about the party and a few months later about 15 of them arrived to Mexico for the party.
This party was the first real full Goa party in Mexico. We organized it with friends from the Family Tree crew and friends who later became the Mandala Crew.
(The following text I am pasting from another thread on Isratrance about this party) :
It was 1998 near valle de bravo. Only 500 flyers were made to keep the party underground. There was no charge, we only passed a basket around for donations.
It was the first real psy trance goa party to happen in Mexico and naturaly everybody was flipping out with the music. There were collective UFO sightings and many people went out of their head with incredible psychedelic experiences. I personally had a profound mystical experience on LSD and was completly gone from this world, and I am not exagerating.
Anyways, I recovered a few clips from the party that were taken at the morning. I took them from an old damaged VHS and so its terribly edited and chopped all over, plus the guy filming was all tripped out and had some tracer effect on the video so it looks all kind of blurry, but I think you can see some of tha magic of that party in those clips.
So anyways, after this party things really started taking off and Solar Simon and some friends of his connected us with some people in San Fco (blue room records) that were bringing Total Eclipse to the US for a party and we hooked them up so they would come to Mexico for the first time (with their live act). This party happened on 20/02/1999
and we made it in a friends house over in the Ajusco. This party was not free and even though about 1000 people came we lost a good amount of money. It was organized by the Family Tree and Trancelestial. We had in the line up Dj Jerga (mex), DJ Fux (Mex), Dj Vagra (US), Nick Doof (Live, UK) , DJ PAN, our friend Solar Simon as a DJ and of course Total Eclipse live. It was an awesome party for sure and was the first psy trance party of that scale to happen in Mexico City (along with live acts and everything)
The next big party (maybe small by todays standards) we organized as the Mandala crew along with the Trancelestial crew and the main live act were The Green Nuns of the Revolution. We also had in the line up Nick Doof (tip records), DJ PAN, Dj Fra, and the band Naranja Mecanica from Mexico (who were also part of Mandala) who opened up the party with some psychedelic jammings. This party was held over in Desierto de los Leones, Mexico DF.
Shortly after the Mandala Crew organized another party with Frank´E, (koxbox), Gus Till (slinky wizard) though I personally missed that one.
And on Oct 30th 1999 which was Halloween we organized with the Trancelestial crew a party where GMS and Lotus Omega played live and then they played their DJ sets. I know a lot people may not to think to highly of GMS today but back then they were fucking psychedelic and Riktam and Bansi were always on acid playing amazing music. They went a bit comercial later.. oh well.
So anyways after this I left to the US so I lost track of a lot of later events. I know the Marakame Festival was the first of that magnitude and was great.
Really was a Gr8 Read
Mushrooms make you do crazy stuff. Look at Mario he jumps on animal heads and fights with dragons.
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Jun 10, 2010 01:29
well ... lets redefine the scene ...
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Posted : Jun 13, 2010 04:56
On 2008-05-30 17:35, lord_bhairava wrote:
2001 a lot of people know the psychedelic music
2002 a lot of people go to raves
2003 a lot of people produce psychedelic trance
2004 a lot of people make raves
2005 ........
2006 people start to discover, progressive trance
2007 people prefers progressive trance to psychedelic full on
2008 people turns to minimal techno, electro music
2009 everithing is minimal techno
2012...another genre becomes so popular >P
hehe cool to remember that post from 2008, i think i predicted the future , now all is minimal techno and some other "fancy" genres, snob attitude, so that forza who iniciate this treath now is progre minimal hehehe what a bizarre think, and that maia (the fathers of the real initial goa psy scene in mexico) now are minimal techno-progressive-house dudes hehehe
The Galactic Brain
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Posted : Jun 15, 2010 22:39
and that maia (the fathers of the real initial goa psy scene in mexico) now are minimal techno-progressive-house dudes hehehe
I don't think they are man at least as maia.. read Aluxe's post... and yes it's bizarre how things on the comercial scene are in these days... but.. since this post is from the history i would like to remember here a great party made by some guys called extreme north, phantasm label party... one of the greatest party i've been.. it was on an island in th midle of a lake, somewhere in estado de mexico i think... played Cosmosis a really great act also remember enjoyed a lot ecliptic in the morning... did someone has photos of videos of this party??
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Jun 18, 2010 04:02
fool on killed psytrance!
i think this scene has to crumble to the ground before something new and true emerges again. ok so thats kinda blasphemy...
Yadubar Das
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Posted : Oct 5, 2010 23:47
Hari Bol
Actually let me tell Goa Trance(psychedelic trance) in Mexico starts way before dj vazik(whom i like alot), it all began with few loyal djs like.- Ligth, Leyte & Xavier fux. And some ocassional djs which will play it for fun like Martin parra(mart 9000) & quecho, even tini tun played it some times.
Im tallking about 1994, or bit before, those were very underground parties, not for 30 but arround 400 people and some massive ones like "Retorno al sol 1995" mexico df up to 1500 people and "La tierra encantada 1996" tepoztlan up to 4000 people, one thing those parties where way beyond what we experience now, ONLY RAVERS biiiig family. no body with "chemo", no low class teenagers, kind of selected crew, big times trance dance where everyone will dance WILD till next day in some of them acid bar was offered for free, i mean drinks whit a generous dose of LSD for free.
No dark energy all loking for trancendental experiences and love.
Most of us now are into spirutual paths rather in mexico or india free from drugs, some stay in the drugs and degenerate themselves. in those times LSD was a way to experience life and those who look thru the window now are crossing the door with out any external influence.
Yadubar Das
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Posted : Oct 5, 2010 23:50
On 2010-10-05 23:47, Yadubar Das wrote:
Hari Bol
Actually let me tell Goa Trance(psychedelic trance) in Mexico starts way before dj vazik(whom i like alot), it all began with few loyal djs like.- Ligth, Leyte & Xavier fux. And some ocassional djs which will play it for fun like Martin parra(mart 9000) & quecho, even tini tun played it some times.
Im tallking about 1994, or bit before, those were very underground parties, not for 30 but arround 400 people and some massive ones like "Retorno al sol 1995" mexico df up to 1500 people and "La tierra encantada 1996" tepoztlan up to 4000 people, one thing those parties where way beyond what we experience now, ONLY RAVERS biiiig family. no body with "chemo", no low class teenagers, kind of selected crew, big times trance dance where everyone will dance WILD till next day in some of them acid bar was offered for free, i mean drinks whit a generous dose of LSD for free.
No dark energy all loking for trancendental experiences and love.
Most of us now are into spirutual paths rather in mexico or india free from drugs, some stay in the drugs and degenerate themselves. in those times LSD was a way to experience life and those who look thru the window now are crossing the door with out any external influence.
You have to try Germany the scene is prety much like in the begining , super underground music, not available in shops or online only exchange betwen producers, the real concept still is alive in germany!!!!
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Oct 6, 2010 19:34