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Trance Forum » » Forum  Germany - hello everyone!!
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hello everyone!!


Started Topics :  2
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Posted : Jul 8, 2011 00:39:46
next month Im flying to munich for 2 months to my relatives house.I really like trance raves. Is there any good clubs or open nature parties next month?it will be great to experience deutsch music rave
take care,
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  38
Posts :  1931
Posted : Jul 9, 2011 00:08
there is an absolutely wonderful event at the end of july in munich. i am thinking about jumping there too. but i think , it is not so public yet. i hope it wont be.

about events, always check

Started Topics :  100
Posts :  1123
Posted : Jul 9, 2011 12:08
Wilkommen dobila20. Within the 2 months you should be able to find something nice. Also - are you willing to travel? Most of the parties are further north, have a look here:

Here are some events in/around Munich as well:

6/7 August:

16th Sept:

Anyhow, I suggest you travel a bit, Munich is a bit backward as far as psy goes Try Indian Spirit Festival, its far but it fits in your schedule.

Have a great stay!

IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  38
Posts :  1931
Posted : Jul 11, 2011 21:58
wow, you send him from munich to indian spirit. for that ride he/she would need the same time that it would take to travel half of the globe by plain . he would be faster in switzerland than at the indian spirit, no?

i would never take that one if i had the chance to spend time in munich instead. not everyone's taste of course. but i love bavaria and its mountains and the depth of its history and cultural values. it is like loving a person who is an extreme individualist .

yeah, no big commercial festivals where people are strangers to each other. but a lot of small really nice events in the south of germany believe me. i miss them like hell.
and this one at the end of july, is a real psychedelic cultural event. not a trance concert with 100 euro entry where the artists would just take your money like a money robot and not even consider it normal to say thanks afterwarts. very unbalanced in my opinion. the psy south of germany has indeed extremely lots of positive sides that the north could never imagine. backwords or forwards, just a question of perspective. actually, for those who are not on drugs or dope, the south is very attractive even. the police problem is not that bad then.

Started Topics :  100
Posts :  1123
Posted : Jul 13, 2011 09:57
I stand by my suggestion. 2 months is plenty of time to slot in a trip imho
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  38
Posts :  1931
Posted : Jul 13, 2011 16:53
yes it is a good suggestion , keep it up:)
the psychedelic cultural event in munich that i mean, will kind of demand a "psychedelic driving license" to let anyone in... and i will be the last to post information about that event in the forums , so i guess indian spirit festival is the best suggestion anyway, but also all other 200 " deutsch music raves" in germany at that time.

the best (open access) place to go in germany at that time is for me the spiritual healing, but i think it is more and more losing its consistence and psychedelic density too. very pity btw.
Trance Forum » » Forum  Germany - hello everyone!!
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