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Event round-up - a brief look at what is going on in the next months


Started Topics :  100
Posts :  1123
Posted : Jun 8, 2011 13:38:12
Hello friends,

I have compiled some of the intersting parties, festivals and club nights happening in Germany. At least its a start for visitors who would like to know what is going on in the next few months. This will be updated regularly. It is still only a brief overview, but includes some of intersting happenings which have not been listed in the festivals or parties sections. Enjoy!

Atisha Club nights Roundup – Regular Club Nights (Trance@Atisha) Hamburg
Regular nights on Thursdays feutring local and well more known djs
Normally entry is free

Location: ATISHA (Barmbeker Str. 62 22303 Hamburg
Use U-Bahn train: U3 Borgweg (2 min walk)

Some Upcoming Events :

11 June – Question of Time (Toxic Universe, Dj. Max Grillo, Dj Arnox) Free before midnight
16 June – Iono Night (Djs Olaf Gretmacher, Murus, Magoon) Free
23 June – Mushroom Night (Djs Mat Mushroom, Natron) Free
30 June – Nightliner ( Djs DiePsyden, Norg)Free
07 July – Nordish by Nature Djs Kobold, Janus)Free
14 July - Ping Pong ( Vincent Vegas vs Olag Gretmacher, Mabiranon)
21 July – Progression (Djs Mazen, Goazilla)
28 July - Kieler Sprotten ( Robario and Arakis, Dj Shan Shayana & Die Linken Hände)
04 Aug - Question of Time meets Trancedance (Djane Tinee, Roland 808, Dj Tamahuka)
And more every Thursday.

Juice Club (Hamburg) Regular events/Day Club

Location: Juice Club, Stresemannstr. 204, Hamburg-Altona
5 min walk from S21/S31 Undergroundstation Holstenstrasse

This place is also worth a mention, as they have regular day club events/afterhour on Sunday moring from 8:00 – 20:00 and also have lots of international artists coming to play. Check out the website for details on events. Entry is free with a Clubcard or else €3 @door.


A selection of upcoming festivals and parties listed by date:

Psycrowdelica - Psychedelic Destination

Date: 29 July – 31 July
Location: Bauernhof zum Gelben WahnfriedKreativ-Center Göritz, G reifenhainer Str.503116 Drebkau - Göritz
Line-Up Highlights: Live: Kindzadza, Psykovsky, Osom, Bombax, Megalopsy, Frantic Noise....many many more check link in commentd.
Cost: €60@gate
Organizers/location Link:

Tribal Lifestyles and Arts Festival Berlin (Open Air)

Date: 29 July – 31 July
Location: Berlin, more details coming
Line-Up Highlights: Live: Ilai, Mental Broadcast, Tikal, Paul Taylor, Ital, Imox Maya, Natural Perception, Kukulkan Hanbabku, Kosmik Wizard,... Djs Nesjaja, Goawizard, Dan Shivan, Nayati Sun..........
Cost: TBA
Comments: N/A
Organizers/location Link:!__events

Schallkonflikt Open Air

Date: 30-31 July
Location: Wendisch Priborn (North Eastern Germany)
Line-Up Highlights: Live: Sirion, Axonix, Hatikwa, Maligne Djs: Mabiranon, Rypzylon, Samoht, Algiz....
Cost: €10
Comments: Check here for location details and timetable
Organizers/location Link:

Red Planet Open Air Part 3

Date: 5 August – 7 August
Location: Leussow, Northern Germany (Between Hamburg and Berlin)
Line-Up Highlights: Live: Exaile, Klopfgeister, Fabio and Moon, Vice, Sunstryk, J & B Project, Querox and many more... Djs -Baum, Burner, Fabio, Goazilla Arkadius and Lil Momo, ..........
Cost: €25 + €5 garbage deposit per car
Comments: Shuttle available from "Ludwigslust" - call +49 (0) 173 8190286
Organizers/location Link: N/A but check here for more info:

Waldfrieden Open Air Festival (15th Edition)

Date: 12 August – 14 August
Location: Stemwede, Lower Saxony
Line-Up Highlights: Live: Dickster,Digicult, Flugbegleiter, Native Radio, Necmi, Vaishyas... ... Djs: Audio Feed, Alice D Joanna, Bakke, Benni Moon ..........
Cost: €45 presale, €55 at the gate inc. deposit
Comments: Free Shuttle from station Lemförde
Organizers/location Link:

Starfall Open Air (Cancelled untill further notice )

Date: 12-14 August
Location: Northern Germany (North of Hamburg) Near Rendsburg, Kiel, Flensburg...More T.B.A
Line-Up Highlights: Live: Nyama, Axonic, Error in Dimension, Noktamid Djs: Baum, Damon, Apothekelypse Now, Der Sohn and many more
Cost: T.B.A (Fair Price)
Comments: N/A
Organizers/location Link:

Anti Shanti 1.0 (Open Air)
Date: 11 August
Location: Cologne
Line-Up Highlights: Djs Merlin, DerKleinGnom, Danny outa Space....
Cost: Free
Organizers/location Link: N/A

Forest Explosion Sommernachts Traum
Date: 13 August
Location: Parchim, N.E. Germany
Line-Up Highlights: Waio, 2nd Circle, Djs Natron, Zottel, Tivonilon
Cost: €8@the gate
Organizers/location Link:

Institut für Beatdisziplin
Date: 19 August
Location: Munich (Backstage München
BIERGARTEN, Reitknechtstr. 6Friedensheimer Brücke, 80639 München)
Line-Up Highlights: Whicked Hayo, Djs P.Shock, Meryy...
Cost: €10

Tane Mahuta Dance
Date: 26 August
Location: Airbase Tutow, see comments link for directions
Line-Up Highlights: Will O Wisp, Z, Dj Cannibal Crow, Hysterixx, Dark Lady, Abralabim....
Cost: €20
Organizers/location Link: N/A

10 years Gaggalacka O.A.
Date: 02-04 Sept
Location: Derbkau/Göritz, Same location as Psycrowdelica
Line-Up Highlights: Aodioiboa, Amino, Constructor, Nyama, Paratox, Rukh, Substan...see link in comments for timetable +full line up
Cost: €10
Comments:, Chill available
Organizers/location Link:

Error 404 (Open Air)
Date: 9-11 Sept
Location: TBA
Line-Up Highlights: Error in Dimension, Haligka 13, Incredible noises...
Cost: Free
Organizers/location Link: N/A

Brain Massacre Apocalyptic Prayer
Date: 10-11 Sept
Location: Bavaria
Line-Up Highlights:Brain Massacre Project Label Party
Organizers/location Link:

IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  87
Posts :  2822
Posted : Jun 8, 2011 15:24
Nice man!

Simbiotic Experience is organised by some of my friends..i used to play there as well 2 times..its a small but nice party

and btw nice to see it moderated by you m8!

hope we can make this section stick!!

cheers          -------......-------...-..-..-..-.-.-.-.-

Started Topics :  100
Posts :  1123
Posted : Jun 8, 2011 17:21
Danke Zork

Yes, lets do our best to keep it alive so it can at least serve as a resource for people who want to be informed about psytrance in Germany.

IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  38
Posts :  1931
Posted : Jun 15, 2011 19:46
great to see your enthusiasm kazaku, please go on.

but, wow , you did not mention fusion. why? to me the only one that is going to see me in the next weeks ( not mentioning the backyard parties in the private garden of course).

p.s. wow, the psy park party is two minutes away from my home by bycicle:))). strange feeling to connect isratrance to that one:)

Started Topics :  100
Posts :  1123
Posted : Jun 15, 2011 20:50
Hi Moki,

Fusion is here along with the other big festivals:

I guess you are right though, I will post it here too. Its sold out though

IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  38
Posts :  1931
Posted : Jun 15, 2011 21:34
you are actually doing a great work, you know that?
i dont check the main party base (goabase) at all any more, but here on isratrance i see for the first time a party or two directly in front of my home. really interesting. i would not know about them even, if i had not opened here.

like for example this universal dance records party: for those who searched for the location in berlin and did not find anything on the website : it is Columbiadamm 9 , in Berlin. u-recken in berlin. this is interesting, it is the first time i actually wanna go, because i dont connect it to goabase and i dont feel necesserily unwanted and unwelcome for that one like i would in goabase. wow.

and in case you are in berlin for the 21. june., you can take a sunny walk in mauerpark, you would enjoy it.sundays are very nice in mauerpark, sometimes , it feels like you are walking in the flee market in goa. well, not the same of course, but it is the place in berlin that resembles that feeling most. pay a visit to that one, also great art and things to see and find sometimes. after that you can go to drink a coffee in a wireless internet cafe and tell us in that section that you are there, and we can finish the coffee together;).

about the fusion - well, anyway, not that great about the music, but it is a lot of alternative culture and a nice place to go and spend some time outside of the busy city. all my psychedelically inclined friends are there, and all my girlfrieds are there too. give a visit to that one, you wont be dissapointed although the music is not the best possible. i hope i will not die out of boredom with the music there.

Started Topics :  100
Posts :  1123
Posted : Jun 15, 2011 22:00
Hi Moki,

thanks alot for your support. It is my opinion that if we can even help a few people who want to find information the thread has served its purpose well. (even if there are not so many visiting atm, but every little bit is worth it imo)

The U-Recken party definetly looks cool - you are lucky to be living in such a big and exciting city with so much going on.

For me it is a real effort to get to parties these days because I have to travel a long way to get anywhere (I live in Nord Friesland).
When I do make it to Berlin ,I will let you know, meeting Isratrancers is allways a great pleasure and privilege

I am sure you will have a blast at Fusion, I have only been twice and both times more than 10 years ago, but I have good memories. Definetly an event to attend once in a life time at least, the ammount of off-floor events they have going is truly amazing. You will have an amazing time Moki, let us know how it was please!

As for Goa Base - I understand your feelings. There is not much of a community there except "Boah ey diggah geil"

IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  38
Posts :  1931
Posted : Jun 16, 2011 22:15
thanks a lot, Kazaku, you really made me smile. you are motivating me to be happy about going to the fusion . great great great, i so much need a blast. wow i already smell the thousends of people.

the only reason i am going is that the goabase fraction is almost unnoticable there. actually it is like the german nevada, for all kind of freaks, for those who wonder what the fusion is. may be much more political though. but psy trance is not the most important thing there, nor the music. yes, i will tell you how it was, with pleasure, i will post to you a video about my personal impression, i promise.

about nord friesland, believe me you are lucky too, to be there on the sea and not in the middle of the city strudel. i find it a big effort to go to trance too, even if there are 10 events on every saturday in front of my nose. i did not find the power to do it even once in two just this community feeling that is so much lost. so much! but i hope the fusion will give me some inspiration though.

IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  38
Posts :  1931
Posted : Jun 21, 2011 20:33
correction, the universal tribe with urecken is on the revaler strasse 99. but i will be visiting the greatest chillout artist of 2011 at a yoga festival instead at that time.

another thing : i have two more tickets for the fusion that will not be used. their owners decided that a meaningful ritual in the forest makes more sense. as all tickets are sold out, may be someone needs them? together with mine, may be three tickets are free. connect me if you need them.

Started Topics :  100
Posts :  1123
Posted : Jun 22, 2011 13:17
Thanks for the update Moki, I will update the location. I seriously hope someone reads about the Fusion tickets...would be a horrible waste if nobody wanted to go!

IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  24
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Posted : Jul 27, 2011 14:42
good initiative, but why there is no Psycrowdelica there in between?           to use your head you have to go out of your mind

Started Topics :  100
Posts :  1123
Posted : Jul 27, 2011 22:30
Hi Adiand welcomeö. I made a seperate thread for the bigger or well known annual festivals nduring the summer. You can find it here:

I guess it wont hurt to add it here though. Done.

IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  38
Posts :  1931
Posted : Aug 19, 2013 22:12
very nice that something is happening here.
very well done
we talked a lot about berlin but what is happening in hamburg nowadays? i am located there since the beginning of 2012 and i kind of find the scene asleep. of course this is my own fault perception because i am not interested to find any info about the scene in hamburg either. but may be isratrance knows something?:D

Started Topics :  1
Posts :  25
Posted : Sep 8, 2013 15:20
Hi, Im from Holland but im going to Meadow Festival next week. I think it looks really nice and it's not so far from Hamburg.

Psy and Pos Vibes!

          Kindness in words creates confidence. Kindness in thinking creates profoundness. Kindness in giving creates love.
Lao Tzu
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  38
Posts :  1931
Posted : Sep 9, 2013 22:07
the meadow festival, never heard of it. wow. interesting, i will be exactly in the area on monday - well not far away.

great vibes for the ride. i must check it , thank you!
Trance Forum » » Forum  Germany - Event round-up - a brief look at what is going on in the next months

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