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Has Anyone Ever Seen Psynina?

IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jan 11, 2006 09:11
This is the best thread ever!!!

We all love you Nina! Thank you, thank you Thomas for bringing us such a talent!!!

Thomas maybe as a label manager you should buy her some new clothes?? Or she should start accepting gigs if she can't afford to buy them!!

So guys, to satisfy everybody's curiosity I'm here to book Psynina for Sonica 2006!!! It's something she can't refuse!! Thomas contact me by email to close al details! Or better, I prefere Nina to contact me... by phone if possible...

Please don't lock it, it's f***ing amazing....

Love you all isratrancers, boys and girls, real and fakes...           Edoardo @ Neurobiotic Records
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Jan 11, 2006 10:41
oh this is so much better than desperate housewives...definately in for the E! gossip!
where can i get my whereisnina tshirt?

no really...thanks guys...seriously it's so entertaining to read how this has been developing...especially you WhereIsNina... really love your work
keep it up and don't let us down with season 2!!

          A clear conscience is usually the sign of a bad memory.
Colin OOOD
OOOD/Voice of Cod

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Posted : Jan 11, 2006 21:32
Man, if I pretend to be a girl can I play at Sonica too?

<checks wardrobe> Now where did I put that bra...           Mastering - ::
OOOD 5th album 'You Think You Are' - :: ::
Contact for bookings/mastering -
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Jan 11, 2006 21:55
WHY DON'T OTHER ARTISTS WITH PSY-TROPIC SAY IF THEY HAVE PLAYED WITH PSYNINA????? (I am sure there must be one pic of her with other dj's or at a party or behind the console)

I have been following this thread from the very begining and I think what has been brought in light is very sad and is that SOME people in psy-trance world are not true to there profession anymore.

I am an artists myself and I can say most of the artists in the psy-trance world are not in it cause of money. It is more about respect for ur craft and for the people involved in it. It is about the cosmic energy that surrounds the psy-trance world. This energy is created by the artists involved and the participants.

Now, if psy-nina is a real artist and people are buying her music (Everybody in this thread has said they like the music produced by psynina), She owes an explanation to them for the sake of her future as an artist and for the music label she represents, but I think Nina has not uttered a word in this forum. No matter how much shy a person is, I am sure she can always address to this, now that she has been offered to play at "SONICA". I think as a new artist "SONICA" is a pretty good deal.

Secondly, man i have seen her name as a headliner for one of the parties for psy-tropic parties, this is freaking ridiculous. If she is sooooo good that she is headlining the label party, all thomas could find of her were four photos with her leaning against a freaking white wall, holding a newspaper.

I agree with alot of people here that this is a freaking sham. Thanks to Surrender.
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jan 11, 2006 23:22
"don't worry Nina, just do it as we practiced. Open up the laptop, plug in the RCA cables, then ask the sound tech to plug them into the consol or mixer. in no case attempt to plug them in yourself incase you plug them into the wrong channel. Then, here is where it gets hard, you will have to double check to make sure the slider of the consol is lifted towards the top. If you are not sure which one it is, ask the soundtech for assistance. Then, when the music stopes, press the play button in Abelton live like we practiced.. once it starts up, start dancing on the stage.. please do NOT touch any nobs incase you turn something off.. you can place your finger over some knobs, but remeber to use the knobs that are aligned with the slider that the sound tech told you to use, or else, if someone is watching, our secret might be blown......"


ok ok ok, im a little giddy today..           "VA - REWIRED" OUT NOW !! (techtrance invasion) ---> <------- Jester Records's Internet Radio channel
IsraTrance Team

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Posted : Jan 12, 2006 20:07

On 2006-01-11 21:55, GOAPETE wrote:
WHY DON'T OTHER ARTISTS WITH PSY-TROPIC SAY IF THEY HAVE PLAYED WITH PSYNINA????? (I am sure there must be one pic of her with other dj's or at a party or behind the console)

thats simple - because non of them have - i have asked them.           "On the other hand, you have different fingers."
IsraTrance Senior Member

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Posted : Jan 12, 2006 22:00
So sad story...           Toodaloo Motherfuckers!!!!!

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Posted : Jan 12, 2006 22:27
Did the shark jumped already?           Everyone in the world is doing something without me
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Jan 12, 2006 23:13
Question for Surrender:
Do u mean to say that all the artists signed with this Label have never seen or played with Psy-nina?????? (Except for Thomas who has pictures with a really dipressed girl, whoever it is)
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  97
Posts :  1777
Posted : Jan 13, 2006 00:10
GOAPETE : i think that was the whole point to the past 11 pages.. hehe..           "VA - REWIRED" OUT NOW !! (techtrance invasion) ---> <------- Jester Records's Internet Radio channel

Started Topics :  11
Posts :  145
Posted : Jan 16, 2006 18:12
This just in:

Psynina has just been spotted and we have the photos to prove it!
          A beer in the hand is worth 2 in the fridge
Fat Data

Started Topics :  154
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Posted : Jan 16, 2006 18:20
indeed i can see her shes the 1 with the hair next to the guy with the pants at the second floor to the right near the guy with the pinnuts!!

good work hydraglyph

IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Jan 16, 2006 18:48

On 2006-01-16 18:12, Tundra wrote:
This just in:

Psynina has just been spotted and we have the photos to prove it!

Actually, she was chillin' with Surrender & myself... (we're sitting on the ground, bottom left)
Yeah, right!!!

Peace & Love; 
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  10
Posts :  269
Posted : Jan 19, 2006 04:19
so when is next release coming out on Psytropic Records.
I am sure alot of people are looking out for it.
I really, really want somebody from Hamburg to find the girl whose pictures are there on the site HA!HA!HA! Now that would be another scoop.
IsraTrance Full Member
Access Gremlin

Started Topics :  51
Posts :  1046
Posted : Jan 19, 2006 05:17
im sure Intersys can shed some on light on this after makin a track with Psynina released on psytropic's new compilation? hehe funny still
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