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handling basslines when mixing....


Started Topics :  1
Posts :  779
Posted : Jul 30, 2010 18:50
By crackly, I'm confused by the youtubveez video! Me don't normally visit Dj laand...IMO, eye Dj TWO, maybe the answer is a rotary channel, just not with them there fancy computers, unless youenzy mix with midi conrollers , I use'em to write music... So i'm not following the reference from the video so well...

not really a trick of light coming out, just real dj'ing per pur purring ception of the operator, dEE Jaye's, craftsperson

Pee'z explain 4ur Weezun's who haven't converted to laptop djing.....


"If You Always Think What You've Always Thought, You Will Always Feel What You've Always Felt"
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jul 31, 2010 16:40

On 2010-07-30 18:50, BrainLizzard wrote:
By crackly, I'm confused by the youtubveez video! Me don't normally visit Dj laand...IMO, eye Dj TWO, maybe the answer is a rotary channel, just not with them there fancy computers, unless youenzy mix with midi conrollers , I use'em to write music... So i'm not following the reference from the video so well...

not really a trick of light coming out, just real dj'ing per pur purring ception of the operator, dEE Jaye's, craftsperson

Pee'z explain 4ur Weezun's who haven't converted to laptop djing.....


I also think it is more on the dj skillz then on the track itself...i think it is more something the dj does....and i think further more that the answer is quite simple after all it is just when you have certain tracks playing together with both bass freqz on that they just work incredibly massive together...creating a bassline that you can listen to at good parties, that is just like rolls it just takes the dancer into this trance state...
Spaced-out Rastaman
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  14
Posts :  112
Posted : Jul 31, 2010 17:10
I don't understand.
I think it would be better if someone could give an audible example. 
Trance Forum » » Forum  DJing - handling basslines when mixing....
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