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Guys, Does Shay Ben-Haiun AKA Technodrome in Jail ?!?!


Started Topics :  7
Posts :  199
Posted : Jan 20, 2009 04:48
Hey "Mat N"

very mature replay ,what can i say...LOL
read again what i wrote ,seems like you have
understanding problems , i wrote india is total cool
for visiting and fun (in other words for vacation etc etc), just dont like the drug laws ,i think the drug laws (i talk about soft drugs) are **way too extreme***
,this is my personal point of view ,and as i wrote ,i dont think its a place to play in partys ,or to participate in trance partys ,but excpet the trance issue **it is an amazing country with lovly people and uniq culture**

Mat N
IsraTrance Senior Member

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Posted : Jan 20, 2009 13:36
I read it again:
"me personly cant find a reason to visit a country with such a fascist drug laws...
fascist drugs law's uselly means fascisem in general".

Either you don't know what fasiscm is, or you just want to provoke someone. Besides, my post didn't mention you specifically, it was in general.
69 Bit

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Posted : Jan 20, 2009 15:30

On 2009-01-20 04:48, A.p.e wrote:
**it is an amazing country with lovly people and uniq culture**

really ? i will be there when i will be 60 then ,,,
69 Bit

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Posts :  52
Posted : Jan 20, 2009 15:32


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Posted : Jan 24, 2009 06:20
yah MAT N and dogon...true to not take it personally but sometimes the stuff that is written here is so ignorant its unreal..

@APE i think u have a problem understanding what you have written urself..

im not trying to be all patriotic but u need to get ur facts right and really think about what your saying before u bash anything for that matter.
and if we really want to get down to facts..if india is such a bad country in terms of drug laws- why do we have thousands and thousands of isrealis there still???? ....strict drug laws...really....!

be well.

"We cant solve the problems that we created with the same thinking that created them"

Started Topics :  7
Posts :  199
Posted : Jan 26, 2009 19:16
hey *lovenlight* ,dont understand me wrong please
i might didnt write it enoguh accurate ,but i love india
etc etc ,but

will you agree to play now dj set in india ?
in current situation when you can go to jail only casue participating in trance party ? i dont think so...

the fact that if police comes they can claim you are playing in drug party...(and put you in jail for few month)even if you dont use any drugs by yourself... (clean urin test etc) is too harash

this is all i ment in conclusion ,i might didnt write it well enough ,but this is what i ment


Nomolos(Zenon Rec.)
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Jan 27, 2009 18:14
A.P.E you're an APE! i meant monkey...dont get me wrong...

haha!           "....or is it???"

Started Topics :  7
Posts :  199
Posted : Jan 28, 2009 00:33
hey Nomolos ,i make party in Manali next week
,i want to book you ,wanna come play ?

i promoise nice after party in the local jail house
update me if you come



Started Topics :  4
Posts :  1181
Posted : Jan 28, 2009 05:49
@ APE thanks for clarifying what you were actually trying to say from what you said...
two rather seperate things.

its not a good time for many things in india right now
and yes i dont think it might be safe for psy djs to come down and play esp since psy scene has a bad name in the country and yes the police is corrupt and will plant shit on u even if ur clean etc etc. totally agreed the country is going to the dogs and there is much to do before trying to make drugs legal and going back to old goa parties..
we are a long way from there.

but we must all come together and not point fingers and seriously figure out what we can do!
not only to help the psy scene but the country enjoy the things it used to once upon a freedom!


anyway enough offtopic posts ..this is about technodrome!!


"We cant solve the problems that we created with the same thinking that created them"
Nomolos(Zenon Rec.)
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posts :  2027
Posted : Jan 28, 2009 21:10

On 2009-01-28 00:33, A.p.e wrote:
hey Nomolos ,i make party in Manali next week
,i want to book you ,wanna come play ?

i promoise nice after party in the local jail house
update me if you come


I can't make it to the after party but please send me a ticket to Delhi and i will see you in wont be my first time playing there!!

Thanks for the booking!

          "....or is it???"
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Feb 6, 2009 09:16
APE you got one thing right. India is not the place for a psy-trance party.

The reason we are in this situation is because of mis-education. The whole psytrance scene is looked at by authorities as a creation from the outside. That foreigners have come to the country with drugs, alcohol and sex and are ruining the culture of India and it's children.

This point of view is understandable to those who are not used to the psytrance culture. You walk through a conservative village only to find an open area with young "non-indian-looking" men and women dancing and smoking, wearing sunglasses, throwing trash all over the place and loud "unnatural" music blaring on speakers while a DJ stands in the middle like the orchestrator of the entire spectacle.

You want them to dance with you ???

Why should they???

The 60's are dead because that attitude is dead. A majority of the hippies that came from the 60s to the 90s wanted to learn the language, wanted to live the simple life, wanted to eat the same food, wanted to understand the people, wanted to feel life as the simplest villager in this country does. They wanted to escape the modernization of their countries and embrace what India had to offer.

There are a many respectful travelers who do come to experience this country but not many that come from this Psytrance scene.

Psytrance tourism is the worst thing to happen to India. Designer chillums that cost 100 times the price of a villagers monthly wage, trekking based on smoker destinations, ripping bedsheets for safi at every hotel, trying to partner with Indians to open hotel businesses in the mountians, thinking that your 6000 rupee contribution will help the country.

I will not be a hypocrite. I have one of those chillums, I've trekked upto those smoking destinations, I've been with groups that have used saafi from their room bedsheets, I've been asked a million times to partner to open a hotel in the mountains and thought about it.

That is the reason why I can affirm that this is what we've become as the psytrance culture.

Then on top of that we want to have parties in beautiful locations? Have you seen the mess that's left behind after Manali parties ? Do you even know who cleans that mess ?

We do not deserve this and I feel it's better off that there are no parties in this country because we have a lot of karmic dept to pay off before we can even think about reliving the glory days.

Come to India. This is the country that WILL change your life. But please don't use this country as it hangs in a very delicate balance. It needs more help than you can imagine. A small aggression can multiply itself into a violent crime. One compassionate act can change a persons life forever.

Psytrance parties are useless in this country because they have not created anything that we can be proud about.

If what exists now is the evolution of those who did have the right intention then what makes you think that what we're doing now evolve into anything worthwhile for the future ?

Addictive Elements
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Feb 6, 2009 16:05
@ Yidam.........fucking true words of wisdom......wat to say.....we r all hippycrites now !!           ----- Hippies...they wanna save the earth....but all they ever do is smoke pot ----
guy cohen
IsraTrance Senior Member

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Posted : Feb 24, 2009 12:23
Shay is in Israel thanks GOD (and his angel on this earth , mayB Shay will write his own miracle soon).
Faxi Nadu / Elmooht

Started Topics :  282
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Posted : Feb 24, 2009 16:14

On 2009-02-24 12:23, guy cohen wrote:
Shay is in Israel thanks GOD (and his angel on this earth , mayB Shay will write his own miracle soon).

WORD !!!!

don't know him personally, but great great news!

now.... what about gilad shalit :{           
The Way Back
Metatron Productions
Metatron Productions

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Posted : Feb 25, 2009 14:53
On 2009-02-24 12:23, guy cohen wrote:
Shay is in Israel thanks GOD (and his angel on this earth , mayB Shay will write his own miracle soon).

That is great news indeed ! amazing story ! happy ending ,
and yes ... its a miracle ...
welcome back to israel shay !!! put a smile on your face, it's over !!!

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V/A Urban Freaks

Trance Forum » » Forum  Israel - Guys, Does Shay Ben-Haiun AKA Technodrome in Jail ?!?!
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