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Guinea Pigs - Not tested on animals (zaikadelic rec.)

IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  23
Posts :  152
Posted : Dec 18, 2006 21:39
yeah, this album kicks asssss for sure

way to go brozZz
keeP it uP 

Started Topics :  1
Posts :  34
Posted : Dec 20, 2006 14:50
yeah, i love it! 2 thumps up for this one!
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  20
Posts :  250
Posted : Dec 20, 2006 20:27
I bought this album...
Its pretty fun,

but i find alot of it has that immature "melody" that you hear in alot of full on psy these days. I cant quite put my finger on it. It is simple and just goes up and down with no point. But its a melody that goes nowhere and sounds like cut n paste. You can hear it in 2:10 in the first tune and 2:30 in song 3, 2:00 in song 5, 7:00 in song 8... etc. Im tired of that melody. I mean there are better melody in that song you guys might try cutting out the "up n down" thing and let the main melody shine!!!

otherwise good effort and kickass beats
IsraTrance Team

Started Topics :  279
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Posted : Feb 12, 2007 05:35
My short review:

Not Tested on Animals is the debut album af the Israeli Guinea Pigs and the second release of Zaikadelic Records.

The mastering was made by Tim Schuldt and the artwork by Assaf Gadasi. I found the artwork to be funny, and like especially the drawing inside the booklet.

Another pleasant surprise was finding the BPMs to all tracks on the back of the jewel case.

The music ranges from 147 to 150 bpm. I found it to be funny, though I must admit I didn't liked some tracks here. On the other side, there are other tunes I'm enjoying a lot, like the last one. Good sample usage, some tracks have a well developed atmosphere and it's clear that the whole album follow a defined style.

I think it's a successful debut, please keep improving your sound quality and trying to execute your ideas until they sound the way you want.

Really nice samples from Sin City on the last track.

Favorites: 1, 5, 9(!).
...Be gentle with the earth...
...Dance like nobody's watching...
...I don't mind not going to Heaven, as long as they've got Coffee in Hell...
Black Cat
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  16
Posts :  1390
Posted : Feb 23, 2007 16:01
Great album!Very good production!!!

Congartulations to Guinea Pigs for their album!
Really great stuff!

All the best wishes to Guinea Pigs & zaikadelic rec!

Bom Bom 
DVRcd003PsychoCell*DVRcd004HastaLasPastillas*DVRcd005Dark Side of GOA
DVRcd006CHApoRAS Tribal Dance*DVRcd007 1001 Nights*DVRcd008 Triton OUT!
Zaikadelic Records
Zaikadelic Records

Started Topics :  5
Posts :  34
Posted : Mar 23, 2007 21:22
Here is a review from winter edition of the Revolve Magazine:


Stompers ahoy! Guinea Pigs are brothers Avi Sagges and Shalom Sagges from Israel and this is their debut, the second release from Tel-Aviv based Zaikadelic Records. Nine soaring, searing highly twisted psychedelic tunes perfect for night-time shenanigans and a couple for the morning. Ranging from 147 to 150 bpm, the album opens up with Have a Nice Flight, a nice rolling bassline and stompy acidic sounds in a hard morning style. Don’t Be a Puppet delves into some deeper psychedelic areas. A total lose-it number guaranteed to make you do those funny hand movements while you dance. Lovely energy, which carries on with New Type of Drug, another bouncer with plenty of acid squiggles to keep your thoughts dancing with your body. Crowd Control delivers more, slightly harder-edged energy to flail around the dance floor. Voyage picks you up in the maelstrom, spins you around and spits you out on the other side. An absolute banger! Time to reassess any damage to neurons with Damage Check, and probably damage few more in the process. The album closer, Goodbye Sanity does what it says, a brooding mash up, and the dirtiest track on the album. Absolutely storming. Well, all in all, a cracking debut, fans of nocturnal sounds will like this one a lot. I hope to hear more stuff from them in the future.

Full Lotus (Ketuh Records)
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