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Goa gil VS Raja Ram


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Posted : Feb 8, 2008 02:08

one for the music the other one for the energy, I think they are taking different drugs
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Feb 8, 2008 02:45
both are cool.

but raja is good for one - 2 hours, coz more than that it's boring...

but with gil u can dig 7 days and want more pure energy for ppl who know what is digging.

peace           Break The Matrix!

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Posted : Feb 9, 2008 01:45
They both lose.
To Cut Chemist and Dj Shadow

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Posted : Mar 4, 2008 02:25
i dunno they both make and play great music and I give them HUDGE credits for what they have done for the psy scene, but im not gonna buy a mixed cd if theres no beatmatching

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Posted : May 23, 2011 09:01

On 2005-02-08 01:47, rich wrote:
Gil's devotees claim that his mixing is part of the whole experience.

I went to my first Gil party last year expecting garbage mixing, but um, it wasn't that bad actually. mostly ambient fades. and I much prefer mixing intros and outro than the typical DJ tricks anyway.
DJ tricks = DJ ego = disturbing my trip.

No offense, but you are fucking retarded. You obviously have no idea of what a DJ does. You mean to tell me that you have heard DJ Tricks with psytrance? Like what? DJ Tricks are used to enhance the mix. So, I doubt that a hip-hop dj is going to scratch and cut psytrance.
So, what you actually have not heard is a DJ that can mix psytrance. And you prefer the ambient mixing? Why don't you just put a bunch of psytrance on itunes and have the tracks play back to back with cross-fades. Because, the ambient mixing you refer, is not mixing it is cross-fading. The reason that Gilligan does this is because he can beatmatch. And you should know this because even ambient mixing requires beatmatching. You can't just put two ambient tracks together at different bpms and yo have to drop in the other track at the correct time. The Stockholm Syndrome of Psytrance that you have is a major obstruction to the musics progression. Please, don't set the idea that goa gil is acceptable by justifying his shit mixing with false logic. You want to hear a real psytrance DJ Mix?

          “It’s not the daily increase but daily decrease. Hack away at the unessential.”

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Posted : May 23, 2011 09:18
First: Raja Ram is a real musician. He does not claim to be a shaman. Who do you think plays the flute on the Shpongle tracks?

Second: Goa Gil claims to be a musician and is a shaman. He uses shamanistic rituals with music. Since he is obviously not a musician he is a failure of a shaman. And he is exploiting psytrance with this idea that he is somehow allowed to train wreck because he is a shaman. Goa Gil is not a shaman, he is a fucking con artist hippie that was exiled from San Francisco. Now, he is a cult leader and a kidnapper of souls. By the way, he became a shaman not to heal. But, a shaman is considered dead in India. So, he was escaping his past crimes but faking his death. And a shaman does not keep the same name. People, he is a plastic shaman and you pay him money. Also, he has done nothing positive for Goa/Psy Trance. If you think he can keep you dancing for days. You are obviously a hippie. And, any skilled DJ wouldn't want to mix psytrance for hours. Not without a natural rise, peak, and decent of the music, anyway. Also, Raja Ram has never claimed to be a DJ. Please show him DJing. And, while your at it, show me Goa Gil using turntables.           “It’s not the daily increase but daily decrease. Hack away at the unessential.”
Inactive User

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Posted : May 23, 2011 09:23
Yo Max relax buddy. They play psy trance, it's not like they're the presidents of countries or even mayors of local towns. DJs play other people music, and they might have talent mixing but it's no big skill. I know dude, I've mixed over the last 15 years in hip hop, techno, house, break beat, DnB & trance. Gil is not responsible for anything bad in the world, he's just AA bloke spinning tunes & talking from to much acid. Chill Max, ccchhhhhhiiilllllll!!           I hate you, you hate me, we are all so hap hap happy!
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : May 23, 2011 11:02

Also, he has done nothing positive for Goa/Psy Trance. If you think he can keep you dancing for days. You are obviously a hippie. And, any skilled DJ wouldn't want to mix psytrance for hours. Not without a natural rise, peak, and decent of the music, anyway.

I strongly disagree with everything that you
said in and out of the quotes. In fact I dont even know where to start...

1)"Also, he has done nothing positive for Goa/Psy Trance".

Imho he has done alot to make Goa/Psy popular and spread Goa vibes, especially in the early days. How about The Nommos? Fail as a musician? Wtf.

2)"If you think he can keep you dancing for days. You are obviously a hippie. And, any skilled DJ wouldn't want to mix psytrance for hours".

You are obviously a hippie. thnx.
I am sure you can find some "skilled djs" that would like to mix psytrance for hours, I have heard some pretty long sets in the past...

3)"You want to hear a real psytrance set?"
This one was the best....muhahahahahahah. You are either deaf, megalomaniac or deluded in some other way. Thank you for sharing this "real" masterpiece. *coughcough*. /golfclap. Anyhow tastes and definition of what is real thankfully vary.

Anyhow...peace and I hope all that hating and rambling works out for you.

P.S. Are you serious or a troll? If you are a troll I apologize

Anyhow, I also dont see what Goa Gil should have to do with turntables. As if turn tables had any important role to play when the scene began to develop in Goa.
The times I have seen Gil Dj he was using Cdjs and, believe it or not, he can actually beatmatch. Its not so hard....I am not a great fan myself, but the mixing was fine and far from the desaster it is made out to be.

Beat Agency
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : May 23, 2011 15:15
They are both old fluro jokes! 

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Posted : May 23, 2011 20:05
well for what it's worth, i heard gil play last weekend, and was impressed by the way he chose to mix in and out of tunes. The only times i heard any type of issues were during his encore, but he stops between every track for some reason when he does this anyways, so it seems it was some what intentional.

Not to take away from the nice bangfest that's happening right now..bang on dudes.            WARNING: The Reality Master General has determined that Mr. Vomit may significantly alter your reality. Usage of the knowledge provided by Mr. Vomit may be perceived as dangerous and subversive by those in authority.
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : May 24, 2011 07:41
errr, am i the only one that doesn't much care about how psytrance is played, as long as it's kinda not abrasive and vaguely in the same beat area?
i guess i don't much care as long as it sounds good, have some breaks for me to stop dancing to catch my breath, and the track selection is grade A.

that's how i DJ, and that's how i like hearing DJs..
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : May 24, 2011 20:20
It's very simple for me.

Bad mixing breaks my trance.

Gil is a fucking terrible mixer. "the perfect technique for the style" made me laugh out loud in the office. If you have been DJing for as long as he has and you still trainwreck you obviously don't care about the music or the trance experience. It's really not that damn hard to beatmatch. I don't expect flawless deep mixing or anything...but I do expect it to be in time.

This is not even taking into account my philosophical differences with his 'method' and the fact that I don't enjoy any of the music he plays.

I'd sooner hear Raja mix 'rock into the future' and 'acid for nothing' over and over again and die of a cheese overload than hear endless trainwrecks of shitty dark psy.

Then again...I'm an anti-dark trance nazi and I'm super sensitive to bad mixing so to each their own.
           If you want to make an apple pie from must first invent the universe

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Posted : May 24, 2011 23:03
so will, bad mixing breaks your trance, as it does mine, but what about bad music? you say that you could listen to cheese overload over trainwrecks..when they sound exactly the same to me, through perception.

when was the last time you heard gil, or have you? All i can speak from is my most recent experience (2 weeks ago) and he played a ton of cheesey tunes and wasn't even "dark" most of the if anything with a non bouncy bassline is categorized as dark in your opinion, than your view is really narrow (not pre-emptively saying it is), at least in my opinion, for i am one those to each their owners, but his mixing wasn't bad. The track selection wasn't tasty to me for lots of it because unlike most, i prefer faster music longer than an hour or 2

and calling yourself an anything "nazi" is very poor taste...i would substitute it with something more like "anti dark trance enthusiast" don't shit on your own name
           WARNING: The Reality Master General has determined that Mr. Vomit may significantly alter your reality. Usage of the knowledge provided by Mr. Vomit may be perceived as dangerous and subversive by those in authority.
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : May 24, 2011 23:27
They're both undesirable of course. One would prefer good mixing *and* good music...but I can't dance to bad mixing. I can dance to cheesey full-on with a good crowd and have a shitload of fun. I have not ever had that experience with really fast dark stuff. I've also seen SO MANY happy full dance floors get CLEARED by dark trance. I try not to let it piss me off but I see it so frequently its hard not to be.

I have not gone to a Gil event. I have however listened to his Nommos project, seen many videos of his 'mixing' and more importantly been advised against going by many DJs and artists who I have a lot of respect for who share my tastes and sensibilities. I don't want to support him by attending his events even though I realize that my criticism is a little less honest due to not having a direct experience. I don't think his 'shamanic' vision is legit and borders on exploitative.

To me dark trance is fast and aggressive in a way that I don't see as being enjoyable or trancey - yes, this is incredibly subjective territory. I perceive it as speed for speeds sake alone and I have a hard time not drawing a parallel between dark trance and hard drugs/abuse even though I realize at some level that my bias is effecting my perception. Regardless though when I venture out onto the floor when its dark and fast I see more drugged out zombies jittering around then I see happy people dancing with their community.

I don't sense any joy or healing or fun, just noise. That is my opinion of what I have heard Gil play and list on his divine dozen, what I have heard when I hear Psykovsky play and pretty much anything above 150 BPM with rare exception. I can't dance to it for more than an hour if that and I certainly can't trance to it. There are rare exceptions...and I mean *rare* - I can count on one hand the amount of times that I've heard someone play 'trance' above 150 and enjoyed it...and even then only for an hour or two max. It is unsustainable for me to dance to, it doesn't trance me out or take me anywhere or show me anything or 'reprogram' just annoys me and makes me leave the dancefloor.

It has gotten to the point that most psy parties I attend...I go to sleep in the middle of the night because the fast stuff just pisses me off too I wake up in the morning refreshed and ready to dance my face off to what trances me out which is usually in the daytime hours. I really, *really* miss being able to dance throughout the night : Anymore it seems like the attitude is 'ok folks, its midnight - time to clear the dance floor with killargh noisecore until sunrise!'

As for me being a nazi/enthusiast...I kind of wish I wasn't. It would be much more enjoyable for me to be able to enjoy all types of music. The fast nighttime stuff is incredibly popular for some reason these days and if I were able to enjoy it that'd be great.

I'm glad that you and other people enjoy it though. As much as I'd like to think that there is some objective point here and that I could 'prove' that dark trance is shitty...I can't. One man's noise is another man's melody.
           If you want to make an apple pie from must first invent the universe
Spaced-out Rastaman
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : May 25, 2011 01:24

On 2011-05-24 23:27, willsanquil wrote:
It has gotten to the point that most psy parties I attend...I go to sleep in the middle of the night because the fast stuff just pisses me off too I wake up in the morning refreshed and ready to dance my face off to what trances me out which is usually in the daytime hours. I really, *really* miss being able to dance throughout the night : Anymore it seems like the attitude is 'ok folks, its midnight - time to clear the dance floor with killargh noisecore until sunrise!'

I am put off by fast darkpsy too.
I usually see it as a test, a survival game. And those who will pass the test and accomplish the mission will survive to listen to the good stuff! This doubles the pleasure of the morning tunes!

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