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Goa gil VS Raja Ram

IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Apr 20, 2012 06:59
I like both for having helped found this movement & I respect them for that. I also must say that Raja Ram seems to be the one I can connect with more as I enjoy his taste I music from back in the TIP days even to his full on choices, mostly quality over quantity. He also does not seem to take himself so seriously, like an old fella enjoying his life as we all should with little care.

Goa Gil, to serious for me. All this spiritual trance stuff for the 21st century etc. I mean it's great to have beliefs etc. but I have never in 19 years of following the Goa sounds ever had a true spiritual experience, not one that did not involve illicit substances. My spirituality comes from travels, meeting ppl globally, reading & exploring myself in my mind and body with no unnatural drugs. This is just me though.

Anyway, as for what Gil plays. Well I have followed dark pay since 90's when some of the Goa acts explored the darker side & until about IMO 2008 it stayed pretty good but today there is too much high BPM n' glitch. I do not buy much from this style anymore as it is to hard to find quality. The only CD I have in the last 12 months of darker psy that i really enjoy is Phobos Azazael album, Organistic.

I find the forest psy scene has much more quality music and less quantity

But more and more I am listening to progressive stuff from Zenon to Iono & Iboga etc. i just enjoy good melodic groovy music, Zenon for a bit of a fuller trip but no need anymore for absolute crazy except forest style.

I saw Goa Gil in the 90's and was ok. Since his dark fiestas I have no Interest in seeing him at all.

          Cuntus Maximus.

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Posts :  27
Posted : Apr 20, 2012 20:49
Im no old timer like some yall on here but i thought i would share some opinions. I discovered psy trance in 2006 and started going to parties in 2008. I have no interest in comparing the two artists i love them both. I have never seen raja but have seen gil twice. My first gil show was what i believe permanently hooked me. I love a 24 hr set that moves at break neck speeds. Gil imo doesnt give time for me to drop from trance, even with no substances i can find myself dropping from trance 8 hrs down the road and being in awe that i was on the dancefloor that long. I love old school trance that raja plays from early tip days, but i also love the music gil plays. The spiritual stuff can get old but i must say, i have seen the "cosmic spirit" as gil says take complete hold of the party. This was before i had a chance to read any of his mumbo jumbo that he often reiterates. As a new person to the scene this early experience i had at gil made me realize the potential of this great music.

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Posts :  15
Posted : Apr 20, 2012 20:52
i think Rajar Ram and Goa Gin are very good and i like them. I think his music is better then others because is from heart. They are good people and have children.
Nomad Moon
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  134
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Posted : Apr 26, 2012 19:41
I saw Gil in 2001 and i must say that partie is on my top 3, the man wasnt playing dark at the time, was a more goa approach, and after 12 hours, he played the set again from the start but nobodye cared, since then i have never seen a dancefloor like that, fully comited to trance, one big mass of people all together givin it all (sigh)
now i'm melancolic
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