Getting High - The History Of LSD"Trance World
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Jan 19, 2005 18:28
Thing is Leary believed in set and setting, and in the right set and setting anyone should be able to handle LSD. Even people that suffer from schizofrenia, that do have a different psychological balance from us (whether it is more or less stable) can take LSD in a controlled environment and it actually makes them better (some of the time). I, personally, do not believe Leary was wrong when he said that everyone should do LSD. Of course, it would totally fuck up our society if everyone did; but that would be great, we are in dire need of such a fuck up.
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Posted : Jan 19, 2005 18:48
Yes i agree everyone should do once in live.
But with good set and setting and someone who is psychological schooled and experienced with lsd, and who can give antidot if hard problems appear.
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IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Jan 19, 2005 23:45
I think you have misunderstood leary, he advocates a licencing to the use of lsd. after various age and proving that you are a stable being(psychologically) you can try lsd in a nice environment, with prior knowledge about the drug.
he does not go around advocating everyoe should use lsd, it will be good for them.
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IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Jan 20, 2005 13:25
On 2005-01-19 16:02, The Green Channel wrote:
His problem was that he didn’t want to comprehend the fact that some people (a small percentage) have a weak psych, thus LSD can cause psychological-trauma in other words it can awaken psychological problems that otherwise would not have surfaced. Although I think Timothy Leary’s intentions were pure (when stating that everyone should take LSD) the result was that LSD was prohibited.
well he should have know about that percentage....and by the way....if you know that more as 50% of all the people don't get to the stage (in their life) where they pick up universal thinking (in other words being an adult,universal thinking is one with adulthood) ; than i would say that small percentage ,whom are unstable, is bigger than you thought it was (tommorrow big test psychology @ school )
Abatwa: leary DID advocate for everyone to use can see video footage,interviews with leary and interviews of friends from leary about that in several docu's about lsd
but i agree to the fact that everyone who really wants to explore the mind or wants to know how the world works should CONSIDER taking lsd at least once in their lives.
one other thing about leary (and this is said by someone who knew leary).....
he didn't even explain that you could have a bad trip when taking lsd.
he only said it was important for man to explore their minds and saying how wonderfull it is he forgot the other side of the medallion...and that is one of the things that bothers me about him.
and offcourse there is much information about lsd that is more intresting than Leary had to offer
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Posted : Jan 24, 2005 05:50
if you knew how many times i sampled this movie!!!!...eheheh.....and everythnig is not released yet... |
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Jan 25, 2005 21:54
yes a very good movie and exelent sampels there is a few more in the style dont remember now the names will write it soon!
The Green Channel
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Jan 25, 2005 22:54
Here's two more:
Psychedelic Science by Bill Eagles and Hofmann's Potion...
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Posted : Aug 17, 2012 16:42
LSD as we all know, what it is… Had deepest connection with INDIA, about which Dr. Hoffman also did not know, Guess…. |
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Aug 17, 2012 19:09
On 2012-08-17 16:42, NeOnTrip wrote:
LSD as we all know, what it is… Had deepest connection with INDIA, about which Dr. Hoffman also did not know, Guess….
No, with Mexico, where he travelled and got many other psychedelic substances which he syntetized. He came in contact with a Mexico old shaman who showed him the mushroom and other plants rituals.
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