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Getting High - The History Of LSD"Trance World

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Posted : Nov 5, 2004 21:00

On 2004-11-05 20:10, deejayridoo wrote:
as Psytones asked:
do you really want it to become another stupid "only party party" thing???

Whats so wrong about just having a party party situation? Isen't it what's it's all about anyway? To dance and have some fun? Why all the serious inner deepeness? Isen't that better in the calmness of your own home with a few friends?

To get some facts straight. I am 38, been in this scene since it started and done all the psychedelic drugs there is. So I am not some green kid without experience.

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Posted : Nov 5, 2004 21:32

On 2004-11-05 21:00, HandA wrote:

Whats so wrong about just having a party party situation? Isen't it what's it's all about anyway?

No, it's about the awakening of old forgotten rites and sacraments
To connect us again to the knowledge from ancient knowledge of civilizations long lost.
To change the face of conciousness on the planet.

Sure that feeling is not so prominent any more, but in the acid fused early days of goa trance that seemed to be what most people thought they were involved in.
And I think thats why I am still in this scene. Having a dance all night in a spiritual enviroment you can only really do at psytrance parties.

If I like to have just party party i would go to house parties or some other type of club instead.
Clubs is a lot more comforatble and easy to get to for

Disco was about party party (although it was quite a bit of acid involved there as well) and house is about party party.
There is loads of party party music, why do trance become that as well?
For me and many others it's preferrably a lot more than that anyway.           (``·.¸(``·.¸(``·.¸¸.·`´)¸.·`´)¸.·`´)
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Posted : Nov 5, 2004 21:43
On 2004-11-05 21:32, Spindrift wrote:

No, it's about the awakening of old forgotten rites and sacraments
To connect us again to the knowledge from ancient knowledge of civilizations long lost.
To change the face of conciousness on the planet.

Sure that feeling is not so prominent any more, but in the acid fused early days of goa trance that seemed to be what most people thought they were involved in.
And I think thats why I am still in this scene. Having a dance all night in a spiritual enviroment you can only really do at psytrance parties.

I know what your talking about but you see that "feeling" or "spirituality" quite suddenly leave when you stop doing drugs and see the real people in the scene

I also lovde that feeling of unity, understanding, in touch with nature ect ect. and that's cool but it's not real man. It's the drugs speaking

I rather stay clean and fight for what I belive in to make the world a better place for all of us. yes it sound very naive and is very naive. It just dont work that way !
And no one on drugs have ever done anything but talking and talking

For gods sake people on LSD are having such a hard time just deciding to get up from a chair LOL

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Posted : Nov 5, 2004 22:01
I havent taken any acid since 95 myself, take a wee bit of mushroom sometimes at parites, but most of the time nothing.
I still get spiritual feelings dancing.
And i know that most ancient cultures used psychedelic plants as a central and holy sacrament and important part of their culture.
I know that psychedelic plants don't just make people talk and talk and that it actually have the power to radically transform society on a large scale level.

And if you belive the feeling of unity and understanding and in touch with nature is unreal i can only feel sorry for you.
There is a unity between everything in the universe and nature is something that we truly belong in and we owe our existance to.
I don't think that is an illusion you get from psychedelics, but rather a realisation.

I totally agree though with much said in the film, and to make best use of it the procedures of taking it should be more controlled and organized, but since it's illegal people don't have much choice and can't be participating in organized therapy.          (``·.¸(``·.¸(``·.¸¸.·`´)¸.·`´)¸.·`´)
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Posted : Nov 5, 2004 22:13


I also lovde that feeling of unity, understanding, in touch with nature ect ect. and that's cool but it's not real man. It's the drugs speaking

Auauauau, that hurts.
Really one of the most idiotic comments I have ever heared.
Sorry for my language, but you managed again to to upset me with your views of how things are.

So people that don't do drugs don't feel unity, understanding and in touch with nature? Right.

As Spindrift said, I can only feel sorry, if that is how you feel.

¸.·´¸.·*´¨) ¸.·*¨)
(¸.·´ (¸.·` * Magic is believing in yourself, if you can do that, you can make anything happen. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe..·´¨` .¸¸.·´¨`»
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Posted : Nov 5, 2004 22:44
get over it pointy. I think you misunderstood me a bit there

What i meant was that all the feelings you have on drugs are not always the same once your clean.

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Posted : Nov 5, 2004 23:12

On 2004-11-05 22:44, HandA wrote:
get over it pointy. I think you misunderstood me a bit there

What i meant was that all the feelings you have on drugs are not always the same once your clean.

Well, that sounds completely different than the tone of your previous post.
I can agree to that.


I know what your talking about but you see that "feeling" or "spirituality" quite suddenly leave when you stop doing drugs and see the real people in the scene ....

Still I wonder why you are making comments like that and the other quote I mentioned before, when you were actually only trying to say, that the way you experience reality when you took psychedelic drugs differs from the way you look at it when you are sober.
I don't think it is a lack of ability with language, cause you can usually make yourself understood.

¸.·´¸.·*´¨) ¸.·*¨)
(¸.·´ (¸.·` * Magic is believing in yourself, if you can do that, you can make anything happen. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe..·´¨` .¸¸.·´¨`»
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Nov 6, 2004 01:03

And so the speech begins...........

First of all - A trance experience is whatever you make it, since what it really comes down to is the experience of the individual... This may very well be an experience of some kind of collective vibe, being in touch with nature or whatever... Every experience is subjective to the one experiencing it.
I prefer to think it is more than just partying - and I prefer the others around me feel the same.... Or else, Im not able to fully open up to the emotional experience music and dance really is...
This goes for tripping as well - I wouldnt want to find myself tripping on LSD with people who just want to party... Actually, for me, its kinda a nightmarish situation.

I find myself agreeing with all of you (Handa, Spindrift, Pointy, deejayridoo and psytones) - First when I read what Handa wrote I found myself thinking "This guy is so right, and he´s still going to get hammered for it"...
Either way you put it, I dont think its nescessary to focus that much on drugs... As far as new comers go, I think the influences are apparent to them, but not all important.
For some reason, Im convinced that the music will survive and evolve just fine no matter if we talk about drugs here or not...

People who are really into trance music, have some things in common - drugs often being one of them (the will to explore ones mind is inherent to almost all of the psytrance freaks Ive met - with or without drugs).
I understand why this detail will come up again and again in these discussions, its simply a natural thing for people to find things they have in common - Reaching out to each other thru communication to find people who share ones beliefs... Is it wrong ? I think not. Its just the way it is. However, you can put some thought into how you do just this....
When listening to people commenting on the effects of psychedelics, you DO get the impression that theres no other way to attain their level of consciousness and understanding of reality other than to do psychedelics. As far as that belief goes, I think thats just people deluding themselves... I think, this is an important point Handa makes. - Thereby not saying, that psychedelics do not have that effect on some people - but in effect saying that psychedelics is not a must for everyone to achieve a higher state of consciousness.

We will be stronger accepting each other as we are, instead of imposing demands on each other none of us can accomodate anyway. If you think people are deluding themselves, then thats really their business - however, if you feel people are deluding each other, it would be the right thing to try and set them straight... We must all do what we think is right, with respect to each other.
There will therefore be pro and anti drug statements - this is the way it has to be. As long as people can learn to "live together" while still expressing themselves, then we have a balance in our culture.

EVEN IF, some of the writers in this discussion would yield and never talk of drugs again, there would be a shitload of new people starting new discussions about drugs anyway... It would be the same thing over and over, because people never learn.
I think, its better to be open about it, and have a knowledgeable approach and response for when people start talking about drugs..

If this is then misunderstood by the media, or society in general - so be it. There must be more important things than maintaining a facade of the trance scene that just isnt representative of the truth.

Still - To me, Handas point is valid - When the talks falls on drugs, you should be carefull what you say, and how it can be interpreted. Its a serious topic, and I think most people here know this to be true.



IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Nov 6, 2004 07:45

On 2004-11-05 22:44, HandA wrote:
get over it pointy. I think you misunderstood me a bit there

What i meant was that all the feelings you have on drugs are not always the same once your clean.

Unfortunately, that is true.
For me, personally, one of the main purposes of the trip is to bring as much as I can from it to "everyday sober" experience. It is about recreating the psychedelic state without the drugs. One of the ways of doing that is realizing daily without recourse to drugs those revelations that you come upon when in hyperspace.           Load Universe into Cannon. Aim at Brain. Fire.

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Posted : Nov 6, 2004 10:38
Hi further, I don't really see why you are bringing this quote, because it is one of the least interesting sentences in here. Did you read the rest of the dicussion?
I know perfectly well, that the way you experience reality under the influence of a drug is different from the way you experience it without.
That is just stating the obvious.
The interesting question here is how LSD has been and still is effecting the trance scene.
And as you write yourself, people do integrate their drug experiences into their everyday life.
Once you took LSD you will never be the same again.

good morning everybody           "*´¨)
¸.·´¸.·*´¨) ¸.·*¨)
(¸.·´ (¸.·` * Magic is believing in yourself, if you can do that, you can make anything happen. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe..·´¨` .¸¸.·´¨`»
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Nov 6, 2004 12:37
all i can say is boom to u guys. (ridoo,pointy,psytones and handa)

i wont say drugs was the main reason y i got in2 the scene but yes they did instil a sense of connection with the music

we have to agree that the roots of this culture lie in the d's ( lsd mainly) .,, one has to exeptionally gifted with bandwith if sum1 were to cut the d's supply .,,

but again each to his own.,, handa is clean so has a changed view.,,           missing plug-in
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Nov 6, 2004 13:59
To Wicker

Quote Wicker "i wont say drugs was the main reason y i got in2 the scene but yes they did instil a sense of connection with the music "

Well, drugs instill a sence of connection with many things dont they ? Food, sex, love, nature, music and so forth. Im sure, you would still be having sex, eating and enjoying nature without drugs. (even though drugs might highten your joy when doing so).

The roots of this culture lie in LSD ? Im sure the trance aspect of it isnt rooted in LSD, but in the human brains fondness of repetitive beats....
Now, the psychedelia - Im sure some of that has been promoted by psychedelics (and yes, mainly LSD og mushrooms).
However, in order to do LSD in the first place, you have to be interested in psychedelia and expansion of consciousness - and thus you would be interested in creation of music that has this effect no matter if you would be doing lsd or not to begin with.

Quote Wicker "but again each to his own.,, handa is clean so has a changed view.,,"

And what about me ? Im not clean.

Quote Wicker "we have to agree that the roots of this culture lie in the d's ( lsd mainly) .,, one has to exeptionally gifted with bandwith if sum1 were to cut the d's supply .,,"

We dont have to agree I think - and also, I dont think the roots of this culture lie in drugs - I think it lies in music.
Also, I think drugs/LSD did play a part in the creation of this music, but you will be hard pressed to convince me it was the main reason as to why trance music was created. Im sure, it has acted as a catalyst for some genres of trance, creating a basis/market/scene for the very psychedelic music.
However, many of those ultra psychedelic types of music I wouldnt even call "trance", theyre just "psychedelic". (definition of trance is 135-145bpm repetitive beat or just repetitive beats in general yes ?)

Brainwashing is childs play - Deviant Electronics.



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Posted : Nov 6, 2004 15:26
When acid house exploded (in London) acid and e's were the drugs of choice. Especially mixed together. I was into the scene since 1987, and had 'spiritual experiences' on the dancefloor, everyone all together united in these parties had the same journey - that's why everyone from every background was included. No-one was MORE psychedelic than the other, dance music in it's nature is hypnotic and takes you on a trip.....1987 - when Posford was playing rock music in a band and Dino was djing with carl cox.. (playing house). It was acid house that gave birth to techno and trance. In goa 1990, people used to play underworld and sven vath and then the first goa tunes were born from that, even before ANY psy labels existed to release them. Who gives a monkeys about "our drugs, our way of life". It's too precious a scene you guys are turning it in to. Relax and remember the history - yes it's personal but to be elitist about it all - well there isn't time for that, and it sounds boring going on about it.

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Posted : Nov 6, 2004 15:42
Of course there would have been electronic music and trancy music (which doesn't need to be electronic at all) without LSD.
Electronic one, simply because we developed synths and trancy one, because like Krell said, it is in the human nature to use tranceinducing sounds.
Nevertheless I believe that the way psychedelic trance music sounds is rooted in LSD usage.

But that wasn't really the issue anyway, I think.
At least I wasn't only talking about the music as such, but about the scene/culture around it.
And from my understanding the trance culture, is rooted in the profound changes of consciousness people experience when taking LSD, in the same way as the hippie movement was.

¸.·´¸.·*´¨) ¸.·*¨)
(¸.·´ (¸.·` * Magic is believing in yourself, if you can do that, you can make anything happen. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe..·´¨` .¸¸.·´¨`»
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Nov 6, 2004 15:50
Hello Purple

Quote Purple ""Who gives a monkeys about "our drugs, our way of life". It's too precious a scene you guys are turning it in to. Relax and remember the history - yes it's personal but to be elitist about it all - well there isn't time for that, and it sounds boring going on about it.""

Maybe the scene has grown into more ? Or maybe some of us want it to be more ?

I am relaxed hehehe *almost falls down his chair because hes so relaxed*

If you think it sounds boring to go on and on about it, then why do you read it ? hehe. Perhaps we are just people with nothing better to do, watch out you dont get caught up in anything hehe:-)

Spending time on things you find boring, when you dont have to, doesnt make sence no. I agree.

Why does this sort of discussion bother you ? Im guessing, you think we are wasting our time and should be putting our minds to different things ? Hehe, your probably right. *goes shopping*



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