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Getting High - The History Of LSD"Trance World

IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Nov 4, 2004 14:45
hii .. is ani 1 see this movi and he know how or whar i can downlod or buy mor movis from the History chaneel ???
IsraTrance Senior Member

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Posted : Nov 4, 2004 14:56
mmm.. i would like to see this movie for my self, since i'm to lazy to read.

btw. Google is a magical tool:
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Nov 4, 2004 16:42
Its RiPPED from the History Channel           ....good fudge comes on slow!!!
IsraTrance Senior Member

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Posted : Nov 4, 2004 17:10
OH NOOO!!! hehe

Have anyone seen it? Is it informing in a good way? Or just jappa jappa bullshit?
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Nov 4, 2004 19:32
it´s a very serious and, as i know, a very complete documentary on OUR history, the history of the psychedelic culture.
it has a pretty positive approach to lsd and entheogenics in general, not forgetting the negative aspects - in short, it´s as objective as it could be and not a biased crap, neither pro nor contra.

I urgently recommend everybody to watch it.

PS: shame to our scene for the obvious fact that most do not seem to be really into it...
no offense to anyone, but this should be part of our education
i for myself missed it and finally watched it a few weeks ago, only...
it was released in the year 2000 - we are 4 years late
IsraTrance Senior Member

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Posted : Nov 4, 2004 19:46

On 2004-11-04 19:32, deejayridoo wrote:

PS: shame to our scene for the obvious fact that most do not seem to be really into it...
no offense to anyone, but this should be part of our education (i, myself missed it and finally watched it a few weeks ago, only...)

Here here! I couldnt agree with you more deejayridoo... The birth of Psychedelic music is in fact a direct resoult of psychedelic drugs.. More LSD then other psydrugs. But in these modern days people are more into mushrooms which I find very interesting. People seem to trust mushrooms more. Their not as affreid of it as they are of Acid. At least in Norway it seems. Of cource, because of this attitude change in "popular" psydrugs. We get more psytrance then goatrance these days. Like Classical Mushroom, The Misted Muppets ect. As i'v mentioned before in another thread. There is a link between drugs and music.

btw. This is just my opinion and views, not facts. But i belive in it.. And I know you do to.

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Posted : Nov 4, 2004 22:38
whats wrong with mushrooms ~ ! (ligh hearted jolly-go hearted dig at ya their !)

but yeh, LSD ... the drug that changed our world
IsraTrance Senior Member

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Posted : Nov 5, 2004 00:30
No no no no... I my self like mushrooms better then LSD, though they are both great substances.. .
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Nov 5, 2004 09:49
Yum yum! Give me mushies anyday! They are just as great as LSD. They both give you a differnet trip and make the music sound different in their own special way, hehehe!

Either or, they are magical for psy           :: Life can be as bitter as dragon tears
But whether dragon tears are bitter or sweet
depends entirely on how each man perceives the taste ::
Inactive User

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Posted : Nov 5, 2004 10:20
Anyone without an insight to this scene would think he has stumbled into a drug forum. Drugs are ok and for sure acceptable if used carfully. But why do you people constantly have to promote drugs at every chance you get?

Yes drugs use and abuse is part of this scene for some people. But NOT all. Far from! And drugs are not special to our scene. Drugs excist in every single scene, bar, club theatre, office!

So why all the promotion of drugs. Do you deal and need to sell more ? Your welcome to use drugs. It's your private decision and right but please give people and the newcommers who are very often teenagers a chance to make up their own minds. I like to think we are not a cult out to brainwash people

And to those who preach that it's a "sin" not to be educated about drugs as "our history" I can only feel sorry for you people. As I said do your drug thing but don't drag it down over people's heads and try to make those who choose to stay clean look less "in" , or should I say outcasts?, in our scene just because they haven't used your sacred drugs. Be a bit more smart and look at the consequences of your preaching that basically result in the media, our Gouvernments and the majority of people thinking we are all a bunch of drug addicts.

It does not serve our purpose and will only add to the, somehow wrong but not totally off the track, opinion the surronding world have of us
IsraTrance Senior Member

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Posted : Nov 5, 2004 11:22
ok, in danger of making you angry HandA:


On 2004-11-05 10:20, HandA wrote:
But why do you people constantly have to promote drugs at every chance you get?

Why do you constantly have to promote your antidrug beliefs at every chance you get HandA? The topic here is LSD history on trance. And both you and me know that LSD is a main influence on psytrance/goa. And it's apart of our "history" No mather if you like/use or hate/dont use drugs. IT IS APART OF OUR HISTORY.. Your acting like a christian pope that dont want the world to see the missing chapter of the bible. Understand my comparesing?


drugs are not special to our scene. Drugs excist in every single scene, bar, club theatre, office!

I'm sorry HandA, i highly disagree on that. psydrugs are infact very special to "our" scene, if it wasnt for psydrugs we would most likely have NO psytrance, goa ect. Drugs made this music, exept it .
I feel that you got the wrong impression in getting "high" overall. Drugs exist everywhere, yhea ofcource. But i dont see many people on clubs and the drugaddicts eating mushrooms ect.


So why all the promotion of drugs. Do you deal and need to sell more ? Your welcome to use drugs. It's your private decision and right but please give people and the newcommers who are very often teenagers a chance to make up their own minds. I like to think we are not a cult out to brainwash people

And you are absolutely right. ALL drugs should be respected, abuse is the fact that makes people look badly at drugs in general. And I would rather have people trying mushrooms then x2c, amphetamin, crack, heroin, coke ect. Mushrooms are a "safe" drug. Mind altering.. Makes you see the world throu better eyes, in most cases
I see you as the cult of brainwashed people who loves psy, but cant deal with the fact that psydrugs are in fact an important fact in psyculture and music. Now thats alot of facts, hehe.

I'll let deejayridoo answer the rest of your questions.. But remember one thing HandA. It is views like your that may kill the psytrance sceene one day. At the end we'll just end up with psypop. No more psychedelic music. Only party party!!

PS. I mean no personal offence HandA. I have discussed with you before, and I mostly agree with you. Just not on the druggy part of life, hehe. *peace, love and unity, right?*

Inactive User

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Posted : Nov 5, 2004 12:14

On 2004-11-05 11:22, psytones wrote:
ok, in danger of making you angry HandA:

I am quite calm


On 2004-11-05 10:20, HandA wrote:
But why do you people constantly have to promote drugs at every chance you get?

Why do you constantly have to promote your antidrug beliefs at every chance you get HandA? The topic here is LSD history on trance. And both you and me know that LSD is a main influence on psytrance/goa. And it's apart of our "history" No mather if you like/use or hate/dont use drugs. IT IS APART OF OUR HISTORY.. Your acting like a christian pope that dont want the world to see the missing chapter of the bible. Understand my comparesing?

Where did i rant against drugs? All i said was that drug use and abuse is a private thing that does not have to be dreagged in to public forum at any given chance !

And I did not strike against the original topic but against the pro-drug remarks further down the thread


drugs are not special to our scene. Drugs excist in every single scene, bar, club theatre, office!

I'm sorry HandA, i highly disagree on that. psydrugs are infact very special to "our" scene, if it wasnt for psydrugs we would most likely have NO psytrance, goa ect. Drugs made this music, exept it .
I feel that you got the wrong impression in getting "high" overall. Drugs exist everywhere, yhea ofcource. But i dont see many people on clubs and the drugaddicts eating mushrooms ect.

Well to your information there's tons of people into alternative rock eating Mushrooms and doing LSD. It's utopia to think that LSD and Mushrooms are special to our scene. And even at underground House parties mushrooms and LSD is frequently used.

And I think your forgetting there's still a big movement that started with the hippies in the 60's that still do LSD and Mushrooms and listen to psychedelic rock and fusion rock.. They got absolutely nothing to do with our scene even though some people like to believe that!


So why all the promotion of drugs. Do you deal and need to sell more ? Your welcome to use drugs. It's your private decision and right but please give people and the newcommers who are very often teenagers a chance to make up their own minds. I like to think we are not a cult out to brainwash people

And you are absolutely right. ALL drugs should be respected, abuse is the fact that makes people look badly at drugs in general. And I would rather have people trying mushrooms then x2c, amphetamin, crack, heroin, coke ect. Mushrooms are a "safe" drug. Mind altering.. Makes you see the world throu better eyes, in most cases
I see you as the cult of brainwashed people who loves psy, but cant deal with the fact that psydrugs are in fact an important fact in psyculture and music. Now thats alot of facts, hehe.

I live with the facts every single day and year that there are people in our scene that promote drugs no matter what every single day... As they have the right to think drugs are the answer to their questions and problems I have the right to think that those people cause more damage to our scene that any good!

I'll let deejayridoo answer the rest of your questions.. But remember one thing HandA. It is views like your that may kill the psytrance sceene one day. At the end we'll just end up with psypop. No more psychedelic music. Only party party!!

So now it's the people that like to stay clean and the ones like me that actually tell you pro-druggies to cool it a bit in open forums that ruin our scene? get a grib of yourself mate. I am sure many would argue that your promotion of drugs are a big part of why we have the problems with the law in the first place and why we have to struggle so hard to be accepted - But of course it's always those who do not understand us and accept us that are wrong

PS. I mean no personal offence HandA. I have discussed with you before, and I mostly agree with you. Just not on the druggy part of life, hehe. *peace, love and unity, right?*

It's cool that you dont mean any offense. At least you can debate without insulting words. But to me (no ofense) your the preacher here - not me


Started Topics :  6
Posts :  278
Posted : Nov 5, 2004 13:12
It is true, that psychedelic drugs get used by people that are into other scenes than trance as well, but if you ask hiphop fans about what and how much influence LSD has got on their music and scene, they will defenitely not see as strong connections as most psychedelic trance fans see this drug connected to their scene.
The simple reason for that is, that hiphop music is infact less influenced by psychedelica than trance.
Would you say the "police scene" is connected to and influenced by LSD, because there are some police officers using this drug? Obviously not.

It is a fact, that the psychedelic trance scene is influenced and inspired by LSD and I think the trance parties in the beginning of the 90th were the biggest
"LSD taking revival" since the sixties and that in no other scene there was as much psychedelica used as in trance.
I thought you were there HandA. Strange, that you don't see the connection.

I don't like preaching for neither the use or no-use of drugs, because it is never a good idea to talk people into your ideas.
Nervertheless we can't deny the influence psychedelic substances had and still have on the trance scene and like deejayridoo and psytones I think it is important to know about that.
This doesn't mean that I think you have to actually consume these substances, but get an understanding for where the scene developed from.
I can also only recommend the above movie to everybody. Watch it!

¸.·´¸.·*´¨) ¸.·*¨)
(¸.·´ (¸.·` * Magic is believing in yourself, if you can do that, you can make anything happen. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe..·´¨` .¸¸.·´¨`»
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Nov 5, 2004 16:11
hehe devided again are we.

"I think of going to the grave without having a psychedelic experience, like going to the grave without having sex" Mckenna

could be worded better but yes indeed.

          `Bottomless wonders spring from simple rules, which are repeated without end` Mandelbrot
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Nov 5, 2004 20:10
hi again,
allmost everything said by my buddies Pointy and Psytones.
just some points to add.


On 2004-11-05 10:20, HandA wrote:

...and the newcommers who are very often teenagers a chance to make up their own minds. I like to think we are not a cult out to brainwash people

i very much agree on this one, but it´s the illegality which first makes "us" sullenly propagate it too much and secondly prevent our societies from having a responsible drug policy (including protection of minors)...


And to those who preach that it's a "sin" not to be educated about drugs as "our history" I can only feel sorry for you people. As I said do your drug thing but don't drag it down over people's heads and try to make those who choose to stay clean look less "in" , or should I say outcasts?, in our scene just because they haven't used your sacred drugs. Be a bit more smart and look at the consequences of your preaching that basically result in the media, our Gouvernments and the majority of people thinking we are all a bunch of drug addicts.

It does not serve our purpose and will only add to the, somehow wrong but not totally off the track, opinion the surronding world have of us

i did never say that not taking dugs was a sin or something. i just pointed out that it´s very important to develop a sense of culture including every aspect (history, way of life, artifact, etc.)
and, even more important,
dealing with entheogenics does not mean taking them. it´s the whole thing that comes with it that fascinates me most.
i actually have only a few experiences with such substances, and i´m 27 and have been in this scene for allmost 10 years now...

i´d say that reading spiritual or psychedelic (or both) books (the psychedelic experience by timothy leary, richard alpert and ralph metzner; the doors of perception by aldous huxley etc.) would make a big difference and bring back to mind what it´s all about to our worn-out scene

as Psytones asked:
do you really want it to become another stupid "only party party" thing???

so, dealing with "other realms of consciousness", buddhism, radical constructivism, hypnosis, trance, tribal rituals etc. is something that will bring you further in life, even if you do never try any of those substances.
they are only amplifiers/ accelerators to an evolution of the mind which can (and often better/ safer, especially for those who do not sympathize with mind altering substances)
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