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German Police and the ones who search for fake Djs.

Tsabeat/Sattel Battle

Started Topics :  158
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Posted : Jul 16, 2004 13:28
i hope the german police stay out of my parties
and in israel? first that will b no more case stillers in parties then i'll bring my originals...
ohh and if its artist cd that i got personly its legal? 

Started Topics :  4
Posts :  84
Posted : Jul 16, 2004 14:03

On 2004-07-16 13:28, tsabeat wrote:
ohh and if its artist cd that i got personly its legal?

I don't know the law of your country, but here in Portugal is very simple: If you have a written document from the legal owner of the album, authorizing the use of this material, it's ok. Note that most of the time, the legal owner is not the producer, but the LABEL who bought the album. If you got the tracks from the producer it's as illegal to play them as play downloaded music from soulseek, since you don't have permission from the legal owner - the label.

Simple no?
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posts :  1698
Posted : Jul 18, 2004 15:33

i have a solution........well maybe its not a solution but an idea for sure............these so called authorities instead of crackin down on djs in clubs why dont they concentrate their afforts to shut down these ftps and crack down people who run them.............common take down the source and i guess the problem if not solved will certainly reduce atleast...........


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DJ Pelon(Inpsyde Media)
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jul 18, 2004 16:48

On 2004-07-18 15:33, psyk wrote:

i have a solution........well maybe its not a solution but an idea for sure............these so called authorities instead of crackin down on djs in clubs why dont they concentrate their afforts to shut down these ftps and crack down people who run them.............common take down the source and i guess the problem if not solved will certainly reduce atleast...........


wow what a great idea man !!! just kidding... and how would you do that? do you really think there is a way to stop file sharing? also do you think this scene was what it is today without all this file sharing? I bet many ppl that buy psy today would'nt even hear about it if there were no file sharing programs to begin with. there are always two sides to each story. maybe you want to stop making cd burners next? would this solve the problem for you? and don't worry, the authorities (big labels for that matter...) are already doing all they can possibly do to fight the file sharing programs, of course with no real success so far.
just buy what you like, don't try looking for solutions, cause there are none.

Inpsyde Media - Trance Mission Worldwide
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  100
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Posted : Jul 18, 2004 18:31

if u read my post u would see i metioned it will atleast help.................

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IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Jul 19, 2004 12:44
this rumour is bullshit... don't believe everything you read.

Started Topics :  4
Posts :  84
Posted : Jul 19, 2004 16:07

On 2004-07-19 12:44, d.m.turner wrote:
this rumour is bullshit... don't believe everything you read.

Dunno what's happening in Germany, but here in Portugal this is a reality. Not in the outdoor trance scene, but at clubs and bars...

Started Topics :  71
Posts :  2219
Posted : Jul 21, 2004 19:19
I feel that that particular practise is the biggest bunch of bs that I have ever heard.... I make my own stuff and 99% of my stuff isn't released... Do you mean to tell me that I can't play my own music because the cd is burned??? I don't really think that this is something that is logically feasible, and I think that it would have a difficult time being upheld...           An Eagle may soar, but Weasels don't get sucked into jet engines.

Started Topics :  2
Posts :  30
Posted : Sep 17, 2004 04:09
really funny to read all these statements concerning this 100% fake thread.
think about the tomatos on your eyes.
we talk about psytrance.
Biotouch (dj Loko)

Started Topics :  20
Posts :  305
Posted : Sep 17, 2004 04:27
all the time talking about the same things on diferent ways... looking like that kind of persons that from a litle thing bring the same subject all the time. you know why? because realy no one have the same idea.. that kind of things are impossible.. you fell impotent.. and you talk over and over to see if you can solve that.. and you know something.. no way.. just time solve this kind of things not you... time...
cheers take care           Hatha yoga, body and mind balanced...
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