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German Police and the ones who search for fake Djs.


Started Topics :  1
Posts :  39
Posted : Jul 12, 2004 19:42
Very stupid idea. Just plain stupid.
but i was waiting for something like this since law and order don´t seem to come closer to the core of piracy.

So this is how they "solve" it.
and i don´t think so many other countries will follow, since many here have written big issues that will follow and it will just mess up the dj culture.

I wouldn´t bring my originals in any case whatsoever since i want to bring home my cd´s in one piece or have them stolen.


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Posts :  188
Posted : Jul 12, 2004 21:58
How many DJs actually spin 'only' released stuff that any1 can buy in shops?...Lets not forget that DJs are 'pushers', they create public appetite for future releases by spinning unreleased.
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jul 12, 2004 23:39
Panzer; that is a common idea, but how does it work exactly? The only time DJs spinning unreleased share what they are playing is with a monthly top ten - and just how useful a process is that for 'creating public appetite'? I'd wager top tens are mostly of interest to other DJs...

Started Topics :  3
Posts :  188
Posted : Jul 13, 2004 00:38
True...but since there are not that many artists in this scene and DJs often stick to a particular subgenre, its often not that difficult to guess which artist are being played.

If a 'novel' tracks get played that sets the dancefloor on fire, it is my impression that I am not the only one who tries to find out what it is...When I heard 'program flies' by Sub6 I just asked around who and what it was...After I found out I simply followed their 'trail' with more attention and bought there album accordingly.
Cosmic Station

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Posts :  1235
Posted : Jul 13, 2004 00:42
what about the unutorized public performance writen on any original cd? is it for real? the prob is not the burn cd.. its the lack of meaning in all of this...
IsraTrance Team

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Posted : Jul 13, 2004 01:56
To get back on topic i would like to hear more details about how they really work, not the wild stories about the monster-fines the barbers cousin from across the street of your aunt had to pay for her pirated copy of the latest barbara streisand release. There have to be other officials besides police present to my knowledge, otherwise i really ask myself how they judge the material they find in a dj's cd-box.


On 2004-07-13 00:42, Fingax wrote:
what about the unutorized public performance writen on any original cd? is it for real? the prob is not the burn cd.. its the lack of meaning in all of this...

sorry but that doesn't make sense to me at all. try making yourself clear please!

Panzar: this is not the thread to jusitfy yourself for your bad habbits.
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Started Topics :  7
Posts :  167
Posted : Jul 13, 2004 04:43
maybe this isnt such a "far out" scenario as just yesterday, i was watching the news and it seems there's a big push to stamp out,
1) cd pirating
Unfortunately the authorities may apply,
2) copying / burning
under the same yolk and apply their laws accordingly...
It would be unfortunate, however, if 'they' rufuse to see the distinction between the two and apply their laws to both.
(as with most laws in this country, there is a blatent disregard for common sense - it saves on paperwork!!)

<<(groan)>>           It is by will alone I set my mind in
It is by the juice of Sapho that thoughts
acquire speed -
The lips acquire stains -
The stains become a warning - blah, blah , blah!

Started Topics :  4
Posts :  84
Posted : Jul 13, 2004 11:56

On 2004-07-13 00:42, Fingax wrote:
what about the unutorized public performance writen on any original cd? is it for real? the prob is not the burn cd.. its the lack of meaning in all of this...

Yes it's true Fingax. Here in Pt you have to pay a fee to SPA (Sociedade Portuguesa de Autores) to play cd's or any music format publicly. Generally, this fee is paid by the owner of the disco or the party organizers. When we talk about party licenses, this one is included, but I can't remember it's name at the moment...

Started Topics :  3
Posts :  25
Posted : Jul 13, 2004 15:14
I think some of the really trance heads Djs are o once were traverles ...
due to there lack of funds whould almost be imposible to keep up with the music if you had to pay the price´s of a CDs nowdays So a good Burning Sesion once in a while with a Cool friend was well Apreciated ...
So who are the bad ones ...the ones who charge extreamly high tax for cds and the artists get very little... or the people who copy the music and the artist get nothing (or maybe a bit more well known)
It just goes to show if the police or some orginization have to go around looking for copyed CDs there must be something for them to gain, i dont think they do it for the artist .....Maybe Your MONey..
I dont have eny so im not that worred ..

Also have you seen the new pioneer DMP-555 with MP3 Reproduction you,ll Have to hide your Chip ..
          You have not gone far away, they have gone far away and they have been going on and on for millions of years. The distance between the real man and the man that exists in the world has become almost unbridgeable. They are so far away from their own realit
DJ Pelon(Inpsyde Media)
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jul 13, 2004 17:51
"All rights of the producer and the owner of this recorded work reserved. Unauthorised copying, public performance, broadcasting, hiring or rental of recording prohibited."
sounds familiar? you can read it on any original cd out there. in this case taken from my original copy of "Psychedlically Yours 2" by Parvati Rec.
this means I have to get permission to spin it in a party from Parvati Rec. get it?
so Zombi, with all the respect, you are also breaking the law by spining your "only original" cd's... think about it.
have a great day everybody.
Inpsyde Media - Trance Mission Worldwide
Cosmic Station

Started Topics :  82
Posts :  1235
Posted : Jul 13, 2004 17:55
to rik:
i think dj pelon and DvP said exactly what you didnt understand. try to clarify some of your ideas..
IsraTrance Team

Started Topics :  107
Posts :  966
Posted : Jul 13, 2004 18:00

On 2004-07-13 17:51, DJ Pelon wrote:
"All rights of the producer and the owner of this recorded work reserved. Unauthorised copying, public performance, broadcasting, hiring or rental of recording prohibited."
sounds familiar? you can read it on any original cd out there. in this case taken from my original copy of "Psychedlically Yours 2" by Parvati Rec.
this means I have to get permission to spin it in a party from Parvati Rec. get it?
so Zombi, with all the respect, you are also breaking the law by spining your "only original" cd's... think about it.
have a great day everybody.

not at all. i don't have to ask parvati records a single thing. just pay my local copyright organisation and it's all nice and me on this one, i did plenty of reading on the subject.

have fun:
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Started Topics :  2
Posts :  203
Posted : Jul 13, 2004 18:08
The same sort-of thing is currently also happening in South Africa where they have constant road blocks all over the country, searching for all sorts of stuff ...amongst others - copied CD's.

I usually leave all my original CD's safely packed at home & drive around with the copies, since I've learned out of previous experiences not to carry originals around with me.

Around here if you have proof that you have the originals of the copies, you should be fine

Started Topics :  4
Posts :  84
Posted : Jul 13, 2004 18:47

On 2004-07-13 17:51, DJ Pelon wrote:
"All rights of the producer and the owner of this recorded work reserved. Unauthorised copying, public performance, broadcasting, hiring or rental of recording prohibited."
sounds familiar? you can read it on any original cd out there. in this case taken from my original copy of "Psychedlically Yours 2" by Parvati Rec.
this means I have to get permission to spin it in a party from Parvati Rec. get it?
so Zombi, with all the respect, you are also breaking the law by spining your "only original" cd's... think about it.
have a great day everybody.

Since you are a Dj Mr. Dj Pelon you should know better than that. But afterall, we are talking about trance djs, and I can't expect much. Try to be well informed about the law regarding the publicly use of cds and all the music formats, afterall, it's your business isn't it?

ps: I have answered to your question before in this thread.
DJ Pelon(Inpsyde Media)
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  60
Posts :  525
Posted : Jul 13, 2004 18:59
it's hardly my buisness man....hehe           
Inpsyde Media - Trance Mission Worldwide
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