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IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Jun 14, 2006 22:00

On 2006-06-14 20:43, Pisces1979 wrote:
I need a ride from Jersey City, New Jersey to the party, please PM mE.
- Malcolm

might i suggest to you and others looking for rides (and also those with extra space looking for riders) to use the Four Quarters Rideshare database:

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Posts :  21
Posted : Jun 14, 2006 22:08
8 more days until I am out of this office and camping at 4 Quarters.

I CANNOT WAIT.           [ "Music is the vernacular of the human soul." ~ Geoffrey Latham ]
[ Mayavada || Peripheral Fission || Super Secret Squirrels, DC ]
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Jun 15, 2006 02:44
Just a note to everybody, Isratrance people, especially Gaian Mind crew. I can't wait to come and spend four incredible days with everyone. I look forward to meeting a lot you( Ichiro, I see you at every party and am too shy to hello, NO MORE!, see you there!) I am squirmning in my bed, desk, office chair, driver's seat for this event. I wish everyone a safe trip to and from the festival and everyone have a safe, happy and joyus experience at the festival. Many blessings to the Gaian Mind 'crew' for hosting this event for years past and hopefully years to come. Good luck and Happy Festival-ing everyone.

Spreading blessings,

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Posted : Jun 15, 2006 05:10
@ NeuroNympho
I have no idea who you are YET... I would be offended if you don't come up! hehehe We'll definitly dance and have a fun together!
Oh hey... why don't you give me some Portuguese classes for me??? Cuz I think I should learn some more words before I go to Portugal. hehehe See you there!

Started Topics :  2
Posts :  416
Posted : Jun 16, 2006 15:52
ichirock better reserve some room for me bro
five days more and we coming.
          na kopcu Kosciuszki za sterami Komandor.OrZech..
Gaian Mind
Gaian Mind

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Posts :  157
Posted : Jun 16, 2006 20:11
June 22nd-25th, 2006, Four Quarters, Central PA

Pre-Registration ($110) for the fifth annnual GAIAN MIND SUMMER FESTIVAL ends tomorrow - Saturday, June 17th!!!

Four Quarters is already reporting a record-breaking number of registrants this year - we thank you for your continued support!

Please contact Four Quarters at (814) 784-3075 or register online:

          GAIAN MIND
Bookings: (727) 815-7695 (office) / (727) 267-0635 (cell) / gaian-mind (Skype)

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Posts :  231
Posted : Jun 16, 2006 20:12
miEtek.. of course! Room for everybody! Can't wait to see familiar and some new ones!
Gaian Mind
Gaian Mind

Started Topics :  29
Posts :  157
Posted : Jun 16, 2006 20:34
GMSF2K6 Workshops and Lectures:

Gaia: Myth, History, Philosophy with Paul and Elizabeth Livingston

Location: Stone Circle

Workshop Description: Come explore the mythology and philosophy of the ancient force of Gaia in an informal discussion.

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Slack-Line Workshop with Peter Parker

Location: Hemlock Hole

Workshop Description: A beginners look at the art of balancing your body on a thread of nylon.

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Stone Balancing with Blue Spectral Monkey

Location: Hemlock Hole

Workshop Description: A group experience to offer insight to the spiritual, meditative benefits and artistic concepts behind the act of balancing stones upon one another in a vertical manner. Instructor will provide handouts with concept outline and info, links, etc.

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Intro to Bellydance with Salima Aza

Location: Stone Circle

Workshop Description: A basic introduction to Egyptian cabaret bellydance. Posture, arms, and basic moves.

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Beginner/Intermediate Poi with Ilysse

Location: Stone Circle

Workshop Description: Here we will learn basic poi movements and techniques, and how to string them together into a dance.

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Hoop Workshop with Serena aka Doodlbug

Location: Stone Circle

Workshop Description: We will provide all the supplies and teach how to make and decorate your own fluorescent hoop, sized just for you, and then teach technique and tricks so we can take over the dancefloor with hoopy happiness!!!

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Listening, Healing, Touching, Thinking with Monet Sexauer

Location: Fire Circle

Workshop Description: Using guided meditation and simple mindful practices of contact improvisation, this workshop will explore becoming present to movements of Qi and structure in ourselves and others.

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Dianic Wicca Circle with Deborah Castellano

Location: Stone Circle

Workshop Description: A female identified only space to get in touch with your inner goddess through chant and song in a Wiccan Circle. There will be an introduction to
Dianic Wicca prior to the circle.

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Dance Alchemy with Sara Sathya

Location: Stone Circle

Workshop Description: During this workshop we will use techniques of Soma (the works of Roberto Freire), group movement, blindfolds, and sounding to create an intentional space to explore the cyclic landscape of the moving self. The experience of limitations can be transformed as we recognize and redefine our reactions, attitudes and blockages, and actively inhabit ourselves to contact and express the unique essential nature within us.

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Yoga Basics (for beginners) with Megan Kelly

Location: Fire Circle

Workshop Description: Workshop is aimed at beginners who are interested in learning more about yoga and its basic concepts. The focus will be on linking breath with movement, becoming in tune with the body and respecting the body's edges.

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Guided Jewelry Making with Laura D. Cawlo

Location: Merchants Village

Workshop Description: Choose from a variety of materials and create a unique piece of wearable art. Instruction provided as needed with consultation on stone and metal metaphysical properties available.

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Healing Workshop with Bridget, Sue, and Gabriella

Location: Hemlock Hole

Workshop Description: Working with Reiki on a daily basis to bring more balance into your life. Being more conscious of your body and mind.

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Fusion Bellydance with SamiTe'

Location: Stone Circle

Workshop Description: Explore the fundamental movements of bellydance while learning funky and creative combinations.

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Everything You Wanted to Know about Hindu Deities...! with Ankita Dwivedi & Meenal Singh,

Location: Hemlock Hole

Workshop Description: Introduction to the mythology behind the popularly known hindu dieties (shiva, kali, ganesh etc.) some history, mostly stories. Q&A afterwards.

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Finding Your Totem Guide with Deborah Castellano

Location: Stone Circle

Workshop Description: A guided meditation for you to meet and communicate with one of your totem guides, with an intro to Native American Shamanism and Totems.

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Hand Sewing for Crafts and Accessories with Luna

Location: Hemlock Hole

Workshop Description: A workshop of simple-hand sewing and stitching for adults and children. Some of the crafts and items include bags, hats, stuffed animals & poi.

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Drumming with Dan Covan

Location: Stone Circle

Workshop Description: In this workshop we will explore drum technique, specific rhythms and free style Jamming,. come and have fun, bring a drum, bells shaker or any sort of noise maker, and if you don't have any of the above still come and bring your voice and I'll show you how to drum with your breath.

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Kundalini Yoga with Melanie MacNeil

Location: Fire Circle

Workshop Description: To tap into the kundalini energy in the body in order to develop body, mind and spiritual, awareness, in addition to improving flexibility, flushing the lymphatic system, balancing the brain hemispheres and emotions as well as leading a happy healthy and holy outlook on life.

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2012 and the Global Mind Shift with Daniel Pinchbeck

Location: Covered Stage

Workshop Description: We will look at the possibility that the year 2012 (end-date of the Mayan Calendar) signifies a global transformation of human consciousness. We will explore what this might mean, how it might occur, and explore how we might prepare for it.

          GAIAN MIND
Bookings: (727) 815-7695 (office) / (727) 267-0635 (cell) / gaian-mind (Skype)

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Posts :  21
Posted : Jun 16, 2006 20:39
Looks likes I'm going to be quite busy attending worskhops.

I've been waiting all year. This is going to be awesome           [ "Music is the vernacular of the human soul." ~ Geoffrey Latham ]
[ Mayavada || Peripheral Fission || Super Secret Squirrels, DC ]
diva flamma

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Posts :  2
Posted : Jun 17, 2006 03:52


When you arrive at 4Q for the festival, please indicate that you are a fire artist/spinner/diva. Melanie, our Fire Mistress of Ceremonies, is planning a fire spin jam, and we want to know who wants to play. Also, when you enter the gates, you will be asked to review a brief version of the rules below and will be asked to sign that you have read and understand them. At that point you will be given a laminate indicting that you have registered with us and pledge to spin safely. We are counting on the fire community to self-police and help each other as safeties, etc. While people will be watching out for unsafe spinning, we also are not interested in being cops the whole time either.

In the past, we have been lenient (actually, pretty lax) about fire safety rules at the GMSF. We are extremely lucky to have the superlative grounds of Four Quarters on which to stage our annual event, and we need to tread lightly on this land. Until very recently, all of Pennsylvania's counties were under a drought watch. Despite the recent rains, it is possible that conditions will be inappropriate for the beautiful art of fire dance; this decision will be made on grounds and you will be informed at the festival whether or not we can spin.

In the event that we can perform, we are respectfully requesting that you adhere to the following guidelines for safety. The LAST thing anyone wants is to harm the audience, the venue, or ourselves as we practice our art; please read these guidelines as they will be enforced this year. The point of these guidelines is not to make performing onerous, but to protect everyone and everything around you when you perform.

Note: If we see you spinning without the appropriate fire safety gear and backup support, or while under the influence of anything stronger than coffee, we reserve the right to stop your performance. Please respect your art and always spin safely.

See you at GMSF2006!

Applicable excerpts from NAFAA Performer Safety Guidelines. (Revision 2.1)

I) Performer

A) Capable
• Performers should not attempt performance under the influence of any judgment or reaction impairing substanc e.

B) Costume
• Regular performance costumes should be made of Flame Retardant or High Heat material.
• If not, each part of the costume should be checked for flammability, and flame retarded if possible.

diva flamma

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Posts :  2
Posted : Jun 17, 2006 03:53

II) Safety Personnel
Each performance and lit practice should have at least one spotter ready to meet fire emergency needs, with additional spotters and guards as needed.

A) Guards
• Guards provide audience containment duties, keeping audience away from performance area, fuel station, and spinout zones.
• Fire safety training is beneficial with guards, but not required.

B) Spotters
• Spotters are in charge of fire safety including emergent and intentional wick extinguishing.
• Spotters should be well aware of the various aspects of fire performance and familiar with the routine to be performed.
• Spotters should be trained in flame extinguishing, response times, untangling equipment and audience control.
• When needed, the spotter responds to the audience needs, the venue's needs, then the performer's needs, in that order.

C) Safety Equipment
• Intentional extinguishing can be managed with a safety towel of damp cloth, flame treated cloth, or high heat material (duvateen, etc)
• Spotters should be dressed with the same care as a performer and should have a safety towel at all times.
• Safety personnel should be equipped with all fire safety devices they have been trained to manage. Ideally, all spotters and guards should have an extinguisher available to them.

III) Tools
Performers should use well-maintained tools. Not only should they be constructed to prevent uncontrolled wicks, they should be regularly tested to insure capability .

A) Wick Attachment
• Wicks should be attached to the fire tool via some hard limiting method. Wire, screws or bolts should be run through the wick and device. Glues and friction should not be the primary method of wick attachment for any swinging device.

B) Handle Attachment
• Shafted tools (clubs, staff) should either be made of fireproof materials (metal, carbon fiber, etc) or have a protective covering that extends at least 4 inches beyond typical flame contact zones (for a spinning staff, this is 4 inches in either direction of a wick).
• Handles should be attached with much the same care as wicks. Balls or tethers should not depend on glue or friction to remain on the shaft; some hard device should be employed to maintain attachment.
• Chain grips should be made of durable materials, or augmented with metal grommets when soft goods (e.g. leather, nylon) are used, and should be vigorously checked before each use. Any sign of wear should be considered cause for replacement. Split key rings (like what you use to carry your keys around) are not acceptable to link handles to poi chains as they cannot be reliably tested for strength/durability and are liable to break without warning. Please do not show up with split key rings on your fire tools and expect to spin at GMSF .

C) Connectors
• If the device has multiple connected parts or chains, the connectors attaching all parts together should be of a sealed ring type rated above the maximum possible stress that can be applied to the device. Again, split key rings are not acceptable.
• Any connectors that could be exposed to heat should be made of tempered metal; not plastics, drop forged or spring metal.
• Drop forged connectors (snap connects, et al) should not be positioned where they could be struck by another metal piece [to prevent shattering]

IV) Checking Tools Prior to Performing
• Before each use, the performer should quickly glance over each device to insure that all parts are in good condition and stable. A quick test is to grasp each wick and tug it away from the normal point of contact.
• Before each lit performance, special care should be used to insure all nuts, screws, and wires are tight and secure. Grips and handles should be thoroughly checked for security and the wicks should be tested thoroughly. Any sign of wear should be treated as a failure.

E) Fueling
• Tools should be soaked, splashed or basted so that excess fuel can be completely recovered and sealed or returned to proper containers
• Always spin off excess fuel, in an area free from expected foot traffic and far from ignition sources, before performing.
• If available, make use of wick attachments to catch fuel before hitting the ground, avoiding the spin out zone entirely.

IV) Fuels
The basics behind fuel safety are to insure that an uncontrolled burn does not occur, and that the audience and passive safety devices are not affected. Performers should have MSDS for all fuels used and be familiar with any special needs for them.

A) Storage and transport
• A fuel's original retail container is usually the best choice for storage and transport.
• If the original container is too bulky or unavailable, then a sealed metal container is the best overall choice. Canadian performers should use governmentally issued containers of the appropriate type. Plastic buckets are not acceptable for wick dip containers as they melt easily and lit fuel buckets can get out of control very quickly .
• Fuels should be kept out of direct sunlight, away from sparks or flame, and in vapor sealed containers--a metal paint can is ideal for this and they are extremely inexpensive.

B) Back stage fuel
• All primary fueling should take place in a back stage fueling area.
• Fuel stations should be manned by a performer, guard or spotter until completely secured.
• Always seal fuel containers and dip buckets when not in use.
• When at all possible, place the fuel area outside, behind a hard wall; and have a clear corridor from the fuel area to the stage. Never move wet wicks through the audience without guard escort.
• If you can't have a hard wall between fuel and fire (and we don't at 4Q), place a spotter with a towel between and insure that fuel containers are sealed before any ignition.
• Audience and smoking should be restricted within 30 feet of fuel station.

C) Open Onstage Fuel
• If an onstage fuel reserve is needed, all effort should be made to restrict quantity and capability of accidental spills.
• Highly stable metal containers with self-closing lids are preferred
• Fuel quantities should be less than 8 oz (240ml).
• Unneeded fuel (i.e. after use) should be removed immediately.

V) Performance
Each performance should be arranged so that the audience is never in danger of taking damage from the performer and so that the venue is safe as well.

A) Separation
• Depending on the nature of the audience (seated, drunk, familiar, passing by, etc), an adequate separation from the performer should be maintained. Barricades may be required for large audiences or certain venues.
• If the performer will be spinning tools, breathing fire, or otherwise producing effects that are not entirely within their field of vision at all times, the audience should be sufficiently separated to allow guards or spotters to intercept audience members attempting to enter performance area. Usually 15 feet is adequate.
• If the performer will be using a tool that is predominantly within their field of vision, implicitly under their control (ex. fire fingers), or the audience does not require excess management ( i.e. seated or fenced), then the performer may come within a few feet keeping in mind audience flammability differences.

C) Performance area
• The performance area should be cleared of all flammable materials, or flammable materials should be treated with approved fire retarding chemicals and tested for combustibility in a safe manner before performance.
• In the case of plant life, handle all flora as though untreated and flammable. NOTE: at 4Q, there are trees surrounding us. These are especially dangerous if they go up; please take care to notice your surroundings.

VI) Clean Up
Immediately after each performance, fuel buckets should be closed and sealed, fuel returned to approved transport containers, fuel stations locked or removed from premises and any residual fuels mopped up and removed. Hot tools should be wrapped in safety cloth until they cool down. Any exotic materials ( i.e. flame retardant) should be removed, locked or guarded.

IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  12
Posts :  154
Posted : Jun 17, 2006 06:14
cant wait !!!! so soon

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Posts :  416
Posted : Jun 19, 2006 15:39
hey folks ,how about a little meeting of isratrance ppl???
date: i would say saturday
place: coffe dragons ???
couple more days left we can think about that.
          na kopcu Kosciuszki za sterami Komandor.OrZech..
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  25
Posts :  238
Posted : Jun 19, 2006 17:31
That sounds like a good idea. I helped out with deco at an Isratrance party in Tokyo and met tons of folks who were just a screen name before. Nobody ever looks like I imagine they will haha

          Punch You In The Eye

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Posted : Jun 19, 2006 17:42
I'd be down for a netmeet as long as I'm not off at some workshop or other

I plan on spending a bunch of time at the coffee dragon's lair if last year is any indication.           [ "Music is the vernacular of the human soul." ~ Geoffrey Latham ]
[ Mayavada || Peripheral Fission || Super Secret Squirrels, DC ]
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